
Love in Royalty

He is Rich, Dominant, heart wrenchingly Gorgeous and Royal. She is Honest, breathtakingly Beautiful, Smart and recently Broken - hearted (Single!). And the prince can’t wait any longer for his Cinderella. Finding her step sister in the arms of her boyfriend was the least she had expected. Broken and alone, she moves into a big City and jumps at the opportunity of being the personal assistant to the crown prince. She thinks all her problems would be a distant memory. But it might just be the beginning of it all. And nothing is as it seems. Can new love mend her broken heart or will she be seized by her past? That's not all. ”Royal conspiracies and secrets?! Did I transmigrated into a novel?!” Join the world where love knows no Boundary. ————————————————————————————————————-———————— Behind us a big commotion arose and we were tossed to the sidelines like the forgotten rag dolls. Cameras flashing. Reporters hovering the place to get the perfect shot, each scraping for even the tiniest glance at the powerful figures that emerged out of their cars. I was left in awe of the dazzling socialite ladies as they strutted across the carpet, ignoring everyone they deemed beneath them. Their million dollar dresses and jewelleries leaving everyone with envy. Accompanying them were the well - known businessmen whose money never seemed to run out. Following behind them came the well - known actors and actresses. They waved and smiled while the onlookers screams of joy and appreciation for them filled the environment. I nudged Rebecca and whispered “Can I go back now?” “No way! It’s a masquerade ball. We can be anyone we want.” She replied while smiling ear to ear. “Ok” I thought as my confidence level piped up a bit. No one was gonna know that a complete outsider had entered their territory. . . . "Stop! I don’t want to dance." "We’re in a masquerade ball! That’s what people do. Dance." "But...I can’t." He gave a little chuckle enjoying our little fight before he intervened, "It’s ok. I can teach you. Just follow my steps." "Common Hayls. Go on." "Alright, I’ll go," I said, giving her a look. "Have fun!" She gave a soft cheer before focusing all her attention back into her plate. He held my left hand and gently led me towards the dance floor. The music soon changed to something more romantic. The magic of love by Russel Watson and Lionel Richie started playing in the background. Soon all the couples started dancing together. "Are you ready?" The man whispered in my ear making me blush. "Ready as I’ll ever be," I replied hesitantly. "Don’t worry. I’m here, just follow my lead." He gently held onto my waist with his right hand and grabbed onto my right hand with his left. I lightly placed my left hand onto his right shoulder and we started our slow dance. "Right, left, Glide, glide…" Along with our dance, he kept whispering the steps to me and soon we were in sync with each other. We spun, laughed, and before the end of our dance, the music went into slow beat again. We softly danced to the rhythm as I basked in his rich and beautiful fragrance. It was all truly a magical moment. . . . Hello everyone I’m Bandana & this is my very first Novel. I hope you’ll all enjoy 1 chapter up daily Instagram - @author_br Discord - b_r2 #2557

Bandanarai · Urban
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57 Chs

Leave the royal families out of this.

"Oh, what an odd assignment." 

"After you have your afternoon tea, come up to my office. You'll be working with me for the rest of the day and I'll explain more." He gets to the point and we hang up after fixing our arrangement. 

With the rest of the time at hand, I half - finished fixing up my draft and it was almost ready for me to write up an official proposal. Happy with myself I decided to give myself a little treat and take some time off the document load. My eyes were getting teary and my visions were foggy from staring at the computer screen all afternoon. However, there was one last bit of information I had to uncover before I did anything else. I dialed the IT extension of Team B and as my luck would have it, just the person I was after answered. 

"You've reached Lucas" 

"Hey, it's Hayley."

"Hey, How can I help? Fire away!"

"You said you are a computer expert right..?" 

"Of course, why else would I be here?"

"Right, I mean of course yes. I have an important job for you which is kind of job related and may not be completely legal…"

"I'm all ears, so are you trying to make me your crime buddy?"

"Haha great! And call it what you want. So listen up, I want you to investigate a thorough background search on 'Caroline Ferragni' and her daily activities. Can you do that for me?"

