
Love Me, Mr CEO

“Do you want me?” “What?” “Do you want me?” She looked at him and walked out of the office quickly and he looked at her and went behind her and grabbed her arm and pulled her to his chest. “Why are you running?” “Let go please…” she said and looked away from him. “I want you!” he said and she looked at him. “i do too but I’m scared,” she said and he looked confused and looked at her. She looked up at him and was about to talk but her eyes widened in fear

Lily_Bear_ · Urban
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6 Chs

Chapter 2

Jihey was getting ready for the party with Soo-min and Sooyoung for getting the job at Atlantis Electronics. She had to read the email from time to time to make sure she wasn't dreaming and even pinched herself. Jihye was sitting on the couch waiting for her friends to reach home. Moments later, Sooyoung arrived at the apartment.

"Ji Ji ! I'm here for the party," Sooyoung said and hugged her.

Jihye smiled and Sooyoung went inside and started to play music. Jihye went to throw out the soju but she decided to drink orange since she has to wake up in the morning.Sooyoung was playing music from her playlist and was eating and drinking.

"Ji, I'm really happy for you!" She said excitedly.

"I am happy too. I had to make sure it's not a dream,"

"Well, it's not a dream. Kitty knows the boss, they are friends. I could tell you about him and show you his page,"

"Kitty? I thought you had a girlfriend. Are you cheating on her?! Sooyoung!!! I thought you were better!!"

"What, NOOOOO!! I'm not cheating on her. That's what I call him!" She said while searching for Minseo and laughing.

Jihye was also laughing at her. She showed her the phone with Minseo's profile.

"This is who you are working for. This is your boss," She said as she took Sooyoung phone.

Jihye was shocked to see her boss. Her boss was young, hot, and sexy. Jihye could take her eyes off her future boss.

"Ya, Ji. Are you okay?" Sooyoung asked as she drank.

"Y-yea I'm okay. I never knew my boss was that young and hot," She said and Sooyoung laughed.

"I also have something else to show you," She said as she scrolled through Minseo's page.

"Who is that?" Jihye asked curiously.

"That is his daughter, Do Ae Sook. She is his pride and joy and he loves her. I don't know her mother. No one has ever seen her and he wishes to keep it that way," Sooyoung explained and Jihye nodded.

"Well, she is cute," Jihye said as she looked at the picture.

Sooyoung could see a romance blossoming but she will keep it to herself. While they were talking, Soo-min had finally arrived and they began to part like there is no tomorrow. Sooyoung took a picture and sent it to her social media.They continued partying and having the time of their life to escape their stressful life until tomorrow.

It was 8 pm and Minseo was still at the office. Everyone left the company three hours ago but Minseo stayed at the office for a while. Ae had woken up from her sleeping and was sitting in her daddy's lap looking at the computer and playing with her rattle. Minseo was getting tired so he decided to pack up his bag and place Ae in her car seat and grabbed her back. He locked up his office and went to the elevator.The elevator came to a halt and he exited and entered his car. He placed Ae in the back along with her bag and closed her door and headed to the driver's seat. He started the engine and drove home.

Minseo had finally reached home. He exited his car and went for Ae and his and her bag from the back. He made his way to the front door and was greeted by the maid and butlers. One of them had taken Ae from Minseo. So he can exercise and shower before he feeds her and puts her to bed. Minseo went to his room and changed into his gym clothes. He then made his way to the gym while Ae was playing with a maid. Minseo put on his sweat site with a blue loose shirt.

Minseo put on some music and started to exercise.An hour passed and Minseo had finished working out. He left the gym and made his way to his bedroom to have a quick shower and get back to Ae. He had finished bathing and had his pyjamas on. He made his way to Ae. He took her up and placed her in the high chair. The butler had prepared a steak dinner with red wine for Minseo and an oatmeal cereal with tiny slices of banana and strawberry.

They carried the meal to them and Minseo started eating while feeding Ae. He thanked the butler for the food and started eatingThey finally finished eating and Minseo put his chair under the table and took up Ae and placed her on his shoulder to burp her while going upstairs. She had burped and Minseo got her ready for her bath. After he had finished bathing her, he wrapped her in her towel and carried her to the bed. He placed her in her pampers and her pyjamas. Her pyjamas were light pink shorts with a shirt with her initial on the pocket of the shirt.He then took her up and went in the rocking chair and sat with her in his arms looking at her with love and adoration.

"Ae, I love you so much that you don't even know. I promise to always protect you for anything that will harm you, even your so-called mother. Your mom was really something" He said to her and she was laughing and babbling.

"But I won't fill your tiny head with nonsense especially when your mom is involved" he said and He then laughed and kissed her. He started to sing and rocked her to sleep.

"Good Night Ae. Sleep well. We all love you," He said as her eyes closed.

He turned the mobile and walked out of Ae room and closed the door and walked to his room and went in and took up the file and read through it and ended up falling asleep holding the file in his hand.