
Love me anyway, ok ?

Clark didn't expect to be a wizard "Is magic real ? Is that a joke ?" after all, a giant dude with an umbrella and a letter doesn't prove much "....are you trying to abduct me and sell my organs?" he was even on the verge of refusing to join this so-called school of magic, but after seeing the giant use his umbrella to set his stepmother's hair on fire, filled with fear and curiosity, he resigned himself without asking for more... a moment later, an accident at ollivenders awakens something in him, while he was holding his first wand... ( wont be harem or anything like that, he might have a crush on bellatrix tho ) --- ( about the title, if you have any suggestions go ahead, I took this one just to be able to put the abbreviation LMAO ) Sadly i don't own harry potter or anything related, i just own clark and stuff like this it's a try so comments are ok i guess, not like i would read them ( ok maybe i would ) joke aside let a comment i need advise on it oh i almost forgot thanks for loosing ur time reading me ^^

wisemonde · Bücher und Literatur
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34 Chs

Wizarding world for mudblood - part 1

It was nothing but a normal summer day in the life of an average little boy, who was going through life like many before him, although unlike others children of his age Clark was subject to some weird luck that often cost much to others... Sole survivor of a dozen crashes...

In fact, he was even held responsible for most of them if you asked his family, the few family members surviving his 'curse' as they liked to call him, but even today it remains to be determined if this term was referring to clark or his deadly luck...

Anyway, it was a monday when Clark was brought out of his dreams by a knock on the window facing his bed, at first convinced that it was another prank of one of his half-brothers, he tried to go back to sleep. But the sound of the shock against the glass of the window becoming louder and louder was to much for the young boy. He decided, unhappy and maybe a little angry, to get up from his star wars sheets with the previous night in mind. He couldn't help but pay a particular attention to this memory of a happy time long gone, replaced by this disturbing cohabitation which he knew was temporary, after all his stepmother half his father's age wasn't going to let clarck corrupt her little angels as she so screeched last night...And he knew that counting on his father to stand up for him and refusing anything to her wasn't even possible in a dream, he tried to dream about it once but then he couldn't even sleep that night...

A shock so strong that the window should have shattered echoed, snapping clark out of his thoughts, looking at the window as he slowly approached he felt a certain tension come over him, a mixture of fear and curiosity at the sight of what appeared to be an owl tapping on the window pane, when he was close enough of the window he noticed the letter in the owl's beak, the owl stopped banging against the glass and stared at him instinctively he felt that she would not hurt him but simply wanted to give him this envelope which despite the horned beak of the bird did not appear bent or damaged, the fact that he knew it was a she didn't appear strange since his mother used to send him letter with an owl when he visited his father's family years ago, long before the first incident wich caused him to be excluded from this part of the family...at least by the surviving members of it.

Deciding to follow his instinct he slowly opened the window, held out his hand to the owl trying as gently as possible to claim the letter that seemed to be intended for him, joy filled his face for a moment imagining a letter from his mother when the envelope was dropped by the owl landing slowly in the palm of his hand. At the same time the owl took flight, leaving behind a feather like a proof of its passage Clark grabbed it and put it on his bed with the envelope, putting down the envelope he noticed a name Hogwarts and a crest on it, composed of what he believed to be a gryffon,a badger, a snake and an eagle, but when he was about to open it he heard his step mother calling him for lunch, putting down the letter, he went downstairs heading for the dining room. Hearing a motorcycle at the same time but before he could think of it he was jostled by his half-brother Xavier clucking like a chicken which made his fall a few steps later satisfying. Xavier often fell after disturbing Clark but he seemed unable to make the connection between these two things, unlike his elder brother guillaume who always sent him to perform the pranks for him since his fall on a bicycle and the visits to a doctor he didn't understand everything but he couldn't forget his mother's face when the doctor talked about permanent damage making him potentially sterile...

arriving in the dinner room clark said his usual

"good morning everyone, hmm Samantha...Xavier fell again i'm not sure if he hurt himself or not..."

To which she answered mechanically, while going in the corridor to check the state of her son

" Again ? Can't you leave your half-brother in peace little demon ? "

Clark sat down to eat his breakfast, a glass of juice and a bowl of a silly brand cereal supposedly better than his favorites because it was Xavier's favorite, thinking back to his fall clark couldn't stop laughing, seeing xavier and his stepmother come to eat he felt disappointed at the idea of ​​a fit xavier, ready to annoy him all morning but once again he was taken out of his thoughts by the doorbell, his stepmother went to open it and the time to take two spoonfuls of cereal he heard her calling him in an angry voice ,he almost believed her voice was also full of fear but he knew that nothing could scare the diamond digger she was.

After another spoonful he got up and joined her at the entrance to his father's house, arriving there he saw what appeared to him to be a giant holding a pink umbrella as he could see the sun shining behind him like if he came to life and sought to show off the immense stature of the man even when the pink umbrella made him look weird... Before he could even ask anything the stranger entered and asked him if he had the time to read the Hogwarts admission letter, to which he replied with visible disappointment in his eyes that he hadn't had time to open the letter nor even read it since he had just received it, hiding the desire to ask if his mother could have been the one who had sent it, holding the fear of hoping again for news that didn't arrive in his heart.

His stepmother asked with an annoyance that could be read on the wrinkles of expression on her forehead "A letter ? and you did not think to warn us ? now a tramp comes ringing at our door by your fault ", the giant replied instead of Clark "I'm not a tramp ma'am! I'm Rubeus Hagrid the keeper of the keys and premises at the prestigious school of-" she interrupted him "so it's a school and you're the janitor ? is it a school that lacks the budget to send the janitor to 'new' students? besides I don't remember enrolling him in that school-" seeming to lack patience Hagrid insisted" I'm sorry but I have a rather short time to respect and I'm already late otherwise he would normally have had time to warn you " Clark then asked with a blank face " hogwarts...is it one of those places where my father wants to send me ? " surprised Hagrid repplied "I don't think so, usually people are registered from birth but your case is different, it was headmaster dumbeldore himself who checked it, your name didn't appeared in the book of admission at ur birth but one week ago" his mother-in-law then asked "how did it appear in the admissions book ? who takes care of this book ?" which seemed to remind Hagrid of something important "oh sorry ! I'm in such a hurry that I forgot the most important thing, Clark you're a very special child, a magic one , you're a wizard ! " his stepmother's dry laugh sounded before she tried to push the giant out of the house, screaming "a crooked bum trying to kidnap a child for another crooked bum who's probably a wanted pedophile " mumbling one last part about the lack of discretion of the man who prevented her from getting rid of the little demon by letting him kidnapp Clark...

With an enraged look Hagrid held out his umbrella to the stepmother "Never insult Professor Albus Percival Wulfric Brian Dumbledore in front of me again " and suddenly clark could see his stepmother's hair catch fire and hear her screaming running in all the senses, hesitating between laughing or going to hide somewhere to escape the giant armed with a flame-throwing pink umbrella...he finally decided to ask him "so magic is real? are you sure you're not trying to kidnap me and sell my organs?..." this question worried Hagrid who then wondered what kind of life this child could have led to worry about such a thing instead of being amazed by magic as any muggle child was when discovering this one so he repplied " yes magic is real and i wont sell your organs...anyway usually you have to buy a list of things for your first year, but as you are a special case professor Dumledore has arranged it for you in advance. I'll take you where you can buy them don't you worried about the payment it is part of the teacher's preparation"

i hope it's not too bad ^^' thanks for reading it

wisemondecreators' thoughts