

Samantha is a kind, innocent young woman who is attempting to move on from her past. She meets Leonard, a shady and perilous character connected to the Denton mob. Even though Samantha is drawn to Leonard, she is aware of how drastically different their worlds are. Will their respective worlds separate them or will they be able to reconcile?

Daoist6BtmeT · Teenager
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6 Chs

Chapter 5

Leonard is already attractive, so I didn't believe he could get any more so, but I was very wrong. Once more, the man was dressed in a sharp suit, but it was all black this time. Black button-down shirt, black jacket, and black slacks. He even had black, posh-looking shoes. He looked pretty amazing with only slightly groomed hair. 

My breath caught in my throat as those piercing eyes locked with mine across the room. I hurriedly turned to Matteo to gather my thoughts before Leonard could get too close. 

Matteo removed his hands from the table and sat in the booth. He said, "Ciao," as his brother walked up. Two sparkling sneakers stopped immediately beside me, forcing me to look up from my hands on my lap. My neck had to twist back to adequately see Leonard because he stood taller than six feet. 

All of his finer traits are once more visible up close. His broad shoulders, the way the fabric clung to his strong arms and chest, and his face...just everything about his face. I've always thought that his eyes were intriguing and gloomy. Both his bone structure and his lips were gorgeous. His jaw preserved his masculine appearance, and his hands displayed strength. 

"You've come back," First up was Leonard. I couldn't help but stare at the man. His all-black attire gave me internal sensations I wasn't used to. Like walking sex, he was. That's how I've never before described someone, yet that's how he is. Everything is hazardous about the world, including vice and sex. It is stunning.

"Yes...I do need-" I almost felt pitiful for asking for this job that I had so swiftly rejected the first time it had been given to me. Matteo stood up after tapping the table. "I'll let you handle it. I smiled back and said, "It was nice meeting you, Samantha," he quickly retreated into the rear again. 

Leonard sat at the table beside me and leaned back on the booth seat with one arm behind his back. He was sitting comfortably. His legs were spread wide. Even though I couldn't see much of it from under the table, I could still tell. He looks great, by golly. I saw he was looking at me intently and waiting for me to say more. 

I said what I needed to say right away: "Leonard, I need a job." I detest how uneasy he makes me feel. My heart can't be beating this quickly if it's not healthy. He raised his thumb to his bottom lip and ran the tip along the seam with the hand not covering the seat. Additionally lovely.

"Didn't you say you weren't a good fit for that place there?" It was obvious that he would have me work for this. I'm not going to have time for it. I paused, letting him finish, "I did...a gentlemen's club is...a lot for me, but I am in serious need of a job, and you were right when you told me no one was hiring." 

Those paint blues flowed shamelessly over my white tube top. I shifted and adjusted my lid as a result. He licked his lips and then turned to face me again. All he replied was, "I see." 

I started to feel panicky. I'm in deep trouble if he retracts his offer. My fight-or-flight response took over, and I began to describe everything wrong with my life at the time and why he should hire me. 

I said, "Please, I need this," in a rambling manner. I need to pay my rent but don't have enough money to cover rent and groceries. I had dry cereal for dinner the previous night and haven't had anything today. And I'll have to return home after trying to live independently. Brian isn't helping me, so I'm now living with strangers. I also walked all day in these awful sandals while looking for work, which has left my feet and head hurting and causing me to sob. I wiped my cheeks and said, "Yep, I'm crying.

The shame of disclosing all that to a severe and affluent man caused my eyes to mist over, and a few drops fell on my warm cheeks from the embarrassment. I think he is staring at me right now, and I'm not too fond of that thought. 

He made severe lines on his face, which further increased my anxiety. Why does he seem furious? 

"I'm sorry, but I understand that none of that is your issue. I wasn't intending to dump-" I didn't get a chance to finish my apology before he suddenly sat up straight and maintained that stern look. "You haven't eaten anything today?" My mouth dropped open in a gaping gesture. Is that the takeaway he had from the whole sob story? I shook my head no as I looked down at my lap. Only because his angry expression made me feel like I should be ashamed did I feel ashamed to admit it.

Leonard flashed his fingers at a man, and when he got the man's attention, he started speaking to him in rapid-fire Italian. The man nodded and ran out through the back doors after seeing him.

The rent amount is "How much is the rent?" Then, he asked me. I was unsure about whether or not to inform him. Asking someone how much they spend on housing is intrusive. I squeaked out "500" almost in whispers. 

