
Love or Truth

Minakshi is a beautiful, kind-hearted, and hard-working young woman; who wants to achieve something in her life. Abhimanyu is a handsome, devil, workaholic, and stonehearted man; whose priority is his business. what will happen when the two sides of the coin come close? Will there be a spark or a truth would separate them forever? Read out to know more

prettygirl_93 · Fantasie
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15 Chs


Abhimanyu reached home little late. He ate his dinner after freshen up and tried to get some sleep but sleep was miles away from his eyes.

Minakshi's question about his mother was echoing in his mind and ears. He was not at all close to his mom. Thankfully his dad was always there for him that is why he is alive today.

Thinking about his relation with his mom, when sleep overtake him he did not know.

Meanwhile here Minakshi was sleepless. She was thinking about their conversation on the way to home today. She was playing with her hair laying down in the bed. Abhimanyu's sudden change in mood did not leave her mind. His angry face was roaming in front of her eyes.

All the time she was thinking if she went too personal according to him. He told he is not among those who get involved in employees personal matters.

Everything was fine until she asked about his mom. Is he not in good terms with his mother, Minakshi thought about it. She made sure that she will not talk about his family with him until and unless he himself talk to her. But why would he do so she thought seriously.

Abhimanyu was sweating while sleeping. He was breathing heavily, moving his head left to right in sleep. He was dreaming something. A very bad dream. Suddenly he opened his eyes and found that he is in his bedroom in his bed. Sitting on his bed he saw in the mirror to his right that his T-shirt is wet upto his shoulder from his sweat. He went to the washroom pull out his T-shirt and put it in a bucket for wash.

He wash his face from water in the washbasin and looked at his reflection in the mirror. He came out from the washroom took his phone and called his father.

"Hello... Abhimanyu?" His father spoke from the other line.

He got worried looking at the time it is 3AM and his son called him this late.

"Dad" he said in a low voice.

"Yes, my son, what happened? Are you alright ? You called me very late and you sound very sad and tensed. What is going on my boy?" His father asked worriedly getting up from his bed.

"Everything is fine...I was just missing you...when are you coming back" Abhimanyu asked his father innocently.

A small helpless kid could be seen inside him now who want someone near him. Someone to care for him, someone to pay his shoulder with love, someone to say I am here.

"I will be back by tomorrow evening. We will eat dinner together. Okay " his father said warmly and pacifying him with his words.

Abhimanyu hanged up after talking to him and sighs deeply. He then went to sleep again.

Next day Minakshi reached office on time. Today she is wearing red coloured kurti and palazzo ( Indian dress) of golden colour. There is a golden work in the border of kurti with it she carried a dupatta of golden colour around her neck. She braided her hair in French style. She reached fourth floor from the lift and talked to Akhil and Lata about the project's work in progress. After a while she went to her desk. She kept some files there and opened her laptop. She started looking for some documents in her laptop. Meanwhile Abhimanyu also came there, he was looking tired today. Dark circles could be seen under his eyes. Minakshi stoop up from her chair and wished him good morning. He nodded and surpassed her. He is wearing white shirt with sky blue colour suit and pant. He put on navy blue tie round his neck. He combed his hair back.

Minakshi looked at him going to his cabin. Biting her lips she thought for a while and then she called on the second floor from another intercom placed there. She ordered a cup of coffee. After a while a guy came there with a coffee, taking it from his hands she walked to Abhimanyu's cabin.

"May I come in sir," she asked opening half door after knocking.

"Hmm" he replied working in his laptop.

" Sir, your coffee" she placed the coffee in his table.

He looked at the coffee and then her with creased forehead. He looked at her attire. She is looking beautiful today.

He blinked his eyes, coming to his senses.

"Did I ask for it?" He asked leaning in his chair at which she shook her head.

"Than why did you bring it?" At his question she remained silent.

"If I have dropped you home sometime it does not mean you will do anything on your own understand?" He said with a serious tone raising his eyebrows.

She was still silent with her head bowed down.

" Now leave and don't do anything without my instructions or which I don't like" he said getting back to his work.

Minakshi left from there. When she came out from his cabin she was sobbing hearing his words.