
#Chapter 13# I forgot Pinky

It was past twelve. I had already started to doze off. I laid my head to rest on Asher's shoulder. He was still well awake and wasn't showing any sign of tiredness. I guess my tiredness is due to the pool of tears I shed.

"Tara, don't you want to go lie down? The nurses have prepared a room for us to spend the night. You'll feel more relaxed on the bed." Asher's mom said, tapping my shoulder.

"No ma. I'm fine this way." I replied. 

"Mom. It's okay. She will sleep better with me beside her." Asher said, smiling.

"Hey. You both should stop this Romeo and Juliet." You're making me feel like my Romeo is in space. He is not too far from me; I can get him if I want. So stop oppressing me." Asher's mom said it jokingly.

Asher and I laughed.

I love his mom. She is so full of life, joy, and love. She always makes people around her feel happy and lively. She is a very cozy person.

"Why are they still here, Mrs. Smith?" Officer Nelson asked Asher's mom, looking at where Asher and I were sitting.

"They should go take a rest. It's been a hectic day. The nurses have prepared a room for you all to spend the night in. You all should go now." He continued. 

"Okay. I'll get them." She replied to him.

She then walked up to us and said:

"I think Romeo and Juliet would have to go to bed right now."

I was bothered about leaving there. I want to stay there until I know my mom has gained consciousness.

"Tara, you don't need to feel worried. The whole hospital is surrounded by policemen. Dr. Antonio and Officer Nelson are staying right in front of the I.C. Unit. You've got nothing to worry about. She'll be fine." Asher's mom said it consolingly.

I felt relieved by her words. After all, I was very tired and sleepy. I got up, and we all went into the room.

The room was well arranged. There were two big beds in there. The room had a very pleasant smell. A nurse brought in two nightgowns for Asher's mom and me to change into.

"Nightgowns for the ladies. You can change into this after taking a shower." She said this, placing them each on the beds.

"Thanks, nurse." I said. 

"You're welcome. I'll be taking my leave. If you need anything, over there is the telephone; dial 387 to reach the reception and make your complaint." She further stated:

"So who's going to shower first?" Asher's mom asked, facing me.

Just turning our heads to where Asher was, we found him already asleep on the bed. I never thought he would fall asleep so quickly. He wasn't showing any signs of sleepiness at the reception.

"This is the latest time he has slept. He always gets to bed early. The latest he could sleep is 10:30 p.m. He must be very tired." Asher's mom explained.

I looked at Asher and felt happy within me. He is just like his mom. He sacrificed his sleepy eyes to watch over me.

"I will bathe first." She said that and went into the bathroom.

I sat beside Asher, waiting for his mom to finish taking her shower. I placed my hand on his forehead and watched him snore.

"Sleeping Handsomeness." I said within me.

I kissed his lips and whispered good night into his ears. As I was about to get up from the bed, he dragged me back, and I fell on his chest. We were both looking into each other's eyes in love. He placed one hand at the back of my neck and the other on my waist. He bent my head closer to his and kissed me passionately. He reached out to put his hands under my skirt. His gentle touch on my lap made me kiss him more deeply. I unbuttoned his shirt and rubbed his pack in an erotic manner. In the twinkling of an eye, we were half-naked and horny. Suddenly, we heard knocks on the door. We abruptly ended our romantic scene. I took a towel and tied it around my body.

"Come in," I said.

A nurse came in.

"I brought toiletries for you." She said.

"Thanks," I said.

She dropped them and left. Just as she left, Asher's mom came out of the bathroom. Her eyes fell on the toiletries, and she said:

"Oh! I was just about to make a request for these. So thoughtful of them."

"You can go in now, Tara." She continued. 

"Sure," I replied, smiling.

"What puts the charming prince awake?" She asked Asher.

"Nothing mom. I just woke up to take off my dress. I'll soon be going back to sleep. Good night." He replied to her and looked in my direction to wink an eye at me. I smiled back and went into the bathroom.

Asher was already asleep by the time I came into the room. I pecked him on the lip and went to lay on the bed with his mom. I picked up my phone to see if I had any messages. I've got messages from Bella, Ryan, and Benedicta. I opened Bella's message first since it was at the top of the list.

"Hey, Tara. How are you and Pinky? Can I video call you? My cats want to say hi to Pinky." Bella wrote. 

It was then that I remembered I had a pet and that I had left her at home. I rushed out of bed and went out of the room to search for Officer Gabriel.

"Tara, why are you still awake at this time? What do you want?" He asked curiously.

"Sir, did your sergeants see my cat at the house?" I asked anxiously.

"A cat?" he asked.

"Yes. She has white and brown fur. I left her in the house when Asher and I hurriedly left the house." I explained. 

He took out his phone and called a sergeant who was watching over my house.

"Sergeant David, how are you and how are things over there?" He said this and paused a little to listen to his response.

"Did you guys notice any animal, a cat to be precise, in the apartment when you found Tara's mom?" He asked further and waited for a response.

"Please, I need some of you to go into the apartment and search thoroughly for the cat. It has white and brown fur. Reach me if you find it or do not." He continued. 

"Tara, I've informed the sergeants and they will find your cat. So don't worry and go to bed. You'll see your cat tomorrow morning. I assure you." He said this, placing his left hand on my right shoulder.

I nodded my head and reluctantly went back into the room and went to sleep.

"Dear God, please protect Pinky wherever she is." I said within me as I lay on the bed.