"Wait, that's the influencer...Ah easy! When do you want the information?"

"As soon as possible but only if you have time."

"No Problem!"

"Thank you!" 

We hang up the call and I feel less burdened now that I have the possibility of holding strong evidence to support my case.

*Inside Prince Elijah's office…*

"Don't you think this might be a bit difficult for Miss Hayley to handle on her own and that to as her first assignment? Should I help her, Your highness?"

"No, She'll be fine. She's made for solving puzzles and I know she's going to enjoy this." He said with a proud grin on his face.

"Why else would I give this task to team B to solve on their own."

Robert found it extremely unusual and was confused as men who were desperately in love would usually want to hide their woman from such scenarios and not the opposite. Alas, he was now more convinced that his Boss was truly the man he would always look up to and of course the woman of his choice should be strong; on par and reflect his Boss in ways other women could never. Not that he didn't already have a great liking for Miss Hayley. 

To answer Prince Elijah; he simply nodded. Satisfied with what he just heard. After-all, he was the one who uncovered Hayley's past for his Boss. She had wanted to become a lawyer and maybe, this was the perfect start. Prince Elijah was simply just helping her in his own twisted way. 


Rest of the afternoon felt like a blur and the fifteen minute break was over in the blink of an eye. I picked up my files and headed upstairs to Prince Elijah's office. He was silently typing away on his computer and his fingers stopped moving once he noticed me standing in front of his desk. 

"You're here." He spoke and walked over to me while fixing his ridiculously expensive watch in place. Once he was only two feet away from me, he cleared his throat and ushered me towards another smaller room inside his office filled with chairs around the large table. 

Mr. Gonzalez along with a few other board members were already seated on the far end of the large table and noticing us enter they stood up to give a nod of acknowledgement. 

"Thank you for taking the time off your busy schedule to see me but time is of essence." Mr. Gonzalez spoke, using his confident voice and ushered his assistant to hand over the files. 

"No need, I'm glad to go forward with this in the fastest time possible." Prince Elijah replied back with his authoritative voice and flipped through the pages. "It seems everything is intact. Now please be seated everyone, Robert will begin with the presentation shortly." 

"This is one of my smaller emergency meeting rooms for my utmost important clients and business partners." He whispered to me and on cue Mr. Robert walked over to the large projector and put the PowerPoint on screen. 

"Robert will give us a short PowerPoint presentation about our latest business endeavour." He informed me again, trying to ease me. 

He pulls out two chairs and we take a seat. Mr. Robert takes no time to start presenting; covering every single slide in detail and with all the correct calculations. Any business partners would have been jumping to shake hands as he made this seem like it would 100% succeed. There was not a single flaw that could be identified, each slide was extremely detailed. The only word that escaped my lips was "Wow" because I had nothing more to add or comment on it. 

Once the light turned back the conference room filled with claps from everyone; Prince Elijah included. One by one the board members congratulated Mr. Robert, Prince Elijah and Mr. Gonzalez. Prince Elijah then faced me and said "This short presentation will definitely be a great help to you on your upcoming project." 

"Yes." I turned to Mr. Robert. "Thank you Mr. Robert, you did an amazing job!" 

"Glad I could be of help." He bowed a little and took a seat beside us. 

The employees assigned to serve drinks and snacks arrived at the exact moment and it seemed everyone was eager to try those delicious looking desserts which were neatly placed in front of us all. "Could I interest you in some tea, coffee or cold drinks." One of the male server asked and the others followed suit serving each of our preferences. I got myself cranberry juice, while Prince Elijah asked for Black coffee. 'Of Course he had to choose black.' I internally spoke to myself. 

"I agree to all your terms and conditions, however I have a proposition." Mr. Gonzalez began. 

"If it is within my ability." Prince Elijah replied. 

"We leave the royal families out of this. What's your thought on this? If you agree then it's a green light from our side." 

Your gift is the motivation for my creation. Give me more motivation!

Creation is hard, cheer me up!

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