
Love Must After Study

Title: Love Must After Study (恋爱要在学习之后) Author: 路過的中二少年 (A middle schooler passing by) Genre: Harem, school, slice of Life, romance, comedy Synopsis: In Shuchi'in Academy, a second-ranked student of the exam, is known as the Second Unshakable King. Now he is the first rank, Asada Shinichi, the 69th Student Council President. In his address to the whole school, he said: “Sensei, in my not-too-distant life, I have realized a truth... The more hypocritical we are, the more we stop moving forward. The more we look ahead, the more things are missing. The more we care about the shackles of law and common sense, the less we can see the shadows of freedom and happiness. Everything is wrong! Human beings have limits, so I...” The principal very nervously rushed forward. “Asada Shinichi, exactly what are you trying to say!” Shinichi waved his hand, a group of beautiful girls came forward holding a novel with around a few million words. "There's only one thing I want to say, and it's only a very simple thing, Love Must After Study!"

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982 Chs

How Can Someone Be So Clear About Fishing?

The results of the Red Team and White Team's battle have been announced, and the top three in various competitions have also stepped onto the stage to receive their awards. Yotsuba didn't go up on stage due to illness, and Nino received the awards on her behalf.

"This is the first time in my life I've received so many medals, and actually, I gave them to my sister..." Nino descended from the stage, carrying a bunch of medals, feeling quite complicated.

In the prolonged heated atmosphere, this year's Shuchi'in Academy Sports Festival finally officially ended.

In front of the school gate, luxurious cars continued to leave the school.

Shinichi and the others were among them, but they weren't planning to go home; they were here to escort Yotsuba.

Cleaning up afterward was the task of the sports festival executive committee and had nothing to do with the student council, except for Yotsuba. She was a member of the student council sports committee and, of course, also served as a crucial member of the executive committee.

Now that Yotsuba had to go to the hospital for an examination, they decided to finish the work for her, so the executive committee wouldn't be short-staffed, and no one would object to Yotsuba's absence.

"I'm really sorry... After I recover, if you have any instructions, I'll definitely go through fire and water, even if I die..."

Pushed in a wheelchair by Miku and replaced with green-haired hair ties, Yotsuba lowered her head in embarrassment.

The person she was apologizing to was an Student Council member who looked helpless.

"That's true... Forget it, it seems fine to say that." Nino sighed, too lazy to scold her again, and waved her hand weakly.

"Take your medals and go to the hospital soon. Ebata-san is almost here."

"Ehehe~" Yotsuba scratched her head in embarrassment. A bunch of gold medals hung around her neck, which was a gift Nino received on her behalf. The only bronze medal was given to their second pair, which was also Rizu, who was here to keep it.

She looked around at everyone, placed her hand on her knee, became serious again, and sincerely apologized.

"Today, I really caused trouble for all of you..."

As soon as she half spoke her words, Nino's eyes widened, and she stared at her. "Why didn't you tell me some nonsensical words again?"

With a stern look in her eyes, Yotsuba hastened her speech.

"If you get better, let me take responsibility for cleaning the house! Fumino and Rizu too. If you need my help in the future, just say it! Help me apologize to everyone in the athletic club and the Sports Committee!"

After speaking, Yotsuba glanced at Shinichi but didn't say anything. She lifted her head and pointed to Miku.

After Miku received that look and bid farewell to everyone, she pushed Yotsuba to the school gate to wait for Ebata to pick her up.

Behind the two of them, Itsuki looked at their departure and smiled emotionally:

"Have you finally untied the knot in your heart... I feel Yotsuba is much more relaxed now..."

The others nodded in agreement.

Compared to Yotsuba, who was forced by heavy pressure all day and desperately chasing victory, it felt like the sun breaking through the clouds.

"It's time to be honest." Nino crossed her arms and said angrily, "That kid keeps a lot in her mind and keeps trying to make everyone smile, but when she becomes stubborn, she doesn't even care about herself... It's tiring to live like this, really foolish."

As she said this, there was a hint of distress and pride in her eyes that she didn't even realize.

She felt sorry for her suffering, and she was proud of Yotsuba's gentle character.

