
Love In The Shadows Of War

Excerpt- "Are you sure that you will be alright without me being there?", the girl asked, her eyes revealing the unmasked vulnerability tucked within them. The man chuckled slightly, his fingers intertwining with hers, "I am certain that I won't be alright without you.", he asserted and brought her hand up to place a kiss on her fingers. "But I will try my best to be alright in the hopes of meeting you soon." "Besides, I won't want you to use your strength on me.", the man joked, his fingers holding her arms in a manner which highlighted her nonexistent biceps. The hazel eyed girl found herself laughing along with him, her eyes filling with tears as she pulled him in a tight hug. Her teary eyes filling with various emotions but the most prevalent one being fear. Fear of losing him. _____*_____*_____ "Love In The Shadows Of War" follows the journey of high school sweethearts Tian and Cynthia as they experience the thrills and challenges of first love amidst responsibilities and unfavorable circumstances. They navigate their way through the complexities of teenage life, leaning on each other for support and solace. However, as their bond deepens, they realize that their love is put to the test by external forces beyond their control. When Tian makes the difficult decision to join the military after graduation, their relationship is tested like never before. Cynthia supports his choice but is heartbroken by the parting. Just as they begin to adjust to their new reality, trying to keep the flame of their love alive in in the midst of separation and career pressure, an unexpected twist of fate shakes their world. Will they find the strength to stay together despite the odds stacked against them, or will their love story be another casualty of circumstance? "Love In The Shadows Of War" is a tale of young love, resilience, and the enduring power of connection, showing that sometimes, the greatest battles are fought not on the battlefield but in the heart. [No rape] cover image belongs to the owner!

the_ashxx · Urban
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29 Chs

"Want me to go back?"

Days turned into weeks, and Tian couldn't shake the feeling that something had shifted between him and Cynthia.

Her warmth, once a comforting constant in his life, now seemed veiled behind a curtain of distance that left him restless and perplexed.

Despite his best efforts to bridge the gap, each attempt to connect with her ended in a frustrating deadlock.

He reassured her countless times that she could confide in him, that he was there to support her unconditionally as any friend would.

Yet, the wall she had erected remained steadfast, casting a shadow over their once effortless camaraderie. Determined to get to the bottom of it, he decided to seek advice from Ryan.

As he walked through the quiet corridors of the school during the lunch break, Tian's mind was a whirlpool of thoughts. The group of four had their lunch together as usual but instead of going to classes, Ryan and Nia had decided to head to the library to complete their pending assignments.

Tian had regretfully left Cynthia's side just to find a moment to clear up his doubts and seek advice from Ryan. Determined to get to the bottom of it, Tian quickened his pace towards the library. The quiet corridors seemed to echo with his footsteps, amplifying his unease.

As he entered the library, the hushed atmosphere and the soft rustling of pages added to his anxiety. He spotted Ryan and Nia at a corner table, surrounded by books and notes, their faces scrunched up in concentration.

Walking forward, he greeted them as he registered the momentary surprise on their face, "Hi Nia, Hi Ryan"

Lifting his hand, he gripped Ryan's wrist to pull him up, "Nia, I would have to steal your boyfriend for a bit.", Tian spoke courteously.

"And why is that?", Nia spoke with a lift of her eyebrow as she looked at him. Tian sighed, "For a man-to-man talk."

Nia chuckled slightly before she replied, "But can't you see that he is a bit busy, in the middle of something important?" Tian frowned, his mouth opening and closing, unable to speak anything as he looked at them, 'Aren't they only doing some assignments? What's important in that?'

"Assignments are that important to you?", Tian scoffed, finding his conversation with Nia highly ridiculous. 'She's just like Aiko.', he noted, subconsciously shaking his head in disapproval while looking at Nia.

Nia, who could already sense his frustration smirked slightly as she pointed at their table, "Study date.".

Ryan, who was clearly enjoying the show from the sideline couldn't help but snort, "Alright, enough with this. Don't tease him anymore.", Ryan spoke, gently patting Nia's back before looking up at Tian's dumbfounded face, "Let's go."

Tian swiftly pulled him to the side, away from prying ears and curious eyes—aka Nia. Ryan studied Tian's face, sensing the urgency. "What's going on, man? You look like you've seen a ghost."

