
Not invited

“No. You can stay” he leads her in, the music was so loud and Clara wasn't feeling among because no one knows her there except Jack.

He offered her a glass of wine but couldn't sit with her because Ella will rain fire down if he dares to ignore her. Jack,.. just don't want any kind of confusion in his house.

Ella notices her but she also remembers that she is Alex’s sister. But she didn’t know why she is here without Alex.

“What's going on?”,  she has to drag Jack outside demanding to know why Alex is not in his house at this special moment and why is she here?”

“Well she’s here for the party, and as for Alex I didn’t invite him.”

"Hmmm, I see, is okay ” she drag him closer to herself and kissed him making sure that Clara was looking at them because she noticed that this girl has an eye on her Jack.

 Clara was beginning to feel uneasy and wanted to leave. She was sure, that girl is doing all this because of her.

“Hey…, are you leaving already?” Jack was at her side again trying to make her stop because he can see that she wasn’t happy and he didn’t want her leaving here feeling bad.

“Hey… they will leave soon” Jack tries to explain”

“Is okay, you can go ahead and have fun, I will just go” she make to leave but Jack didn’t want her to go.

“What do you want?”  she ask him because he didn’t want her leaving and was making sure of that. But then Ella showed up.

“What are you still discussing with her? let's go in”  she drag him while Clara just looked on. She was trying to understand their relationship because last time Jack had told her that Ella is Alex's girlfriend, which means that both Alex and Jack are sleeping with her!.

She starts walking to where she will get a taxi home but Jack once again caught up with her.

“What are you doing? go stay with your girlfriend,” she said in a cool and calm voice, Jack liked the way she say it in a cool voice because if it were to be Ella there would have been a huge drama show right now.

“I’m good” Jack couldn’t face her directly while talking. But Clara made it easy for him because she found out he was having trouble communicating with her.

“Is fine, you can talk to me, what do you want to say”

“I… I send everyone away” he finally said.

“Why? you didn’t have to do that”

“Because I want you to stay” Clara smiled and went back with him, but unfortunately Ella was still there.

“And where do you think you are going with her!” she yells at him.

“After all I did for you Jack, you want to replace me with her!”

“Excuse me, I thought you are Alex’s girlfriend,” Clara ask amazed.

“Will you hold it there? I wasn’t talking to you bitch!”

“Mind your speech” Clara warned walking towards Ella but Jack stopped her.