
Love of a Warrior

They were warriors, they were gods, and they were strong, fast, and brutal in battle. We were weak humans, little and feeble, we were mere servants, not worthy to look the gods in their eyes, we were supposed to be on the floor where we belonged, scrubbing until our backs ached. But when a warrior god has his eyes on me, despite my unkept nature and unworthy position, I didn't know if I should be glad or if I was in danger.

Jennifer_Reginald · Fantasie
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8 Chs



Before I knew what was going on, I was thrown out to the streets. My wet dress and the little things I called my properties were hauled at me by my angry mistress and her daughter. They didn't even ask me to remove the dress I was testing out, they believed the cloth has been infected, so I had one dress added to my wardrobe, and I didn't completely lose.

"Please, I will not do it again," I cried, but my cries and pleas fell on deaf ears.

I was thrown out from the back door that led straight to the streets. I couldn't be thrown from the front door because the nobles were meeting in the courtroom and dragging me out of the house would bring distraction to them, I wasn't worth their distraction. Two guards were there, and I knew better than to go near the door, they would find the perfect excuse to hang my gut up their spears. When I was brought here from earth, I didn't get a job immediately, I was taken with some other girls to Madam Ethel who was in charge of giving jobs. It was an ugly experience for us because she provided us with only shelter, we had to go to the streets to hustle for our daily bread. We hardly saw food, so we stole food and sometimes go to the garbage to see what we could get.

So, whenever someone came in search of a slave, we were eager to leave with that person because we saw it as our saving grace. We would only worry about the work being meted out on us, no longer about food. I wasn't ready to go back to that life anymore. It was true I only eat once a day at the mansion, after everyone has eaten their last meal and retired to bed, but the food was decent, and I didn't have to think about where to get food.

When I saw no turning back for me, I picked my little belongings from the floor where they were thrown and searched in a little purse I took from earth, for my most treasured asset. The signet ring that that man left with me seven years ago. I found out that the symbol of the Tibians was the same on that ring. I have been wondering who that man was and why he had this signet ring. If he was one of the gods my people on earth invited to fight with them, then he probably was a warrior, and I would never see him again—I won't even recognize him, even if I did, it's not like I would go in front of him and say.

'Hey, remember me? The girl that saved you the day you were slashed in battle'

I walked away from my employers' mansion with my head bent. I couldn't look up, because meeting the eyes of these Tibians was only going to make things worse for me. They will look at me with scorn and derision; those were the last things I needed. I found my way back to Madam Ethel's place with tear-filled eyes. No one was on the porch. Usually, human girls were always seated outside waiting for their luck to shine, waiting for someone to take them as slaves, but the place was empty today, I was going to be the only one with Madam Ethel until next year when new girls will be brought here. The thought alone made me want to commit suicide.

"You horrid, little creature, why are you trudging back to my place?!" Madam Ethel boomed from her porch; her hands fisted on her waist. She was a large woman with a big bosom. As expected, I kept my gaze low as I approached her. "I have no room for old alien girls, my rooms have been arranged for new arrivals."

"Please, I will do whatever you ask me to do, I will work until my nose bleeds, just let me stay..."

"Go away, you must be a handful that is why your master kicked you out!" She started going inside and almost shut the door at me when a horse arrived and stopped in front of the yard.

The man on the horse was lean, he was probably not a warrior, but he has his sword hanging on his waist, his hair was long but not as long as mine, and his eyes were the usual Tibian color, grey, which reminded me of stormy skies. His skin was covered with warriors' dresses and fur. He eyed me before going towards Madam Ethel's porch, I looked down immediately. Madam Ethel has come out to her veranda again, her hands on her waist. It was as if it was her favorite standing position.

"To what do I owe this visit, squire?!"

"I came from the camp. I want to know if there are any available servants, the camp needs more hands," replied the squire.

My ears perked up at that and I took a few steps forward, hoping she would ask me to follow the man, but she shook her head.

"My place is empty, I have no servants, but I will ask around in the city if any commoner wishes to work for a wage."

"I was asked to return with one," said the squire.

"Only this human here and she was just thrown out by her master."

The squire turned and looked at me, my gaze remained at his feet, but I could feel his eyes on me, he made a growl which told me he was disgusted. "Can you work?"

"Yes, yes," I replied quickly, nodding my head as I spoke.

"Well, she is all I can offer for now, since it's urgent," said Madam Ethel.

The squire took out some money from his pocket and handed it to Madam Ethel, she took it and counted it.

"This is not enough," she complained.

"We will pay lesser for humans. I doubt she would last a day," the squire said and started walking toward his horse.

I followed him hesitantly because he did not ask me to come. When we got to his horse, he climbed on and I stood there looking at him, I expected that he would carry me up because the horse was way taller than a usual horse. He looked at me when I didn't move.

"What are you waiting for? Grab the rein!" he ordered.

"Oh, okay." I quickly moved in front of the horse, took the rein, and started to lead it outside the yard. Back on earth, squires were seen as errand boys, but here, I was leading one like a king. I will never forgive my papa.

We walked past the busy city and soon we were on a bushy path that led to the camp. The war front was at the deserted hills and the camp was behind it. I didn't think I liked the sound of war, but I had no choice, I didn't want to end up in the garbage. In no time, we got to the camp. The place was busy with activities, men and women walking around, smoke rising around the tents, chattering, but no laughter. That was when I knew my nightmare has begun. I was going to be the only human here. The tents looked higher than a story building and some of them were more decorated than the others.

Watching the tall, large men walking around and their feet pounding heavily on the floor made my heart race. Those men were indeed as fearsome as I have heard, they screamed of war with everything they did, and I hope I survive a day here. One slap from any of them could send me six feet to my grave. I have received a lot of slaps from the other people in the city, but I know receiving slaps from these men was going to be something else. I hope I don't mess up here. Some of the warriors were standing around with girls who have adorned themselves with jewelry and makeup. They must be the relievers, I heard that they relieve the warriors at night after the battle by giving them sex with no strings attached.

I was so lost in the scenery that I didn't know when the squire got down from the horse and snatched the rein from me.

"Follow me," he commanded.

I quickly followed him to an open tent where a woman was seated, addressing a group of girls. Her back was to the entrance, and she didn't see when we came, but the girls saw us and some of them gasped while some scowled.

"Those are the rules you have to follow here and... Ahh!" The woman screamed and flew from her chair when she turned back and saw me, her face looking horrified. "What is this?!"

"Human," came the reply. The squire held my shoulder, and I was surprised. Most of them were scared of touching us. "Madam Ethel didn't have any other worker, this was the only one available."

The woman was more interested in the squire's hand on my shoulders than the conversation. The squire had to speak again before she listened.

"Then, we will comb the whole city in search of a Tibian, she would discomfort the warriors."

The squire chuckled. "You don't understand that the warriors have fought alongside them before, they are no new sights to us." No wonder he was able to touch me. Most people in Tiba have never seen humans before and I guess this was the first time for this woman too. "Madam Zak, we have no time, the warriors need to eat and go to the battlefield, we need to be fast, we are staying up all night."

"I guess I will have to explain to Lord Ehis why this little creature would be at his tent tonight," the woman said exasperated. "You are dismissed, get to work right away," she said to the other girls.

They trooped out of the tent, avoiding body contact with me. When the tent was empty with the girls, Madam Zak looked me up and down as if sizing me up. "Come, I will assign you tasks and tell you the rules. Quan stay here with me," she added.