
Love Is But A Chance.

No one falls in love by choice, it is by chance. No one stays in love by chance, it is by work. And no one falls out of love by chance, it is by choice. … “ Let go of me, you monster!” yelled Delilah with tears streaming down her flushed face profusely. Her soul froze the next moment she looked into his eyes, it blazed like an abyss of iciness, ruthless and cold, his grip on her tightened. " No way" he hissed, his voice low, dripping with venom. … After her childhood sweetheart, Su Zhe Jin (Harrison Su) moved away, Chen Qing Qing (Delilah Chen) was devastated. She, with her family also planned to move few years later but who thought they'll be caught in a terrorist attack. Delilah, a shy, jovial, innocent girl with a very fragile personality. She moved to D city to further her high school education. There in Fulfilled Dreams High School… Was a story on its own. One night, while scheming through the attic in her home, she found a box… more like, the box found her. The box revealed numerous secrets that made her believe her life was filled with mystery. After high school, Harrison travelled out of the country while Delilah began to face crisis after another when a woman and her daughter claimed to be the real wife and daughter of Chen Xiao (Delilah's father) She was forced to get engaged to the crippled son of a wealthy family. Harrison returned home to find out that she had got engaged to another man from a wealthy family. Resentment, jealousy, anger, the feeling of betrayal overwhelmed him to do the unthinkable. «««««««♦»»»»»»» I hope you enjoy reading it as I did writing. Remember to vote and leave your honest reviews, this humble author is always ready to listen to your thoughts. ♥ midsummer07.

Midsummer07 · Teenager
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99 Chs

Chapter 89- Baby, Mum Is Back.

The two boys nodded and rushed up to little Harrison.

A short while later,

" Ah!" pain filled wails rang out as little Harrison beat the boys up instead.

Zeng Meng was shocked, he was about to rush up to little Harrison himself when five huge men in black appeared out of nowhere and surrounded the little couple.

He stopped when he saw the scary men," Young master, sorry we're late" the leader bowed to little Harrison and said.

'Young master?' Zeng Meng was shocked.

It was at this moment he noticed the expensive branded clothes the two little kids were wearing.

" Hm, let's leave, my wife is tired" little Harrison said as he looked provocatively at Zeng Meng. He held little Delilah's hand, but she didn't move, her head downcast.

" What is the matter, don't be scared, we are safe now, he won't bully you again, alright?" he thought she was still scared, but she was worried about something else.

" Butterfly" she raised her head and looked at him, eyes glistened with tears. It was then little Harrison noticed the broken butterfly jar on the ground.

" Don't worry, I'll have the guards catch all the butterflies in the park for you, don't be sad" little Harrison coaxed like a worry wart husband, the scene is so warm but some people were not feeling the warmth. At. All!

Bodyguards: "…" Did he just say all the butterflies in the park? Young master, please forgive us.

They couldn't even bring themselves to imagine it, huge men in black suits and shades running after butterflies in the park.

The bodyguards wanted to cry, but they couldn't, they could only accept their fate reluctantly.

The little couple soon left a while later.

Zeng Meng clenched his fist as he watched Delilah leave with Harrison, his heart ached tremendously, ' I don't like you' ' You are a bully' ' You're ugly', those words struck his heart badly, if he stopped being a bully and looked handsome like little Harrison, will she like him?

Meanwhile, in the car,

Little Harrison gave her a candy,

" Thank you" she said softly as she took the candy from him but didn't eat it.

Little Harrison looked at her, he knew there was something bothering her, but he couldn't guess what it was.

" Qing Qing" he called gently as he held her hand," Is there something bothering you? You can always tell me anything" he said.

Tears suddenly began to drip from her face," Jin Jin… will, will you hate me if I become somebody else's wife?" she cried.

Little Harrison felt his heart ached," No Qing Qing, I won't because I will never let you become someone else's wife, you are my only wife, and I am your only husband okay?" he answered wiping her tears with his thumb gently.

The scene changed.

Little Delilah was in her room playing alone when the door opened and a woman came in," Baby, mum is back" the woman said as she put down her bag, went on a knee and stretched out her arms.

" Mummy" little Delilah ran into the woman's arms.

Delilah looked at the woman's face, it was a bit blurry.

Her breathing suddenly quickened, her head began to buzz, her vision of the memory began dissolve, a pain shot from her brain and ran through her body, her whole body ached terribly.

" Delilah, Delilah, can you hear me? Wake up" she heard a voice calling her, she saw a faint light, and reached out to touch it. It felt as if she was drowning, she swam towards the light, but it was too far.