
Before the council

Alex's heartbeat was racing fast and pounding loudly in his ear.

He stood before the spiritual head, Vampire, and Lincoln with a few other men.

The whole council was not sitting, just a few men, Vampire pleaded to discuss the matter in private, he didn’t want the whole council to seat, if not, Alex will be removed as the head of the clan.

Lincoln sat quietly, thinking his plans are falling into place, he smirked at Alex mischievously.

Alex was nervous. No, he was more than nervous. “For goodness sakes! How did he get to this point? What will Sandra do if she hears about this

His heart not only races but is about to jump out of his chest.

Then the spiritual head spoke and Alex went dead. But thank goodness he was only asking him if what Lincoln said was the truth.

“Uh…uh…, I…I… I’m sorry to have caused you lots of problems but, uh. I did not rape her, she and I are in a mutual relationship.” Alex manages to say and turns to look at the men who are now whispering one to another.

“What are they planning?” He asks in his head.

Lincoln cleared his throat before speaking. “Do you have evidence of your clams?”

“Uh. Yes.”

“Show me,” Lincoln said getting up from his seat to go to Alex

Alex knew, that Lincoln will stop at nothing to bring him down.

“If you will excuse me, sirs, I will like to talk to Evelyn,

“This,” Lincoln hand the report to the head man sitting on the high table.

“Evelyn, don’t need to be here, this is the report of the rape” the men passed the report one to another, making Alex's heart jump, as the men who Lincoln has bribed shook their heads as if somebody died.

“Is this true?” one of the men asks, “if is true then you are not fit to rule, we should give the position to Lincoln…”

“Enough!” the spiritual head ordered.

“It has not been confirmed that he did it, so don’t bring that up for now”

“Yes my lord” the man bowed and sat back down.

Alex swallowed before speaking again. “as I said, I will like to speak to Evelyn, she’s the only person that can say the truth,"

“Fine, Evelyn will appear before the council tomorrow”. The spiritual head said.

The meeting was dismissed because of a lack of evidence.

Lincoln, was furious at his men, they didn't do their job, they were supposed to be yelling and stirring up the crowd but instead, only one man spoke.

Alex stood before the spiritual head and Vampire alone after everyone has gone home.

None was speaking, they all looks like someone has died.

The silence that fills the room was enough to send someone to the great beyond. But then the man spoke.

“Alex” he called his name, and his heart sank, he has never been this afraid in his whole life.

“Yes,” he bows slightly in respect.

“What have you done, to bring Lincoln to book?”

“What?” Alex thought the man was going to ask him about the rape case.