
Love me brother.

"Did you realize, you are talking to your brother? he said with a death stare. " we had sex few minutes ago, Don't you realize I was your sister then why pounding on me like a wide cat.

kudz · Urban
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25 Chs

chapter five: first day at work.

Anna had no other choice but to be his P. A, she had see her picture which delicate that she was dead, now she final understand why Regan asked her to had a change of name, it all because of this. And now she had not meet her mother who was on vacation.

She never taught for a second that Regan could be a beast and now his wife was treating her with death. she sighed with relief and leaned her back against the wall. She wish, she had any other hope to stopped herself from working for Regan but she just return back to the city and had no money or less she work for Regan, and use the money she gets from her job to fly back to town, she was still lost in taught when she had a foot step, looking up it was Regan leaning his back against the door, she does not notice him or putting the door on lock.

she glance at him, there was no use hidden her nakedness from him, all she could do was to grabbed a towel and wrapped it round her holding the hem tight as he walks towards her with a devilish smile.

" What did you want? She asked with a shaking voice .

He said no words, he place his hand on her cheeks and lowered his head and pressed his lips on her lips, then he look up at her with a smile creating a delicious dimples.

" Just to say good night and making sure you comes to work very early tomorrow. He said rubbing his thumb on her lips as his left hand over tight but she pushed him backward and he laughed softly.

Clam down pal. Am not here to sex you, don't you miss our good night kiss? He asked and of course she do miss those good night kiss, everything is now different he was not the same guy she had knew. he is now married and a brother to her.

I consider your silence yes, you do miss those kiss. don't worry you could get that back every night. it a promise.

" Can you please leave my room now Mr. Regan, I expect you to be with your wife. She said looking so serious.

" Seriously.

please, just leave. " She said .

She grasp as he sudden pull her closer and takes her lips, invading his tongue into her mouth, leaning her hands against the wall as the towel fell off, she can't just help it but fell into his trap once again, he knew her weak point and he was using that against her.

She found her lips moving against his, both getting wet under the shower, she grasp the moment his finger struck inside her as she glance at him with panic then he smiles lightly at her.

" you want me just as much as I want you. He whispered into her ear bitting her as he let go off his hand and pulled away from her. " Good night pal.

He turned to leave but Anna suddenly grabbed his hand as he turned to look at her with a smile, he knew she could stopped him.

" please don't leave me alone in this mess and walk away. Anna plead looking into his eyes.




Anna turned to the other side of the bed with a soft grunt, she does not even remember how she ends up on her bed, and what happened between her and Regan last night was just something she does not want to think about. She grabbed her phone just to check on time, only to see a message left by Regan.


She grasp and jumped off the bed, the time was past ten, how come she had slept so long, and all she could do was to blame the sex she had with Regan, but it makes her felt so good that a smile spread on her lips.

" stop smiling now silly girl, he was only taking advantage of you! She said to her self with a light slap and quickly dashed into the bathroom, having a cold shower, get dress and was dashed out of the room, she was leaving when she storm on Susan.

" Don't you think you are too pretty with this dress? Susan said and Anna wondered what is wrong with her dress, she was fond of short dress.

" what do you mean? Anna asked, she only had a light makeover.

Are you trying to seduce my husband with your short? She yelled with anger coating her voice. it okay, it your first day at work, dress pretty, but don't get mad if I destroy your face if you tired to come close to my husband or even tired to seduce him with your short.

" forgive me ma, I will make sure I don't look too pretty next time. " she said.

Better. susan snap and walked away then Anna smirk then left.



Anna rushed down the elevator, rushing inside without noticing Regan alone inside with her, his eyes was focus on his phone. She leaned her back and sighed with relief.

" Am doomed, that jerk won't spare me this time. She said out loudly.

" You are late Ms. Anna. She grasp with shock hearing his voice and turned to look at him, she was going to the thirteen floor and here she was still on the sixth floor.

" Regan.

She called looking shock and all the sudden the elevator stopped and the night went off above their head, she scream out calling out his name.

" Regan.

She screaming hugging him tight, she was afraid of the dark right from kids, which he knew about, He could felt her shaking and her heart pounding fast, Just then a voice was heard from the speaker, asking them to be patience for an hour to fix the problem.

" An hour in the dark. She cried out and Regan smile. good the elevator stopped with the light off alone in the dark.

"Are you still scared? He asked and she nodded her head with her few shut. He pushed her a bit backward but she hugs him back, He knew how she is, he knew everything about that and now he was loving this moment. He moves his hand slowly at her slender back, down her ass, she grasp with her eyes wide opened and quickly pulled away from him.

" What do you thinking you are doing Regan? He asked.

" Did you want me to make you plead just like last night. He asked moving towards her, she does not move an inches as he pushed her against the wall and moves his hand under her skirt, as his finger pull his pant aside as his finger stroke inside her, She glance as he stroke his finger in and out.

" Regan, please stop. " she whispered in a pleading voice.


" Don't act as if you don't want this dear sis. " He said pressing a kiss on her lips and all the sudden, she pushed him backward.

" Just stop this Regan. She yelled at him breathing heavily.