
Love Must After Study

Title: Love Must After Study (恋爱要在学习之后) Author: 路過的中二少年 (A middle schooler passing by) Genre: Harem, school, slice of Life, romance, comedy Synopsis: In Shuchi'in Academy, a second-ranked student of the exam, is known as the Second Unshakable King. Now he is the first rank, Asada Shinichi, the 69th Student Council President. In his address to the whole school, he said: “Sensei, in my not-too-distant life, I have realized a truth... The more hypocritical we are, the more we stop moving forward. The more we look ahead, the more things are missing. The more we care about the shackles of law and common sense, the less we can see the shadows of freedom and happiness. Everything is wrong! Human beings have limits, so I...” The principal very nervously rushed forward. “Asada Shinichi, exactly what are you trying to say!” Shinichi waved his hand, a group of beautiful girls came forward holding a novel with around a few million words. "There's only one thing I want to say, and it's only a very simple thing, Love Must After Study!"

TranslatorFanfict · Anime und Comics
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982 Chs

When the fireworks start to go off

  "So, just because this guy 'accidentally' touched your butt again and again on the way to look for us, you were embarrassed and wanted to slap him lightly, but he managed to resist. When we came, you were at a stalemate against each other before, but only now did you finally teach him a lesson... That's how it happened?"

   Rui concluded expressionlessly.

   Fumino nodded with a blush on her face, raising her head, trying not to let in her guilty conscience.

  "Just like this! Actually, I can't blame Asada-kun, after all, there are too many people here. After calming down, I realized that I overreacted."

  She bowed solemnly to Shinichi: "Asada-kun, I'm sorry!"

  Shinichi touched his cheek and smiled kindly at her.

  "Does not matter. After all, you are just like 'me', you didn't do it on purpose. I will not hold a grudge."

  As he said this, as he lowered his hand to her face, he raised his thumb, drew parallel lines on her neck, and narrowed his eyes dangerously.

  (Obviously he's holding a grudge!) Fumino almost cries. She clearly did this action to resolve the dilemma between the two of them.

  "Touch your butt… Really?" Hina looked Shinichi up and down, and showed a bad adult smile.

  "Hehehe, Shinichi-kun at this age, there will always be times when you can't help it... But is it still worse to take action directly? Would you like Onee-san to recommend you some good works?"

  Rizu shook her head: "Shinichi-san is not the kind of pervert who takes advantage of chaos to harass Fumino. He must have done it accidentally."

  She said this, but the eyes behind the lenses stared at him in annoyance.

  Shinichi didn't respond, but humbly accepted their "criticism", then turned to look at Fumino with a more frightening gaze.

  (A lifetime of reputation will be ruined here, please keep that in mind!)

   Fumino suddenly shivered.

  Shinichi almost thought of a way to deal with it, but he didn't expect that he was caught off guard and Fumino slapped him. Even if Fumino didn't use any strength, it caused a huge mental blow to him.

  Especially the dignity part.

  He had never even touched a girl's thigh in his life, let alone an ass, but now he was being slandered as a pervert who took advantage of the crowd to sneak up on his girl friend's ass... If Rizu and Rui didn't look disbelieving, Shinichi would definitely say a straight confession Fumino.

  He would rather resolve the dilemma caused by the truth than accept a shameful lie.

  He didn't think Fumino's confession to him was something to be embarrassed about... Should he say he was used to it?

  But seeing the look on his face that didn't want Rizu to know, if there was no "accident", Shinichi wouldn't tell her.


  Rui narrowed her eyes and looked at him with a meaningful smile: "Furuhashi-san slapped your face when you were in a hurry... This slap was very gentle~"

  While passing by Fumino who had a stiff expression, she took Shinichi's hand and walked towards the entrance of the stall.

  "Let's go, the dance party is over, go back and explore the unfinished stalls, it's almost time to get ready to go home."

  It's now around 8 pm. Except for Hina, everyone in the Asada family has a habit of falling asleep around 11 pm.

  The others nodded and left the lively dance party.


  Next, the five people wandered around the festival, eating and drinking, and visiting all the stalls they were interested in.

  Initially, she thought about competing, but when Hina enthusiastically joined as a troublemaker, Rui gave up on the original plan and followed everyone to enjoy the fun, and her relationship with Rizu and Fumino was the same as before.

  Of course Shinichi didn't watch from start to finish, for example he played a round and round game once.

  Through various calculations and posture adjustments, he aimed for the prize without any distractions, and threw ten circles in succession.

  Of course no one was caught, and he was laughed at by the girls' team.

  So he got angry and bought ten more circles. Under the surprised gazes of others, he turned his back to the prize area, closed his eyes and began to say silently.

  (I used my attraction to the opposite sex in exchange for a perfect hit rate... No, a 30% hit rate.)

  To be honest he didn't have any hope for this, he did this just to try his luck, after all if he didn't miss, he wouldn't be criticized.

  So when Shinichi threw the ten wooden circles back, then turned around and watched them fall to the ground, he was shocked.

  Udon cup noodles, beer, and a four-leaf clover bookmark are the perfect combination of these three things.

  Everyone clapped in amazement, but Shinichi rubbed his arm, as if something had been pulled out of his body.

  "Isn't that really an exchange of equal value..."

  Of course, no one answered his question, so he quickly dismissed it as a coincidence and gave three things in order to Rizu, Hina and Rui.

  Fumino, the only one who received nothing, wants him to try again, but Shinichi cruelly refuses. For some reason, he didn't dare play games related to luck anymore now.

  And when the clock reached 9 pm, the fireworks exploded on time, causing a commotion in the silent night.

  The five of them followed the crowd and stopped to admire the beautiful fireworks.

  Hina who was walking in front, raised her arms and cheered happily.

  Shinichi was thinking about something.

  Rui rubbed the four-leaf clover bookmark, the side of her face glowed with colorful light, and her smile was the happiest smile.

  Fumino and Rizu stand side by side. Rizu looked up at the sky and exclaimed.

  Fumino glanced at the fireworks then looked at Shinichi, she put her hands behind her back and gently held her left wrist with her right hand, as if the heat from his palm was still there.

  Then looked at Rizu who was observing the fireworks. When the fireworks that had been going on for around thirty seconds entered the lull stage, she spoke softly.

  "Hey, Ricchan."

  Rizu looked at her doubtfully.

  "What is wrong?"
