
Find her

Alex called Jack the next day. “Where are you?”

“In the hospital”

“Why do you always end up in the hospital?” Jack ask but Alex was not in the mood for jokes.

“Please meet me up, we need to be somewhere”

"Okay, I will be there” he hung up the phone and Clara was worried.

“Why is he in the hospital,?”

“I don’t know, maybe we should go to him”

They got to the hospital but Alex didn’t like it that Jack came with Clara, he didn’t want another nagging, he had a serious headache.

But thank goodness she didn’t nag, she was just worried about him.

“I will look for Sandra, while you concentrate on doing your job as the head of the clan” Clara offered.

"Thank you, please look everywhere, she must be somewhere."

“Is okay, just relax, I will find her for you”

“You can’t go now, you’re still weak,” Evelyn said and the three looked at each other.

“What’s she doing here?”

“Clara, Clara, is okay, I got this” Alex said as Clara was about to push Evelyn out.

“She’s the cause of all this!” Clara said.

“What is she talking about?” Evelyn asks because she didn’t know what she has done to Clara and why she hates her that much.

The only crime she knows of is dating her brother. Which is no crime at all.

Is she not dating someone else’s brother? Why is dating Alex an issue?

"Look, I don’t care if you like me or not, I care about Alex, and besides where were you when he was dying?, if I did go there in time he would have died,” Evelyn said and Jack turned to look at Alex who just nods in agreement.

“Is okay” Jack held Clara and takes her outside.

"Listen, I have to go, I will always come back to the hospital for a check-up if that’s what you’re afraid of” Alex spoke in a cool and gentle tone to Her, and Evelyn smiled.

“At least he’s not hash today” she muttered "Fine, but you have to be very careful, you can’t be constantly working without resting.”

“He nods his head”

“Let me help you with this” she helps Alex put on his suit and help him up. “If you need any help just call me” he nods and thank her.

“Where are we going now?” Jack asks Alex as they drive alone without Clara.

"We need to start work immediately, first, we are looking into those who are in charge of our company, I have the documents with me, but I’ve never been there, the spiritual guy, I mean man,  wants me to report back to him so I might as well start with my case."

“That’s lovely,” Jack said but gave him a skeptical look.


“Are you still seeing her! after all this?”

“Don’t look at me like that, I didn’t call her, she came on her own, and I’m glad she did, who knows what would have happened to me?”

“Yeah, you have a point”