
Love Must After Study

Title: Love Must After Study (恋爱要在学习之后) Author: 路過的中二少年 (A middle schooler passing by) Genre: Harem, school, slice of Life, romance, comedy Synopsis: In Shuchi'in Academy, a second-ranked student of the exam, is known as the Second Unshakable King. Now he is the first rank, Asada Shinichi, the 69th Student Council President. In his address to the whole school, he said: “Sensei, in my not-too-distant life, I have realized a truth... The more hypocritical we are, the more we stop moving forward. The more we look ahead, the more things are missing. The more we care about the shackles of law and common sense, the less we can see the shadows of freedom and happiness. Everything is wrong! Human beings have limits, so I...” The principal very nervously rushed forward. “Asada Shinichi, exactly what are you trying to say!” Shinichi waved his hand, a group of beautiful girls came forward holding a novel with around a few million words. "There's only one thing I want to say, and it's only a very simple thing, Love Must After Study!"

TranslatorFanfict · Anime und Comics
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982 Chs

Na Na Na Na

  The student council will officially end its activities next week, and presidential registration will close next week, the list of candidates will be announced the next day, and the campaign will begin.

  The presidential candidates' speeches and voting day were October 15th, and today is only September 10th. There is still more than a month of preparation time, so there is no need to rush to start discussing election strategy now.

  So, the meeting ended without any incident. Just when Shinichi thought it was office hours and everyone should go back and start handling official business, Kaguya opened the official documents in her hand and brought a laptop dedicated to the student council.

  "It seems the Academic Affairs Office has sent a video, and they want us to see if it's necessary to include it in next year's new student council promotion... Ishigami-kun, please check it out."

  Ishigami took the laptop and nodded in response.

  "Okay, let me look for it…"

  With his fingers typing skillfully on the keyboard, he quickly logged into the student council's mailbox, downloaded the video sent by the Academic Affairs Office, and connected it to the projection screen on the wall.

  Shinichi originally thought it was nothing, it was just an ordinary school commission, and when he had already pressed the light switch, he suddenly had a bad feeling at the word "video", and a cold feeling suddenly appeared in his heart, a bad thought became clear in my mind.

  "No, it's impossible... This shouldn't be a coincidence..."

  Knowing that it was too late to stop what was happening, Shinichi prayed that it wouldn't happen the way thought it would.

  Then within a few seconds, under Ishigami's operation, a video started playing on the projection screen.

  From dark to light, the simply constructed stage suddenly became clear.

  "Damn it!"

  The bad premonition came true, and a curse escaped Shinichi.

  Curse words appeared in vain in the silence, and cast a strange look. Iino, who was also a member of the disciplinary committee, even reflexively scolded him.

  "Asada-kun, please don't use bad words!"

  "...Forgive me." Shinichi took a deep breath, quickly calmed himself down, and tried to make a final rescue, "But I think this movie needs to be stopped, because I have already watched it. ... "

  Moreover, his speaking speed couldn't keep up with the video playback. Chika still glanced at the screen and suddenly exclaimed.

  "Ah, it's Asada-kun… Is he going to appear on stage?"

"Is this what the school wants us to watch? Watch Asada's performance?"

  Everyone turned their attention back and looked more curiously at the pair of men and women walking on the stage side by side on the projection screen.

  Knowing that it was too late to struggle at this time, Shinichi had no choice but to lean against the wall with a pale face, and review the scenes of two days ago with them.

  The person who recorded the video was not in a good position. He seemed to be hiding in a corner next to the stage as if he didn't want to be discovered. However, the actions of both the male and female protagonists are captured very well. Especially the protagonist. Whether it is intentional or coincidental, the heroine sometimes disappears, but the protagonist's words and deeds are always very clear.

  "Itsuki, you are so kind..."

  After seeing this clip again yesterday, Shinichi decided to go to a convenience store to buy meat buns on his way home, and used his cruelest moves to unpack them.

  He's inept and angry here, but the film doesn't stop because of him.

  Soon, everyone in the student council heard Shinichi say the first line so affectionately—

  "…Maybe I came here just to complete this kind of mission."

  Even though Shirogane had the same knowledge as Kaguya, he sighed unconsciously.

  "Amazing... This is already at the level of a real actor..."

  The boys turned to look at Shinichi in disbelief, and then turned around and not wanting to miss the next plot, stared closely at the people they knew in the film.

   The emotional Iino had become completely immersed in the film, while Chika stared blankly at the scene in front of her. She has a unique talent in this area and is most sensitive to art. She was of course the most shocked.

  "Is this... the other side of Asada-kun..."

  Chika muttered like this in a daze.

  The video is not long and will end soon.

  The picture darkens again, and everyone still doesn't seem to be finished.

  "I'm not saying that the referee is too indifferent, am I? They should have let them finish the show. It's really unpleasant to end up suddenly in a place like that."

  "Yes, that's a shame. Initially, I thought that if the animated plot was adapted to live-action, it would turn into embarrassing nonsense to death, but it turned out to be completely different! The acting is so stifling that I can't question it, and everything from the eyes to the emotional expressions without any carelessness is completely at the level of starring in a big movie. I can only give a thumbs up."

  "The evaluation is too exaggerated, Ishigami-kun... Well, I want to say that, but this time, I think there's no harm in exaggerating."

  "Ishigami... Ishigami... Which animation plot are you talking about? I want to see... Ishigami... Where did such a touching performance come from..."

  "No, you cry too much, Iino..."


   Chika who was rarely outside the discussion circle, regained consciousness, her eyes shifted from the projection screen to Shinichi who had been standing next to the light switch, with an expression of disbelief on her face.

  "How is it possible... Asada-kun, I didn't expect that you could not only imitate voices, but also perform so well..."

  Hearing her question, some people also cast their eyes on Shinichi, and agreed with her and asked how he achieved such acting skills.

  "It is nothing. To survive, everyone can do something like that."

Shinichi showed a warm smile to everyone, but he didn't show the slightest hint of joy.

  "It doesn't matter...?"

  "That's not something that needs to be discussed in front of me...?"

  Shinichi smiled and said, "No?"

  His bottomless eyes, black like a deep pool, stared straight at them, as if hearing an answer that didn't satisfy him, he would immediately go berserk and shed the student's blood.

  "Yeah... Let's just pretend we didn't see it."

  The others smiled somewhat stiffly and nodded repeatedly.

  For a moment, the student council room was filled with friendly smiles, and a harmonious and friendly atmosphere.


  The sun has set.

  Looking up from the pile of official documents, Shinichi looked at the time and realized it was almost time to head back.

  Maybe because Chika hasn't been quiet since watching the film. She didn't make a sound or suggest a game to play. It felt like more than an hour had passed in just the blink of an eye.

  Of course, no one would complain that the official work was carried out smoothly, the student council would soon be disbanded. As Iino said, they had to do their best work until the end and leave no regrets.

  Shinichi got up from the sofa and walked towards the president's desk.

  "President, I will put the documents here."