
Love N War: A Werewolf Love Story

Luca was kicked out of his pack at the age of 18 because he fell in love with the son of an enemy pack. He had to relocate to a new town, and for three years he felt lonely. Even though they could see each other through video conferencing, Luca was still sad. He craved his alpha's touch. "Mates are supposed to be together," Luca stated flatly. "Not be divided by a stupid feud," Luca sobbed once more. Patrick, the pack's next alpha, despised the conflict between the two packs. He bolted when he sensed danger. Their lives were manageable until tragedy tore them apart.

BeckyBamaGirl1221 · LGBT+
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23 Chs

Chapter 16

6/8/2040 (Continued)

Luca was flat on the floor before he could move. Luca instinctively covered his lower stomach with his hand to protect his baby.

"You whore!" Carl yelled at him. "What were you thinking?" he demanded angrily. Tears streamed down Luca's pale cheeks.

"My boyfriend is not a whore," Patrick said, raising his voice. Patrick helped Luca to his feet. Carl took a step closer to Luca and raised his hand to strike him.

"It's best if you leave," Patrick said sternly as he positioned himself between Luca and his father. "Dad, can we talk later?" Patrick asked his father with a glance. "I need to tend to Luca," he explained. Carl growled and stomped out of the apartment.

Ken stood up and pitched in to help clean up the mess. Patrick helped Luca into their bedroom.

"I'm sorry you had to see all of that," he apologized to Alina.

"Luca is my friend," she explained. "He said something bad was going to happen."

"I knew his father was a jerk, but I didn't expect him to beat up on his own son," Ken explained. "Can you tell my son that I'll be at the hotel until Monday if he needs anything?" he inquired, taking notes.

"I will," Alina replied, nodding. Ken waved goodbye and exited the apartment. The bedroom was filled with the sounds of Luca sobbing. Alina stepped up to the bedroom door and quietly said, "I'm going home." "Everything is cleaned up,"

"Thank you," Patrick said from the other side.

When Luca held his baby bump and cried nonstop, Patrick became concerned. When Patrick touched Luca's stomach, he whimpered and cried even louder.

"It hurts," Luca mumbled.

"Where?" Patrick inquired, his voice concerned. "Baby," Luca whimpered, tears streaming down his cheeks as he touched the area. Patrick noticed the redness on the sheets when he pulled down the covers.

"Shit," he muttered to himself. He quickly grabbed clothes from the closet, got Luca out of his blood-soaked clothes, and dressed him in the new ones, as soon as an adrenaline rush had kicked in.

"We're taking you to the hospital," Patrick said as he put his keys into his pocket and carried Luca to the car.

Patrick dialed the doctor's number while driving with the speaker turned on.

Evan replied, "Doctor Caldwell."

"It's Patrick Brown," "Luca Hodges's boyfriend," he stated.

"How can I assist you?" he inquired.

"Luca is in pain and has bled through his clothes," he explained. "We're on our way because I'm worried," Patrick explained. He hung up the phone and turned to face Luca, who winced every time pain shot through his body. Dr. Evan greeted them when they arrived at the hospital. Luca was placed on a stretcher and rolled inside. Patrick told the doctor everything that had happened that day.

"You'll have to wait while we take him into the ER," the doctor explained.

Patrick called his father the moment he stopped crying.

"Hello," Ken said as he picked up the phone.

"Dad, we're at the hospital," he said. "Can you come?" Patrick enquired.

"I'll be right over," he says. "Just stay strong," he advised. Patrick hung up, thinking to himself, "I'm losing my family." "How can I be calm?" Patrick's father arrived ten minutes later.

"Have you heard anything?" he inquired.

"No," Patrick said, shaking his head. "I'm scared, dad," he admitted. "If I ever see his father again, I'm ringing his neck," Patrick raged.

"It's partly my fault," Ken admitted. "I should have let your mate come in the first place."

Dr. Evan emerged from the ER doors. Patrick could tell something was wrong because of the creases above his brow. As the doctor approached, Patrick and his father stood up.

"Dr. Evan, this is my father," Patrick introduced himself.

"I'm sorry we had to meet like this doctor," Ken apologized, shaking his hand.

"Is my boyfriend okay?" "Is our daughter okay?" Patrick inquired. Evan's expression was solemn.

"Your boyfriend bruised his side and lower stomach when he collided with the floor," he explained. The doctor's eyes were downcast.

"What about the child?" "Luca?" "Are they all right?" Patrick inquired. His voice became panicked.

"He's sore but on the mend," "It's best if you sit down for this," Evan suggested.

Patrick and his father sat in their chosen seats. The doctor took the seat across from them. There was an uneasy silence for several seconds.

"The fall caused womb complications," "I'm sorry," he said, "but he lost the baby." Patrick's entire world imploded right then and there. Their unborn child had vanished. Patrick's blue eyes welled up and tears streamed down his cheeks.

"Can I see him?" Patrick inquired, choking back more tears.

"We had to sedate him," the doctor said as he led Patrick to Luca's room. "I'm sorry for your loss," Evan said before leaving. Patrick wiped his eyes and reached for the knob.

Patrick's face blanched as he entered the room. Wires were attached to Luca's chest and arms. He wore a mask to help him breathe.

"Babe, I'm so sorry," Patrick said as he stepped up to the bed and stroked Luca's bandaged hand. Patrick's heart raced as Luca's eyes slowly opened. His heart sank, however, when Luca's eyes became cold. They showed no emotion or expression. Luca's once-pink cheeks were now completely white. His boyfriend looked like one of those china dolls with black, void eyes.

"Luc," Patrick said sadly. He reached out his hand to caress Luca's cheek, but Luca turned away. "Please don't push me away," he said.

Patrick could only sit in a chair and observe his boyfriend as he lay motionless on the bed. Fortunately, their bond was not severed. The issue was that Luca had returned to his protective bubble. Patrick had no choice but to wait and hope that Luca would return to the real world. Despite how bad things had gotten, Patrick vowed to stick by his boyfriend's side.

"I'll never leave you, babe," Patrick promised. "Please come back to me," he said.