
Love Is An Experiment

Samantha knows that her life as a stripper is not exactly what she'd dreamed of as a little girl. But it's all she's known for years, and she works hard to make ends meet. When a mysterious billionaire offers her a contract marriage, she's torn between her head and her heart. She knows that something is not quite right about the whole situation, but the lure of a better life is too strong to ignore. But as she gets deeper and deeper into the mystery, she soon find herself caught up in web of secrets and lies and she must decide.

PEN_DN · Urban
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6 Chs

Chapter three

How am I going to explain to Sarah? I'm worried about how to tell my sister about the billionaire and the contract marriage. I don't want to lie to her. What should I do? 

The loss of our father had hit my sister hard, and I felt powerless to help her. It was like there was an invisible barrier between us, and I couldn't figure out how to break through it. My sister had always been the sensitive one, while I was more resilient and independent. I knew that our different reactions to the loss were partly responsible for the distance between us, but I didn't know how to fix it. I just wanted to make things right again, but I didn't know how.

My driver was already standing in front of my house.

"Good morning, Miss Jones!" He was always so chipper, and it was refreshing. I smiled and said.

"Good morning, Elijah. It's great to see you!" 

We chatted about the weather and other mundane topics.

When we got to a Chinese restaurant, I noticed that he'd pulled up to the front door.

"We are here, Miss Jones"

Finally, the drive felt like eternity. 

"Oh, thank you"

"I will be right there when you are done"

He pointed his finger at the park. I nodded and left while he zoomed off. I approached the Chinese restaurant and saw a man in black suit outside.

"Please, follow me, Ms. Jones"

He said.

Oh, great! This guy that I have never seen in my life also knows my name. I followed him as he led me through the restaurant. The walls were decorated with beautiful paintings of Chinese landscapes, and the floor was a rich, dark mahogany. The air smelled of sweet and savory spices, with a hint of fresh ginger. Come to think of it, I have never tasted Chinese food, maybe I will today. At the back of the restaurant. The man opened the door to a private dining room.

A black woman in a navy pants-suit and a sleek black bob was already seated. She looked at the door.

"Samantha Jones?" She smiled.

"Yes, sorry I kept you waiting" I smiled back.

She stood up to shake me, I reciprocated.

"No, it's fine. I'm just glad I wasn't late, I wouldn't want to be on Mr. Williams bad side by delaying his bride"

I don't know if I should smile to that or not.

She laughed and we sat. 

"Anyway, I'm Charlotte Jackson and I will be your attorney. Let's get started"

She brought out her laptop.

"Mr. Williams hired my firm to be your outside counsel to assist you in the contract negotiations, have you seen the contract yet?"


"No? It should have been sent to you"

She said as she typed quickly on her laptop and turned the screen to my face. I peered at the document, twenty-five pages? Nah.

"There is no way I'm going to understand this"

I politely said.

"That's why I'm here"

She smiled, she turned the laptop back to her face.

"Are you aware that the duration of this marriage is a year and six months, after, you'd divorce?"

What? Why is he getting married if he wants to get divorced after a year and six months? This is fishy...


I replied.

"Well, now you are aware"

"May I ask a question?"

"Yes, you are free Ms. Jones"

"Why is he getting married if he wants to get divorced after a year and six months? And why contract? I want to be sure of what I'm getting myself into"

"Mr. Williams is from an extremely wealthy family and is a complex person that no one can understand so I don't know the reason but I can assure you he's not a bad person and nothing will happen to you, it will be in the contract, if anything happens to you, he would face some laws so you have nothing to worry about. I'm with you"

How the hell is she so reassuring?


I nodded.

"Let's move on"

She typed on her laptop and turn it to me. I looked at the page.

"It's says in Section thirteen-C that if you decide you want to leave the marriage before the duration is complete or break any contract terms or have an affair, there's a whole list--- you'd pay it all back"

"Pay it all back?"

"Yes, you have to read it so you can understand better

Also, you'd be paid every month , like seven figures every month"

What? Every month?

"Every month?"

"Yes, Ms. Jones. And..."

"And? If he's rich and from a wealthy family, why is he buying a bride and why me? he must be awful"

"No, no, no, He's not. I assure you he's not"

"What happens if he breaks the marriage before the duration is complete?"

"He will pay a certain amount, it's in the contract so you have nothing to worry"

"It's just...it's just crazy and seems to good to be true"

She leaned forward.

"Crazy is an understatement, Ms. Jones, I understand. I'm your attorney, I know I shouldn't take Mr. Williams side but trust me, I've worked with him before, nothing bad will happen"

"What about my sister?"

"Your sister? It doesn't say much here. Mr. Williams doesn't appear to be doing much for your sister, there's money of course but you won't get any of it if the marriage doesn't last. It says here that Mr. Williams will be offering room, financial assistance to any of your dependents"

Her eyes on the laptop.

I took a deep breath.

"I'm okay with the terms, but I have a condition"

"Go ahead"

"My sister has to live with me"

"Umm... It doesn't say here that you can live with her"

"What? I can't live with her? I can't leave my sister alone"

"She's a young adult but I'm going to talk to his lawyer. That's the only condition you have?"


"Ok, I will send a copy of the reviewed contract to you, then you sign and send"

I nodded. She stood up.

"Have a lovely day, Ms. Jones"

" Thank you"

I left the restaurant with a heavy heart without even trying any Chinese dish, I was torn between staying with my sister and getting out of my current situation. I was worried about leaving her alone, but I also knew I couldn't keep living like this. I was stuck between a rock and a hard place.

"I was ordered to bring you and your sister to the cabin," Elijah told me as I approached the car.

"Why?" I asked. 

Elijah hesitated, then said, "I'm not authorized to answer that question. I'm sorry."

Oh Perfect, how am I going to convince Sarah?


"You home?"

I slammed the door. There was no reply.

"Pack your things, we are going somewhere, just pack useful things"

"Not interested"

I halted my steps. Her eyes on her phone

"What? I'm not asking you to, I'm telling you to pack your bags, we are going somewhere"


"It's a long story, just pack few things"

"Did you finally seduced an old rich man? The guy outside with a nice car, new clothes, new heels, they look expensive, what a wonderful and brilliant sister I have"

She slowly clapped and approached me.


"I'm not stupid and I'm not interested in whatever you are into, I won't follow you to that..."

I slapped her cause I couldn't even take what she was saying anymore.

"I'm your older sister! learn to talk to me"

"Yes yes yes, whatever. I'm not interested in whatever dirty you got yourself into"

She adjusted her hair.

" If only you know. I don't have the time now, just pack your things or you know what, don't pack anything"

"I'm sure I didn't stutter, I said I'm not going with you, just leave like dad and mom left us" a tear fell from her eyes.

I don't know what to say to her right now. I'm so pissed and seeing her cry breaks my heart.

"I don't want to ever be apart from you, I promise you it's a better life and not a rich old man. I promise you will understand why I made this choice, are you proud of your sister stripping?"

I held her face between my hands as tears fell down.

"No, I..."

"With this, I'm going to stop it and you will have a better life"

She hugged me.

"Why do we have to go through these things? Why did dad die?"

"Life isn't fair dear"

I tightened the hug.

"The man outside is waiting, let's go" I said.

She released herself from the hug.


"Let me grab a few important things"

She came out minutes later and we left.