
Wedding plan

“Yes, next week is fine, I want to show you that I still love you,” He said still searching her eyes to see if she was serious about being tired of him.

He didn't want her to get tired of him, he wants them both forever, he curses himself for making her feel this way, he knows that Evelyn is the course of this, but each time he sees Evelyn, he finds it difficult to say no.

Maybe is a personal demon he has to fight, but he doubts if he will be able to win over this personal demon that wants to put him and Sandra apart.

Being with Sandra gives his life meaning but the outside force that always pulls him was too strong that even when he wanted to say no, he ends up saying yes.

Now he has to find a way to put Evelyn away from him, but what about his promise to marry Evelyn after his coronation?

He only made that promise so Evelyn will stop bothering him about getting her pregnant.

But now, it seems everything is coming back to hunt him down.

“Is okay, next week then” Sandra agreed to marry Alex next week.”

“Wow!” that is good news,” Clara said so happy as Sandra called to tell her about it.

“You have Noting to worry about, I will get everything arranged” Clara offered to help and be a mother to both Alex and Sandra.

She can do that, after all, she has been a mother to Alex since they were children.

The news spread and got to Sandra and Blaze.

“That is impossible!” Sandra yelled, “Alex is still my husband, he has no legal right to marry another woman.” Blaze looked at Brian and they both beg her to let Alex marry Sandra the fish seller.

“She has gone through a lot for Alex,” Brian said.

“So what about me? Haven’t I gone through a lot for him? No! Answer me, for as long as I live, Alex will not marry that Sandra” she hit the table with her fist and the table divides into two.

“That’s my table!” Brain yells. But Sandra looked at him as if she was doing Brian a favor to live in his house.

“I'm sorry,” Blaze said to Brian. “I will fix it”

“Is okay, don’t  worry about it, but she has to leave my house”

“I will talk to her” Blaze went out to talk to Sandra but she refuse to listen to her.

“Your lucky you have your own man and now your pregnant, but what about me? Alex didn’t touch me even for a night, but he got that girl pregnant, and now he is sleeping with Lincoln’s daughter. Tell me, am I that ugly?” she asks so dishearteningly

“No! Your not ugly and if I were you, I dumb his sorry ass already” Blaze said trying to lighten Sandra’s mood.

But she knows what Blaze was trying to do.

“Don’t patronize me”

“Yeah, just let them be” she tries calming her down but Sandra won't have any of it, she must stop this wedding.