
LOVE IN PARIS: Married To My Brother-in-law

The cathedral was a stunning sight, adorned with exquisite floral decorations that did nothing but added to it's grandeur. "We are here today," The priest began, his tone rich and commanding. "To witness the union of Manuel and Yvette in holy matrimony". "Before we proceed, if there is anyone here who knows of any lawful impediment to this marriage, speak now or forever hold your peace" . . . . . . "I object!". " On what grounds do you object, young man?". This marriage cannot proceed as it would be unlawful. A married woman cannot marry again not when I , her husband is still hale and healthy". Yvette Jasmin, a rising and well-known actress was over the moon about her upcoming wedding. She flew to Paris for her bachelorette party with her friends, however while drunk she haphazardly married an unknown guy who turns out to be her Brother-in-law, the man who had secretly harbored feelings for her for decades. But now entangled, he couldn't help it. Crashing her wedding was another thing, possessively claiming her was another. Whosoever wanted to get to her would have to pass through this wife slave husband.

Silverash863 · Urban
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32 Chs

Allergy Reaction . . .

The first light of dawn was just breaking through when Yvette walked Zeke towards the garage, carrying his suitcase.

The early morning air was cool, but her heart felt heavy for reasons she couldn't discern. Whether it was the fact that he would be going on a business trip and wouldn't be back till a week later then the house would be back to it's cold and empty self or that she had a lot of scenes to shoot today. She just couldn't lay her hands on it.

"Are you sure you have everything?" She asked for the nth time.

He turned to her, his face soft with affection. "Yes, I've got everything." He leaned in and wrapped his arms around her in a tight embrace. "The only possession I wish to take along but couldn't is you ". He added softly and she blushed furiously.

"I'll miss you". She whispered, her cheek pressed against his chest.

"I'll be back before you know it." Zeke's voice was reassuring as he gazed at her.

"The floor is too cold, be careful lest you catch a cold ". He added worriedly as he carried her back to the doorstep after noticing she was barefooted and she could only blush.

He kissed her forehead softly, and with one last lingering look, he walked towards the garage and into the car where Knox was waiting.

Yvette stood there, watching as the car's headlights cut through the dim morning light and disappeared down the driveway. She sighed and turned back toward the house, but the nagging sense of dread remained.

She tried to push it aside and go about her daily routine but it clung to her like a shadow.

Back inside, the house felt too quiet, too still. She lay down, hoping sleep would come, but her mind raced with countless thoughts that she couldn't shake aside. After what felt like hours of tossing and turning, she grabbed her phone and called Zeke.

"Hey". She said when he answered, his voice a mix of thoughtfulness and tenderness. "Just… be careful out there, okay? I don't know, I just have this weird feeling."

Zeke paused for a while and stopped typing away on the laptop, placing it on the seat beside him as he replied. "I will, I promise. I'm almost at the airport now. Don't worry, everything will be fine." His voice was steady and comforting but her worry didn't completely fade.

After the call, she quickly took her bath and dressed up, spending several minutes on concealing the tons of hickeys on her neck with foundation.

The sight alone made her face as red as tomatoes.

"That Zeke is really something else, he didn't even listen to my warnings and go ahead doing what pleases him". Yvette grunted as she applied the foundation.

After having breakfast with Mrs Lawrence and Leila who came around to pick her up for the day's schedule. She had a lot of scenes to film so the duo didn't waste time and hurried away immediately after breakfast.

Arriving at the set, she immediately made her way to the dressing room, where her costume waited for her.

The elaborate, flowing robes were meticulously detailed, and as she slipped into the heavy fabric, the weight pressed down on her shoulders. It felt almost suffocating today, more than usual.

The heavy costumes, long hours of intricate makeup were all part of her daily routine but today, she couldn't shake the knot in her stomach.

She sat down for makeup, staring at her reflection in the large, brightly lit mirror before her. The assistant makeup artist, Dina approached with her make-up kits .

The initial make-up artist Lily had taken a day off from the set to recover after getting injured the previous day so Dina inevitably had to take her place till she returns.

Dina, a humorous and well mannered young lady approached cracking jokes as she exchanged pleasantries with the celebrities she passed by.

She approached Yvette with a calm face but there was something about the way she looked at Yvette that didn't sit right.

"I'd prefer if we use my make-up kit today ". Yvette said and Leila who was standing by her side pulled the kits over as she added. "Just to be on the safe side".

Dina's expression tightened as she thought she was being looked down upon. "Sister Lily isn't around today so I have to take over. It's okay if you look down on me but what if it doesn't turn out the way it's supposed to?".

"No". Both Leila and Yvette chorused and Leila stepped back letting Yvette continue.

"It's not that I look down on you, it's just that I'm afraid you don't know the products I usually work with and it's just to be safe".

"I don't have time to waste on this". Dina snapped. "Aren't this the normal products Sister Lily always uses for everyone, there are other several actresses waiting in line. Stop being so haughty and consider others too."

Her sudden exaggerated tone attracted the attention of others actress in the dressing room and they complained impatiently.

"Come on, Yvette, we don't have all day to waste, please don't make things difficult for everyone."One of them said.

"Even a rookie like you dares to look down on others". Another actress hissed.

"Just because the director praised her and Blair have her some bit of attention, she really thinks she's ahead of others. Huh?".

Under the pressure of the actresses who didn't bother concealing their impatience, Yvette's reluctantly agreed.

The popular celebrities had their own personal dressing room and make-up artist while others could only wait in line for Lily and Dina.

Yvette reluctantly agreed to allow Dina proceed with her own products, but still her stomach couldn't help but twist with discomfort. She tried to push it away and focus on the day's filming, but that feeling of dread had returned, stronger than before.

By the time she was in front of the camera, the nagging sense of dread was almost unbearable but she tried hard to focus.

The day's first scene was that of an intense argument between Lin Chuxia and Ruowan after she was brought home by the great general.

But she just couldn't seem to get into character, surprising everyone present as she was now known for filming her scene in a single take but today, even Director Cole was stunned.

"Cut! Your expression isn't right, Yvette. Again." Director Cole voice echoed across the set amidst several whispers.

"I knew she wasn't that great. She was too good to be true".

"She certainly thinks she's the best but before a talented actress like Nadia, she's just like an ant. She couldn't even get her expression right".

"Director Cole is still accommodating her, let's see if he would still be this patient after a few more takes".

Yvette's cheeks felt flushed, and she struggled to focus on Nadia who was standing before her smirking victoriously.

The whispers around her started to swell—some even mocking her for wasting time.

She heard several snickers from the sidelines, but the burning sensation on her face distracted her from everything else.

Then, her hands began to tremble, and the prop she was holding slipped from her grasp, clattering to the floor and stunning Blair who had just arrived at the set.

Her skin felt hot, almost blistering, and she began to scratch at her face.

Panic surged through her as she touched her cheeks, which were now covered in red bumps. Her skin itched and burned, and she felt dizzy, her body swaying. Before she could catch herself, her knees buckled, and she fell backward.