
Love Me One More Time

"Why did you do that? Why the hell did you do that? Didn't I tell you to stop bothering me? I don't like you and how many times do I have to shout it in front of you just to make you understand that I don't like you? I don't love you and that's the last thing I will ever do!" They say words cut deeper and harder than knives. A knife can be pulled out but words are embedded into our soul. It leaves unseen and long-lasting scars. But guess what? She knew it, yet she wanted to take a sip of her sorrows and drink from her trapped bleeding heart. ~~~~~~~~°~~~~~~~~°~~~~~~~~°~~~~~~~~ It all started 8 years ago when she met him and fell in love with him. The problem was that he already has a girlfriend and he doesn't like her. But a stubborn and spoiled brat Samantha Soriano couldn't accept it. So she made a decision and planned everything to make Luke Marcuz Williams her man. But fate didn't seem to cooperate with her stupid plan as it failed her, in which she ended up trapped with him in an arranged marriage. A marriage wherein everyone's eyes were perfect, full of love and respect, but in reality, it seemed like hell. He made her life a living hell. They didn't know that behind those smiles painted on her lips, tears flowed silently... and behind those laughs she was sharing, pain and sorrow were hidden carefully. Until she learned to let go and learned the truth that he will never start loving her, no matter what she does. But... What if everything suddenly changed after four years? What if he started showing the care and love he should have done 4 years ago, will she be willing to forget everything that happened and leave them behind? And if she realizes she has never really forgotten him, will she be willing to give him a chance this time or will she be ready to be with the man who once caused her pain?

JaycelleRodriguez · Urban
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202 Chs

Chapter One hundred fifty-six: Their blooming relationship

Days, weeks, and a month passed quickly and I witnessed how Luke really had changed. From a womanizer, a rude, heartless, and cold person that I had met when I was sixteen to a sweet loving man, a complete husband material, and a father figure to our daughter.

In these past few weeks, he has shown me and proved that he's really worth a second chance.

I can see the love shining in his eyes every time he looks at me and feel the warmth of his care whenever he touches me, guides me when I walk, holds my hand with his free hand, opens the car door for me, or even my apartment door.

I can hear the excitement in his voice when he calls me and the sincerity whenever he says I love you, and a kiss on my forehead whenever I couldn't answer it back.