
Love Must After Study

Title: Love Must After Study (恋爱要在学习之后) Author: 路過的中二少年 (A middle schooler passing by) Genre: Harem, school, slice of Life, romance, comedy Synopsis: In Shuchi'in Academy, a second-ranked student of the exam, is known as the Second Unshakable King. Now he is the first rank, Asada Shinichi, the 69th Student Council President. In his address to the whole school, he said: “Sensei, in my not-too-distant life, I have realized a truth... The more hypocritical we are, the more we stop moving forward. The more we look ahead, the more things are missing. The more we care about the shackles of law and common sense, the less we can see the shadows of freedom and happiness. Everything is wrong! Human beings have limits, so I...” The principal very nervously rushed forward. “Asada Shinichi, exactly what are you trying to say!” Shinichi waved his hand, a group of beautiful girls came forward holding a novel with around a few million words. "There's only one thing I want to say, and it's only a very simple thing, Love Must After Study!"

TranslatorFanfict · Anime und Comics
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982 Chs

Is this the game of ignoring?

  After receiving the dry towel from the maid, Shinichi thanked her politely, then turned his gaze to Ichika who was sitting in front of him.

  "Is there a need to be very happy..."

  It's almost like winning the lottery... No, maybe it's not that simple.

  After he took Ichika from the bearded uncle in such a sudden manner, the girl always smiled like this.

  Quickly wiped off the drops of water on his arm, and stroked the goosebumps that appeared.

  "Hmph~ why am I so happy, you should know this well right? Shinichi-kun!"

  With a bright smile in her eyes with deep meaning, Ichika wiped her short wet hair and winked at Shinichi ambiguously.

  "The person who saved me from the 'bad guy'."

  Instead of amusing herself by looking after Ichika, Shinichi wiped his face with a random towel.

  Wet clothes and trousers are naturally damp, in this cafe there are no hair dryers. Fortunately, the warm air sent by the air conditioner is still strong. After wiping off the excess moisture, the risk of catching a cold should be avoided.

  "Um, it yuka is wet, too bad... It will take time to change it..."

  Ichika's troubled voice is heard.

  Gently rubbing the collarbone, she opened the yukata collar.

  She seemed to be talking to herself, but her voice wasn't too loud, just enough for Shinichi to hear.

  "If I take them off, I won't have clothes to change, and if I don't take them off, I'll catch a cold… After all, I'm not wearing underwear, and it's vacuuming in, it's so wet and cold, it's so uncomfortable. "

  Shinichi: "😐"

  Yes, it shouldn't be so exaggerated, right?

  Ignoring her hot ears, Ichika raised her eyes shyly and looked at Shinichi, as if expecting his reaction.

  Then as expected, the youth on the other side had an expression as calm as a prominent monk looking across the world.

  "I know that..." Ichika sighed as if admitting defeat, but her smile never faded and was still bright.

  Shinichi remained silent.

  To him, the teasing was as simple and boring as child's play.

  It didn't matter whether Ichika was wearing underwear under the yukata, and it didn't matter whether she was wearing underwear now.

  Can he see it? Can he touch it? If he couldn't, caring about this kind of thing would only show his style was inferior, and he might be labeled as a pervert, which wasn't worth the loss.

  If he is really interested in Ichika, Shinichi will try his best to catch her first, and then ask her to prove to herself what it's like not to wear underwear under the yukata, and then use his boyfriend's identity to play hooligan recklessly.

  The only difference between a pervert and a man of normal will is the legitimacy of his actions, depending on whether he can find an excuse that is acceptable to the majority of people... Most of those who can't find one have entered the police station.

  For the time being, Shinichi had no interest in playing hooligans or being treated as a pervert, so after putting down his towel, he took out his cell phone, which was undamaged even after being hit by the rain, and started to swipe it himself.

  Ichika watched his movements, and puffed out her cheeks in displeasure.

  "Thirty minutes went by quickly, right? What about the time we agreed to talk? Bring Onee-san to a place like this, let me get drenched, and play with your cell phone without saying a word..." Ichika gripped her chest collar tightly, and her voice trembled slightly.

  "Could this be the so-called ignoring game?! Shinichi-kun, you really..."

  "... How many times do you want to play the same routine?" Shinichi finally raised his head, and looked at her helplessly, "In the first place, you're younger than me, and you're not even an Onee-san. Next, I need to report to others that you are safe, it's best to contact Itsuki as soon as possible, don't let them worry about you."

  "Ah, you're right!" Ichika didn't care about molesting Shinichi, and quickly took out her cell phone from her pocket, and opened the chat software.

  Even though no one had texted her, Itsuki had told everyone in the group to gather at the nearest convenience store, then take a taxi to get back together after the gathering to celebrate birthdays early.

  Even though the fireworks had to be cancelled, today's fun had been halved, but within their group, no one showed any frustration or regret.

  Even Nino, who cares about "those memories" the most and looks forward to the fireworks the most, immediately avoided the topic of the fireworks display, and followed everyone to discuss the preparations for the birthday party.

  The rain couldn't extinguish their burning enthusiasm, Ichika couldn't help but laugh when she saw the message notes in the group kept refreshing.

  [Everyone, let's play games all night today!]

  Subconsciously, she typed this message, but her thumb stopped on the send button, unable to let go for a long time.

  (Even if I say this now, after I go home after the auditions, I might not be interested in playing games at all...)

Ichika wore a troubled expression, which she usually covered up with a smile.

  Ichika smiled faintly like this, looked at the phone screen, then deleted the message verbatim, and reposted a new message that something happened suddenly at her place of work, asking them to go back first and not wait for her notification message.

  Shinichi lifted his eyes from his cellphone screen, glanced at it and thought to himself