"Your girlfriend is not any less.", Tian murmured, causing Ryan to smile sarcastically, "Want me to go back?" Tian frowned, shaking his head rapidly, "Sorry."

"Spill.", Ryan spoke as he leaned against the wall of library, making sure that Nia was right in his view. Tian sighed deeply, running a hand through his hair.

"It's Cynthia. She's been acting weird around me, and I don't get it. One minute she's fine, and the next she's distant. I don't know what to do."

Ryan frowned, "Tell me more." Tian contemplated for a second before choosing to be completely transparent with him.

Ryan hummed as the dim light of the library cast shadows on his thoughtful face. After a moment, he said, "Maybe you need to find the right time to confess your feelings to her. I mean...it would add depth to your relationship and would help you to address her distant behavior."

Tian frowned, "Confess? But…I mean just for this issue? Won't that be too meaningless?", he spoke, ignoring the rapid thumping of his heart as nervousness gripped his heart with the thought of confessing.

"Meaningless?", Ryan scoffed, flicking Tian's forehead, "I have been standing here for the past ten minutes, listening to you continuously simp over her. I can confidently say that this confession is long overdue."

Tian rubbed his forehead, his expression a mix of annoyance and contemplation. "It's not that simple, Ryan. What if I ruin our friendship? What if she doesn't feel the same way?"

Ryan sighed, his gaze softening. "You're overthinking this, Tian. Sometimes, you just have to take a leap of faith. Besides, she likes you too."

"Huh?", Tian's eyes widened by a fraction, his heart coming to a standstill for a moment before it felt like it would burst open. The surety in Ryan's tone had solidified his earlier doubts. "What...What did you say?"

Ryan frowned, trying to keep his face as straight as he could, "What? I..I said she cares about you..a lot."

Tian, shook his head yet still spoke, "Is that so?". Ryan breathed out a silent sigh of relief, 'Thank god. Nia would've killed me if she had known that I had blurted it out.'

Tian, lost in his own thoughts, glanced at Ryan for a moment before he started making his way out of the library after thanking him. 'He definitely said that 'she likes you too', yes.'

Suddenly, he was interrupted by a girl from his class calling him out, holding a stack of heavy textbooks. "Tian, could you help me carry these books to the classroom? They need to be distributed," she asked, her voice tinged with desperation.

Tian looked at her with confusion, his mind still reeling from the conversation with Ryan. But eventually, he agreed. "Sure, I'll help."

As they walked through the hallways, he tried to focus on the task at hand. The heavy textbooks were cumbersome, but his mind was elsewhere, replaying Ryan's words over and over.

They passed by the cafeteria, where Cynthia was sitting alone by the window, sipping on orange juice and gazing outside. The sunlight streamed in, casting a warm glow on her thoughtful face.

She looked peaceful yet lost in thought. Her contemplative expression stirred a yearning within him, a desire to unravel the mysteries that now shrouded their friendship.

Suddenly, the girl walking with Tian let out a strange shriek. Tian looked down to see a rat scurrying away, having stepped on her foot, making all the students in the hallway pause and look their way. They both burst into laughter at the unexpected commotion after the girl apologized to everyone for the disturbance.

In the midst of their laughter, Tian glanced toward the cafeteria and saw Cynthia looking at them with a frown. Her eyes locked with his for a brief moment before she quickly averted her gaze, her expression unreadable.

Ryan's words echoed in Tian's mind: "She likes you too."

Could Cynthia's complicated gaze be…jealousy? Was she feeling the same way he did? Tian's heart pounded as he considered the possibility. The idea that Cynthia might share his feelings filled him with a dizzying mix of hope and anxiety.

As they continued walking, Tian's thoughts were consumed by Cynthia. Maybe Ryan was right. Maybe he needed to find the right moment to tell her how he felt. But for now, he had to focus on carrying the books, all while his mind remained a chaotic mix of hope and confusion.

The classroom loomed ahead, and as they reached it, Tian set the books down with a heavy sigh. The girl thanked him and left, leaving him alone with his thoughts.

He looked back down the hallway, where Cynthia had been, and wondered if Ryan was right. Was she really feeling the same way?

i never thought i'd simp over someone saying, "Want me to go back?"-- Ryan just couldn't hear anything againt Nia.

the_ashxxcreators' thoughts