

Ann White is a nineteen year old who wants to be a millionaire. But there's a problem; she lacks the drive to actually work for it. Her mother advises her to resort to seducing rich men but Ann doesn't want that either. She doesn't want a man in her life. William Brown is a rich twenty-one year old who is fighting for the position of CEO with his other two cousins, Neil and Daniel. He's cold and indifferent but when he cares about something, he makes sure to nurture it. The four get tangled in a love...square? Rectangle? Will Ann's life turn out the way she wanted it to or will she be worse off than how she started?

G_Mumba · Urban
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41 Chs


When Ann got out from the bathroom, William was lying down on the bed seemingly asleep. She tiptoed to the bed and slowly lay down next to him. She made sure not to make any rough movements so that she wouldn't wake him up but the fact was that he was not asleep at all.

"You are finally out." William said startling Ann.

Ann nearly jolted away from the bed but was held by William who pinned her to the surface of the bed.

"What do you think you are doing?" Ann asked him alarmed.

"What do you think I am doing? It's time for you to receive your punishment."

"You cannot do that to me!" Ann exclaimed only to have William bite her ear," William please! Just give me some time to fall for you a little bit. After all I'm only nineteen! Are you seriously about to force a minor to sleep with you?!"

William pulled away from her and looked at her panicked expression.

"You are a minor who is my wife and I have consent from your grandmother to do so. Whatever you say or do right now will not stop me." he said teasingly,"If you say something I do not like then I will be encouraged to do what I want to do."

"Then I'll do everything you want...except this." Ann tried to sway him.

William stared at Ann a while longer before saying,"Then let's make the marriage public."

"Not that either."!she retorted making William chuckle dryly

He then rolled away from her. Ann exhaled sharply when William was finally away from her. She got up from the bed and then ran back to the bathroom so that this time should stay long enough to find him asleep. She stayed there until it was 11 pm and then she opened the door slowly only to find William sitting on his bed with his laptop.

"Just come out stop and stop wasting time standing by door." William said.

Ann did not refuse the offer because she was sleepy. She had been doing nothing in the bathroom which made her feel even more sleepy. She walked towards the bed dragging her feet and lay down. William covered her with a blanket and soon Ann was fast asleep. William joined her on the bed soon after because he was also feeling sleepy but he had been pretending to be busy as he waited for Ann.

At 4:00 am, William woke Ann so that they could go and workout. Ann resisted for a little bit but William managed to convince her reminding her of all her fitness goals. They left the room together and Ann was back to being her usual chatty self. When they got to the gym Ann quickly walked towards the treadmill only to be stopped by William who told her to lift some weights instead.

"Don't worry just lift enough so that you do not end up being an overly built woman."

"Alright, but if I become mishapen then you shouldn't even think of the divorce because I will not let you do it."

"You'll find someone who will love you." William said jokingly.

"Don't you dare joke about that. This is my future you're talking about like that." Ann complained as she picked up some hand weights; one in either hand,"Ohh my goodness! These feel heavier than they felt yesterday!" Ann exclaimed when she lifted the weights from the ground.

William chuckled dropping his own weights to the floor.

"Why are you laughing at me you unloving husband!" Ann screamed as she lifted the weights.

The rest of the workout was very quiet as they mined in their own business. When they were done Ann insisted that she would be the one to dress with him up for the day because he had dressed her the previous day. He agreed reluctantly wondering what she had in mind. He went to bath first while she picked out some clothes for him. She was surprised, however, when she found that he had no proper casual wear that could be worn to work as well. She was lucky enough to find a pair of black jeans, a grey t-shirt and a black leather jacket. William came out of the bathroom and saw her placing some sneakers beside the bed for him to wear with the clothes she had chosen. He frowned when he saw the clothes she had picked out for him to wear to work. He knew she knew what he liked wearing.

"I am not going to wear that." he said with a frown as he walked towards the bed.

"What do you mean? I did not want to wear what I wore yesterday either but I wore it because you took the time to choose it for me so can't you do the same for me?" Ann responded with a cute and adorable expression on her face.

"You should know that I do not find you adorable or cute so stop what you're doing to your face."

Ann felt her heart drop at his remark but she didn't say anything.

"Alright then. Suit yourself."

She went to bath, got dressed quickly and prepared to leave. She noticed that William was picked some other clothes for himself so she did not speak to him and left for the office before he did so that she would not have to see him until the day was over. When she got to the office Ann remembered what he had wanted to punish her for; the minutes! The same minutes she had not written even though he had demanded to check them in the morning. The first person she went to was Sera so that she could ask about what had been discussed during the meeting.

Ann worked as quickly as she could while sitting with Sera and Lily who had come to help out.

"I thought you were going to ask him to help you." Sera said with a smile on her face.

"I was going to but he made sure that I was not in the room for a long time so I fell asleep and I have made my situation worse by making him angry with me." Ann said as she pouted her lips.

She thought about what had happened earlier that morning when William was about to enact his punishment on her when he bit her ear. It suddenly felt ticklish so she scratched there. After an hour of work Ann finally returned to her office where she noticed someone sitting in her office.

Why does he look like William, she asked herself as she looked at the man's back as he was facing the window where she could not see his face. Neil and Daniel were not in their offices and none of the other Brown members was present so it was just her and this man on the twelveth floor. "Excuse me." Ann said standing by the door just in case she had to run.

The man did not say anything but he hummed in response.

Wow, even his voice sounds like William's, Ann thought to herself before clearing her throat.

"What are you doing in my office." she asked.

The man chuckled and again Ann thought about how similar is chuckle was to William's.

"What do you mean? I came to get the minutes."

"William!" Ann exclaimed in shock.

That was when she noticed that he was wearing the clothes she had picked out for him that morning. He spun the chair around so he could see her and he was greeted by her agape mouth and widened eyes.

"I have been waiting for an hour now. I hope you have a good excuse for why you were not in your office during work hours."

Ann came back to her senses and pulled out the papers she had been holding behind her back to show William.

"I went to get the final copies of the minutes for yesterday's meeting. Here you are." she said walking towards him with her hand out stretched to hand him the papers.

He took them and looked at them carefully for ten whole minutes.

"Good. I also wanted to let you know that we'll be having another meeting tomorrow evening so you should pick a nice venue." William instructed her,"And this time, for the sake of peace, make sure you do not space out because I will require the minutes, finished or not, right after the meeting."

Ann nodded her head vigorously before hearing William say,

"We'll have lunch together in the cafeteria so when it's lunchtime I'll come pick you up."

"In the cafeteria?" Ann asked in disbelief.

"Yes, the cafeteria." William repeated with a smile on his face.

After he had said that, William left Ann's office to go to his own office. For the rest of the time before lunch, Ann kept on thinking about how uncomfortable it would be having to eat lunch with him in front of everyone. He would seem so out of place because even though he was wearing such casual clothing it would make him stand out as he was not an ordinary man. Five minutes before the official lunchtime William came to pick her up which left her with no other choice but to follow him. She was right about how people would react. The whole time they were the center of attention.