
Offered help

You should have told me, but anyways you are back already. I think we should go for Clara first, then we can go for Sandra later.

“That will be fine” the next day Alex and Zack went to rescue Clara.

The security was so tight Zack tries to distracting the guards but was unsuccessful. Alex asked him to show him how to be invincible, so they try making him invincible but it was not possible.

Alex can not be invincible, he can only change to someone else.

“Who are you, and what do you want?” The guards ask him as he tries to go in using someone else’s face.

“I.. I’m…. I…. Looking for someone” he  stammered making the guards to be suspicious and they started rounding him up. Alex could only move backward, but when he saw more guards coming out he started to run and they chase after him.  they caught him but Alex fought with them and when he saw that he couldn't overpower them he hit his hand on the floor, all the men fell down and start crawling crying for help.

 Alex left them and went inside searching everywhere but there was no sign of Clara. He yells her name but no answer.  “Where could she be?, Clara where are you?, is Alex, I'm alive” but no one is answering, Alex search and search but there's no sign of Clara. He break down and cry, he can’t imagine that Clara could be no more, he care less if his father and mother are dead, but Clara is one person he can’t stand to lose. She has been his mum and dad, Alex now regret never treating her with so much respect that she deserve.  “No…no…….” he yell inside the cell kneeling and crying bitterly  making other prisoners wonder who he is.

 “Is ok let's go home” Zack picked him up. “We will try again, I believe she’s still alive”

Alex reluctantly went home with Zack refusing to eat or talk to anyone, he stayed up in his room for three days not talking to anyone. Zack tries all he could to make him talk or come out  but he wouldn't.

Clara has been the family, the only family he knew. “nothing should happen to her… Nothing can happen to her” he keeps thinking in his room. Alex swore to destroy anyone and anything in sight if he found out that Clara is dead. The only thing that will save does people is if his only sister is still alive. He swore to bring them down.

“You know you can't keep on like this, Alex you need to come out of that room it's been three days now you refuse to talk or eat.  What the hell is going on with you! You think that is the way to go about this?”

“Leave me alone, I’m not hungry and I don't want to talk to anyone.” he rage in anger making Zack remember what happens last time.