"If we weren't too soft, many people could live more comfortably than they are now." Fumino sighed softly and said to Shinichi next to her, "Am I right? Asada-san saved another confused girl."


Shinichi smiled mockingly. As president, how could he not hear the irony in her words?

Don't pay attention to such words at all; just face it casually.

So Shinichi said, "The words spoken by Her Royal Highness Sleeping Beauty in the Forest of Literature do make sense. I was deeply moved and cried, unable to refute it."

"Stop acting weird there."

After staring at him sharply, Fumino gave him a slight push without any force, just for a show, more like a tease.

Maruo decided to end communication after the match, as if he didn't want to use Shinichi's phone any longer, leaving only instructions for Yotsuba to go to the hospital for an examination.

"Okay, since Yotsuba has already left, let's help with the cleaning!"

A pair of hands suddenly reached out from the side and pushed Shinichi away from Fumino.

Nino put her hand on Shinichi's shoulder, and while pushing him towards the sports committee members, she secretly glanced at Fumino.

Their eyes suddenly met, and sparks of electricity exploded in the air for a moment. They both smiled simultaneously, showing a confrontational feeling without a smile, then turned their faces away.

Itsuki and Rizu followed and walked back towards the school against the crowd of students and parents preparing to leave the school.

On the way, Nino released her hair tie, fanned the back of her head, and complained at the same time.

"It's already autumn, but tying a ponytail is still boring... My hair is also heavy, and it's hot if it's spread out. No matter how I do it, it's not right."

Shinichi replied casually, "Then tie it into twintails."

"No, it doesn't suit me." Nino firmly refused.

"The side ponytail also looks good." Shinichi added.

Nino glanced at him, "Regarding the side ponytail, the one who pushed the wheelchair earlier..."

Shinichi's eyes twitched, whether this girl was too jealous or she really noticed something.

"Bun-tou. You can always tie a bun-tou, right? It's very Chinese style."

"No, it's too troublesome to tie it."

Shinichi looked at her helplessly and stretched out his hands.

"Well then, I don't know. Tie it however you want."

Nino stared at him in disbelief, "Are you an idiot!? Isn't there the simplest solution?"

Shinichi reacted quickly and said hesitantly, "How about cutting it shorter?"

"Do I have to cut it shorter..."

Nino pulled back her angry expression, slightly pouted her lips, and said hesitantly:

"But, I've had long hair like this for more than ten years. If I cut it..."

With a pair of dead fish eyes on his face, Shinichi turned around and still spoke with a sincere tone.

"Don't let go of the old one, don't let the new one in. Memories shouldn't be a burden to the body."

"Okay, because Shi-kun said so... Then I'll go to the salon when I get back~"

There was a joyful smile in her eyes, and her expression seemed slightly regretful, but Nino caressed her hair as if she had already made a decision. It was clear that she had the answer in her heart and just wanted Shinichi to say it.

Or perhaps, she wanted to rely on it as a reason for making a change and asking for his responsibility.

"This is really..."

Seeing the girl singing happily, Shinichi sighed.

He already had quite a lot on his shoulders, and now Nino wanted him to take responsibility even for small things like this.

It was just a sweet burden.

Fumino following behind, pulled Itsuki and Rizu while looking at her back warily.

"Judging from the aura around him, Asada-san must be thinking of something bad right now. He's full of desire and random thoughts. You shouldn't approach him at the moment, or you might easily get eaten!"

"Eaten?" Rizu tilted her head, not immediately realizing the true meaning of the word.

On the other side, Itsuki's face turned slightly red, and she quickly pushed away the fantasies that almost appeared in her mind. She took out a notebook and looked at Fumino seriously.

"Can you teach me how to distinguish changes in Asada-kun's aura? As vice president, this is a skill I must master!"

Fumino: "..."


Ichika laughed happily in Itsuki's pocket. After laughing, she even shouted that she wanted to return and love each other as soon as possible.

Meanwhile, Nino walking ahead, had already begun to hold Shinichi's hand through his body cover while smiling like a fox.

The November sun was setting, and the sports festival gradually came to an end.

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