I wasn't sure what to anticipate from Leonard when he got up, but it was not for him to reach into his pocket and bring out a bundle of cash. He counted a few banknotes before placing $500 on the table before me. My head jerked over to him as my eyes widened. You have so much cash in your pocket; what's going on? I exclaimed, "If you ever get robbed, you'll make a man rich." 

That wad of folded money included a sizable number of bills. His gentlemen's club must be very prosperous. 

I'm 6'4" and as tough as a rock; do I strike you as the perfect target for a mugging? He made fun of me. I shook my head no but afterward realized that he had just given me $500. I shook my head, "Wait... I can't accept this."

Your rent is due. Buying food. Instead of making a deal with me, he said, "You'll start working for me tomorrow, and we'll figure out the money. However, I consented since I needed it. I'll pay this loan off with my subsequent salary. 

"Um, what exactly is the job now?" We had never discussed the subject at great length. Leonard put his cash back in his pocket and sat down, acting as if he hadn't just dropped $500 on my lap like it was only three dollars. I thanked him profusely and collected the cash, tucking them away. 

Unexpectedly, a man came over to our side with a massive dish that smelt delicious and set it in front of me. Leonard was looking at the man and nodded to him when I quickly turned to gaze into his eyes. "You gave me a request?" I had no idea he had said anything to the man in Italian. 

Leonard commanded, "Eat" in a manner that seemed to be his habit. My stomach grumbled in response, and I could not continue resisting. I felt dizzy from all my walking today and the lack of food in my stomach. I jumped right in, not even ashamed to shove my face in front of a handsome man. 

"Once you're done eating, let's head to the club. There, we'll talk about business, he said gravelly. I silently nodded while eating another bite.


I wasn't surprised that Leonard drove a beautiful, all-black luxury vehicle. We had arrived at a building that had a relatively unassuming exterior. It was a rectangular brick building with tall double doors framed in thick black, so it almost appeared like another restaurant. Fuoco lento was written in elegant script on the glass wholly covered in black. 

What does that imply? I quizzed him. He glanced at the letters before turning to me. A "Fire."

The air surrounding us began to tremble a little when he stated it while maintaining eye contact with me. I have no idea what happened or why. 

He pulled out a key and opened the tall doors. He opened one and motioned for me to go inside first. The establishment is not yet open. It is more of a nighttime location. When he turned on the lights, I saw that the setting wasn't like going to a standard strip club, which is what I had in mind. 

This venue's opulent decor, spotless surroundings, and elegant vibe offset the mood. Just as he had promised, this was unquestionably of the highest caliber.

The space is primarily white and black and has a pattern of charcoal-grayish colors with monochromatic accents. Each place in this monochromatic region has a distinct aesthetic identity, defining its unique experience. 

The club's lighter side is the significant scene at the main bar and stage, where the patrons are the center of attention. With the lights on, it is evident that is where the majority of encounters would occur. 

With the illumination muted and the VIP area's elevated black surface, charcoal-gray curved sectional sofas, and round ottoman-upholstered chairs, viewers can conceal themselves on the VIP's dark side. Contrastingly, the tabletop between these pieces of furniture is a stark white, and hanging lights fall from a ceiling with rough chrome accents.

The main bar is decorated in white on the "brighter" side of the club. The stage features white flooring with mirrored ceilings and side paneling positioned strategically to improve the view of the dancers on a T-shaped platform with poles at each corner. 

It's a stunning location until you consider what it's all truly for. I was astonished to see what was in the room's very center when I found another chamber hidden from the main floor when I was given the tour. A light box was just a giant glass square with lights shining from them along its shape. 

Here, dancers are on display for the male audience to admire. It made me feel a little odd. 

Everything was designed to provide a seductive atmosphere. Above white leather curved sectionals, a brilliant white fringed light was suspended. Here, the walls were black with white cutout patterns.

I could only utter "Wow" as Leonard strolled, allowing me to see the establishment myself. When I was done, he took me to the back room, where the dancers' dressing rooms were. This room was a giant closet filled with lingerie and barely dressed "clothing." There were well-lit makeup mirrors.

A chamber with a metal door passed all of that. When it was opened, I could see that it was an office. It's subtle white, gray, and marina blue accents made me think of Leonard's eyes, but it was nonetheless elegant-looking. The only black thing in the room was the desk against the back wall. 

A little coffee table with a blue vase accent complemented the throw pillows on the short, light gray sectional to the right. There were cupboards on the left where they kept their business documents. A chrome laptop and a leather-bound book were the only items on the desk with its dark leather chair that were not completely clean. 

Leonard's words, "This is where you'll work," nearly stunned me. He was still standing in the doorway arch with his hands in his slack pockets, straight back, and broad shoulders. I looked up at him to hear what else he had to say.