

Samantha is a kind, innocent young woman who is attempting to move on from her past. She meets Leonard, a shady and perilous character connected to the Denton mob. Even though Samantha is drawn to Leonard, she is aware of how drastically different their worlds are. Will their respective worlds separate them or will they be able to reconcile?

Daoist6BtmeT · Teenager
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6 Chs

Chapter 6

I stooped awkwardly in the office's centre, unsure whether the desk chair was mine to sit in or if he would take it. His hands were still in the same pockets, which I now know are filled with a stack of folded cash, while he stood at the doorway at this time. "At the end of each night, it will be your responsibility to run the books and count the registers. He finally took his hands out of his pockets and strolled across the room towards the desk, saying, "What I mean by the books is this". 

He rounded it and swung the chair back. After he sat down, He brought a stack of receipts from the drawer. 

These will be entered into the computers by you. It would be best to record any receipts with charges for the "VIP-large group" in this book before entering them into the computer once you have received approval. Tomorrow someone will demonstrate for you. 

What exactly is a "VIP-large group"? Noting that it was logged individually, I questioned. I squirmed as he sat back in his chair and stared at me. You are not permitted to ask questions. He shocked me by saying, "Do as you're taught, and you'll be paid $40 an hour to start. He used the phrase "to start" as if I could get more. Therefore, I got more than I had anticipated. 

And as I mentioned, once the bar shuts its tabs, you'll count the registers to ensure everything is for the next night. Are you still with me? While he awaited my reaction, Leonard continued to lean back in his chair, his elbow resting on the armrest and his hand resting next to his mouth. I tense up inside whenever he touches his mouth.

"Yes, I think so," I replied, casting a quick glance across the room to avoid meeting his piercing gaze, which was riveted on me. The question, "Do I have a uniform?" I quizzed him. "You won't be seen coming back here. The past two outfits I've seen you in are a great example of what will pass for proper, but you can't wear sweatpants, he said, his eyes roving down my body. I took a sip and nodded. 

I have a lady of the house that effectively oversees the bartenders and dancers. You'll be shown the ropes by her. He informed me, "You'll address her with your inquiries. Do you not have any employment here? That made me scowl. Just "I come to check on things" was all he said. 

"How long will it be?" Realizing he hadn't stated anything, I asked him. His thick obsidian hair softened somewhat when he ran a big hand through it, which suited him well. He took off his suit coat and draped it over the back of his desk chair next, which about killed me. I've never seen more of his body's shape before. He has muscle all throughout. I am aware. Wow.

The pulls are visible even through black cloth, and because of the bend in his back, his broad shoulders are more prominent than his more thin waist.

We're open on Sundays, Wednesdays, and Thursdays from 6 to 1 AM. On Fridays and Saturdays, 6–2 AM. The only way to enter is as a club member, which deters the riff-raff, messy, and cheap types from coming in. tourists and members' guests. The information will appear on the computer after the guests' IDs are scanned at the entrance. His lengthy finger pressed down on the leather-bound book, saying, "You'll log that information in this book, too." They must run a tight ship around here. 

"Are membership fees high-priced?" I asked out loud. He continued to make that almost sexy eye contact with me as he said, "Very." It's the way his gorgeous lashes naturally appear. He doesn't seem to be intending to stare at me seductively. How could he? 

He rolled his chair back and said, "You'd be surprised what wealthy men pay for." He then got up from his seat. He rounded the counter and said, "Bottle service, private lap dances, and the rear champagne room I showed you are also an added expense for its seclusion.

He halted before me, and I took a step back for some reason. He is very overpowering to be around. Even though he smelled so fresh today, his cologne's seductive aroma was still detectable.

Do I always stay until the store closes?" I quizzed him. "Why?" He questioned me because he knew why I had done so. Even though I didn't want to inform him, his jaw clenched when I pursed my lips as if it were a warning. 

I cringed and said, "Oh, no reason, just planning my travel." You don't own a car. He inquired. I laughed out loud but quickly covered it up when I saw how serious he was. "No, um, no, I don't." What exactly did this guy not grasp when he said, "I can't even afford groceries"? 

