
Love In Ancient Times

Born as a lowlife bastard, treated like an outcast and ignored by everyone. Never knew how it felt to be loved, dies and was given a second chance to life but this time, time travels back into the Ancient Times. Will she know Love Or Hatred

Maybs_Glix · Urban
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20 Chs

Bastard Daughter

"You slut get out of here!"said my step mother as she threw me out of the house that one's belonged to my dear mother.

I was treated like trash everywhere I went, 13 years ago and still now, even when my mom was alive we were still treated like an out cast because my mom got pregnant with me when she was just 17 years old and couldn't tell who my father was, she was thrown out of her own home by her parents and was forced to live on the street begging for food until she gave birth to me and died the three years later, I was then taken in by the orphanage but was mistreated because of my mother's reputation and had no friends so I run.

People treated me like I was different from their own spieces and named me the bastard daughter.

"Please ma'am can I have some food to eat; I pleaded desperately.

"Get out of here, you slut!, bastard daughter of whore woman; she said as she pushed me into the mud on the street.

Everywhere I went, hands were pointed at me, if not hands then names, insult, fresh food thrown at me. What have I done to deserve such treatment, maybe it is fate, it's destiny, that's what I always kept repeating to myself but can't hold on to such thoughts anymore.

* falls down *

"Hey! are you all alright?, said a young man. He gave me his hand to help me up but I immediately brushed it away.

"Why are you helping? haven't you heard the rumors going round about about me; I asked him in a week voice.

" All those are just rumors, I don't mind; he said with a smile as I held on to his hands and he took me to his house.

"Thank you very much for your kindness sir, I said but I should have known it was just out of charity.

Later that night, after he had fed me and took my bath, a woman came speaking to the man of something. I wanted to go closer to hear what they were talking about but they noticed me and they moved elsewhere to continue with their chat. I was anxiously sitting in my bedroom waiting for what would happen next, suddenly the man walked into my room and asked me to follow him. I obediently did as I was told but with trembling legs.

"Where are we going sir; I asked anxiously but he just ignored me and told me to keep walking, soon we appeared at his front gate but with a woman waiting in a car outside.

"Get in; he said in a hoarse tone has he lifted me up and placed me in the car.

"LET ME GO!!! PLEASE I'M BEGGING, LET ME GO!!!; I said has I was crying and pleading but they chose to ignore me. Soon after a while and a long drive we arrived at a pub house. At first glance I would see I was being sold to work as a prostitute. The woman got down and open door holding my hand in a tight grib, I waited for moment she was distracted and broke free of her grib and made a run for it but as I was running I noticed her men closing in on me, I was so anxious that I didn't a car coming and it immediately crashed into me.

I fell down and watched as everything turned pitch black, the sounds of people talking slowly fading away.
