
Love is not over [BL]

When Kasai meets his senior Apollo he is instantly drawn to him. He wonders why the cold and seemingly arrogant senior has taken his attention so much. What makes things worse is that this senior doesn't give him any attention. As their attraction for each other grows Kasai soon realizes He may have more history with Apollo than he could have imagined.

Jadielwe · Fantasie
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8 Chs


A flustered Kasai backs up from the locker room door. He felt so embarrassed being there at that moment as people were being intimate. He tried to turn back slowly and not make a sound. He did his best to hurry out of the gym but when his ringtone rang out, he froze. 

As Blackpink's kill this love, played he wanted to die. He wished the ground would swallow him whole. He cursed his love for K-pop and the loud intro kill this love had. He had chosen that ring tone specifically due to its loud intro now he cursed it. 


He immediately felt sick to his stomach. 

"Shit..." He turns around slowly trying not to start crying, he did not want to be there. Kasai looks over at the guy who was shirtless and had his jeans open. He could see the black Calvin's underwear he wore underneath. 

"Come here!" The guy demanded. 

Kasai slowly makes his way to the shirtless guy trying his hardest not to stare at his abs or tattoos. He just couldn't believe how handsome the guy was. He felt like he had seen him somewhere but couldn't recall where. "What did you see and hear?" 


"Don't lie to me!" 

"I promise I did not see a thing... but I heard... well I heard m-moans." 

The senior guy scoffs and places his hands on Kasai's shoulder, "I don't want a word of this to anyone, or else I will break every bone in your tiny body, understood?" 

Kasai nods as his heart races. The guy doesn't stop looking at him and suddenly pulls him closer by the waist. 

"I need you to use your words, now tell me, did you understand what I just told you?" 

"Yes...I heard you P." The senior smirks letting him go, "Choose this university, It's so much fun." The senior guy says and winks at him before walking back to the locker room. 

Kasai stares at the guy in awe feeling butterflies in his stomach. His phone rings once again. 

He takes out his phone shaking, when he sees the caller ID, he groans seeing Ten's name appear on the screen. 

"What?" he whisper-yelled. 

"I found your wallet; it was in my bag pack all along." 

Kasai feels like yelling at Ten but holds back, "FINE."


Present day 

"And here I was thinking we were soul mates or something because I suddenly had a dream about him and drew him the moment I woke up...I had just forgotten about our encounter in the gym." Kasai says sadly resting his head on the lunch table as Kyro and Fiat listened to him attentively.

"Well, it's fine... so what if you caught him hooking up with some chick?" Fiat said trying to cheer him up. "He is hot, it would be weird if he didn't hook up with random chicks." 

"Yeah, and so what if you two aren't having this magical connection, what matters is how you feel for him." Kyro says with a reassuring smile. "Life is what you make of it, don't worry about outside factors and go for what you want." Fiat fiercely says, "Like for example, I will confess to Ton soon." 

Kasai sits up, "You two rock! Thanks for giving me strength." 

He gets up grabbing his bag, "I will take P out for lunch!" Kasai smiles brightly at his friends. "See you guys!"

He rushes off to go find Apollo just as Ton walks over to them with his food. When he sees Kasai in such a rush, he calls out to him but is ignored by the boy who was in a hurry. 

"What's going on with him?" Asked Ton sitting beside Fiat. He couldn't stop looking back wondering what was wrong Kyro smiles, "Nothing is wrong, he is just chasing his destiny." Kyro gets up and winks at Fiat, "Now it's fiat's turn to chase his." 

Ton was confused, "Huh? What destiny? Chasing what? Where are you going?" 

Kyro smiles again, "I will see you later." 

When he walks away Ton turns to Fiat, "Am I missing something?" 

Fiat could feel his heart racing, he wanted to tell Ton how he felt. Kyro had just given him the perfect opportunity. He moves closer to Ton who had started to eat his food. 

"Ton." he calls out to him after taking a deep breath. 

Ton looks over at him, "Yeah?" 

Fiat thinks for a bit before asking, "Have you ever liked someone so much that you feel like you can't tell them?" 

Ton suddenly starts choking. Fiat gets him water shocked at his reaction. 

"Ton...do you like someone?" "Who is it?"

Ton looks over at him trying to catch his breath. "Kasai...." 

Fiat felt his heart sink. 


He nods slowly, "I think I might be in love with Sai, but I have never dated a guy before... I'm not sure." 

Fiat forced a smile on his face, "Wow...that's insane!" He chuckles, "You like Sai? That is crazy." 

"Yeah, it happened randomly." 

"So, did you tell him?"

Ton looks down sadly, "I asked him out, but he refused, I think he doesn't think I'm serious about him but fiat, I really like him." 

Fiat was fighting his tears at his point. He didn't want to look in Ton's eyes and bit his lower lip to stop the tears. 

"Can you help me convince him?" 

Fiat nods, "Of course... I will do my best for you two to become a couple." 

Ton hugs him tightly, he was overjoyed his best friend would support him completely unaware that Fiat was crying now. 


Kasai spots Apollo seated with his friends in an empty lecturing hall, he walks in confidently and stops in front of Apollo who was confused. He didn't expect to see Kasai at this time and wondered what the kid wanted. 

"P' Apollo, may I take you out for lunch?" His friends start laughing at Kasai's sudden request. They found it funny and cute. 

"Oooo Pollo, your new boy is Adoreable." his friend Fei teased as she looked at Kasai amused at his bravery. 

Apollo looks at Kasai and grins, "Why are you acting like you're asking me on a date or something?" 

"I am."