"This place has a car service. He waved me off and said, "Give me your address, and I'll come get you. "Huh? Oh no, that's too fancy. I merely meant that the train leaves at specific times. I take-" He took a step forward, which caused me to tense up, so I couldn't continue.

"A young woman will not use public transportation to travel to and from one of my locations. We look horrible, and the hours are hazardous. He told me I wasn't unique and that we provide this service to all our girls. Although that made me feel better, I've already taken two free lunches, an advance on my check, a job, and now car service. I'm not used to taking such offers in this manner. 

I told him that was highly uncharacteristic of me and that I would put in any additional time he would require to offset his generosity. He remained silent on the subject.

Leonard checked his pockets before returning to the desk and reaching inside his coat for his phone. The phone was unlocked when he came back to me. He asked, "Put in your number and text me your address." I gave in. He excels at that. 

When I returned his phone, his hand lingered over mine for a split second longer than necessary, causing the skin all throughout my body to heat up. Woah. I assumed he would go after putting the phone in his pocket, but instead, his fingers squeezed my chin, forcing me to look up at him. 

I could smell his flesh and feel his warmth from this year. I could almost taste it when he licked his lips up close. Leonard grabbed my chin and declared, "I'm your boss now," in the heaviest, most seductive voice possible. I forced a firm swallow, waiting for him to release my chin. He refused. 

Should I start addressing you as Sir moving forward? The fact that my speech was plainly affected made me flush more. Leonard gazed down at me for a brief time while biting his lower lip. Oh, how I wish I could read his thinking now. 

Instead of stepping back, I found myself mirroring his slight forward lean. Good girls always do, he responded after pulling his lip back from his mouth.

There was no denying it, either. My neck was tight, and I felt something pooled between my knees. Holy crap. A breathy mumble of "Okay, sir" was heard. Leonard's jaw tightened and then relaxed before he let go of my chin and continued. 

I shivered, longing for his presence again when his body was missing. Samantha, you've got a guy. Every time I'm with this man, I must remind myself of that. I assumed he was going to the front door, so I followed him. I don't know how far away the bus station is from here or whether I have any money to replenish the bus pass. 

The $500 that I have in my pocket feels like a stone. Rent is that. I cannot handle it. 

I would like you to come in tomorrow to train with the manager before you start on Wednesday, even though we're closed on Mondays and Tuesdays. He said to me over his shoulder as he walked past the brightly lit stage, the stark white contrast to the bar and seating, compared to the dark-lit right-hand wall where everything is as shady as the men who probably have a membership here. "I'll text you her number, and you plan the time based on her availability," he said. 

I stepped right behind Leonard as he went.

He made sure to lock the house up again when we arrived at the doors before turning to face me on the sidewalk. How will you get home? He inquired. If he offered to drive me, I would feel as though I owed him my life, and I couldn't possibly tell him the truth. Despite his seeming icy appearance, he does a lot for me. I feel. I hope he has no ulterior motive to assist someone like myself. 

My slowness to respond caused his nostrils to flare. I fidgeted nervously with my hair as I said, "I'm just going down the street to the bus." He called me out on it, sounding annoyed, "You're lying." "I'm not," Before I could finish, Leonard led me through the locked door and encased me in his arms. I swallowed. Once more, there was a closeness. 

"Samantha, I don't like liars. You'll see that I don't treat them very well. Do you wish to try again? He rumbled out a question. The warning-style tonality. I choked back the words, "I have to walk." Leonard had his palms firmly on the door on either side of my shoulder, and his height above my small form caused me to recoil. He said, "Let's go," again, the gap between us was left empty and in need of nothing.

Leonard, enough is enough. Honestly, I was unable to accept it. As we proceeded to his car, he once more yelled over his shoulder, "I'm not asking, Samantha. Even his mode of transportation felt sinful because of the interior's soft leather and the luxury exterior's glossy black finish.

I had no idea that driving could be sexual until his hand was in charge of the wheel. It felt like the way with Leonard for some reason. His broad palm controlled the wheel's rotation. Around the gear shift was his fist. Because of his girth, his chair was moved significantly back, leaving him leaning like the boss that he is. Driving was easy for him. Leonard never appears to put any effort into anything. I have no idea how he does it.

He pointed out to me, "You're staring." I swallowed back a cry and jerked my body to the passenger side window, choking on my own saliva. Fool. How could I have been staring at him so directly and not noticed? I mumbled, "Sorry," since that's embarrassing. He remained silent, but I could not glance at him again.

Even though I didn't look in his direction, I asked a question when the stillness almost killed me. "How many businesses does your family own?" I wouldn't know if his eyes were on me if they were. He only said "Yes" once. He is a man of few words, in fact. I then inquired, "Are you fluent in Italian?" 

As soon as our car stopped, Leonard leaned over the centre console, grabbed my chin, and forced me to turn to face him. I felt the warmth of his slightly rougher hands on my face. His demanding tone advanced, "If you wanna ask me something, you look at me when you speak." 

My eyes widened, but I remained silent. He's pretty frightening, especially here in this little automobile. He resumed driving as the light turned, and I kept my face in his direction, albeit my eyes briefly wandered when I said, "Same question." 

His blue eyes flickered to the side before returning to the road to confirm that I had followed his directive. "Yes." How can I continue a conversation when he responds with a single word? I took the hint and remained silent for the rest of the journey.

The apartment just appeared to be a house when we arrived. The door to our apartment is the first thing you see when you enter, followed by a half-set of stairs leading to our above neighbours' apartments. The house's white exterior is somewhat grimy. I realize it's nothing to be impressed about, but judging by how he leaned down to get a better look through the glass and his apparent dislike for how I live, he must have seen trash splattered on the walls. 

I stayed silent about it. He would naturally believe that. He's wealthy. He has most likely always been. If someone isn't so at ease and accustomed to having money so close at hand, they wouldn't be seen walking around with so much cash in their pockets. 

"I'm grateful. I grinned at him and unbuckled my seat belt, thanking him for everything. Finally, his gaze returned to me after briefly straying toward the home. He nodded at me sternly as I'd seen him do with everyone. His aroma was far away as I exited the car, which bothered me. He smells great, and I really appreciate it. I know that's strange, but I do. 

Rose yelled for me to hold the door open as she walked down the walkway. I opened the front door to the entry. She then took a second look when she saw Leonard's car. She gave me an expectant look as Leonard pulled away. I was perplexed and asked, "What?" "Who in the hell was that?" I'm not sure why, but my face flushed. 

He is my new boss now. I unlocked the second door with the key and allowed us inside the apartment. "How did you get a job?" She had sincere curiosity. I told her the lie I intended to tell my parents since I was too ashamed to admit it was a gentlemen's club. "I am employed by an upscale Italian restaurant. I grinned at her reproachfully and said, "The paperwork stuff, not like a waiter." I detest lying, but how can I tell people that I essentially work at a strip club for wealthy people? I'd die. 

Ah, nice! What is its name? She prompted me. I replied, "Maximo's", using the name of Matteo, Leonard's brother's restaurant. Is that close enough? I knew my roommates couldn't afford it after seeing how expensive the place was, so I wasn't concerned that I would run into anyone there. 

"Get to know the culinary workers. You could be permitted to take the leftovers home. She caressed her belly and said, "I bet that's great. It made me think of the food Leonard had earlier ordered for me. It was great, but I have no idea what it's called.

That made my tummy grumble and made me realize I needed to acquire groceries. Now that my rent is paid, I may use the remaining funds to buy food. 

Hey, do you need the money for the rent right away so I don't forget? I prompted her. I had no idea who was in charge of that, but she looked to be. Sure, she mumbled as she went by the sofa, letting her bulky luggage fall on the ground. I reached inside my pocket and took out 500 dollars. She surprisedly turned to face me. I awkwardly scratched my head, "I got an advance on my paycheck." 

I thought I was being accused of something, but that is absurd. I believed that the unearned money was unclean in some way to me. I'll have to put in a lot of effort to satisfy my new boss, who hired me. I had a mental picture of Leonard and me in the office when he introduced himself as my boss. 

When I questioned whether or not to call him Sir, he responded, "Good girls always do." For the rest of the evening, I kept hearing that repeatedly.