
Love From Seven Stars

Montgomery Luna goes back to Korea after years of New York life. New house and new life. And a school.... Well first time . In school, she meets her first enemy and later on finding herself seven enemies. . Park Jimin Kim Taehyung Min Yoongi Kim Namjoon Kim SeokJin Jung Hoseok Jeon Jungkook . Life was pretty much a mystery to since she didn't really have the best childhood or had a childhood at all. But once she meet her seven enemies, things start to unfold... BTS x AU's Original Character Author's Note: The start is really bad, but once you get into it... it gets better + TXT, MAMAMOO,REDVELVET, etc. Kpop idols are in here :) + Also pls leave suggestions in the comments :) Insta: @mluna_writer for updates :)

MLuna · Teenager
Zu wenig Bewertungen
37 Chs

The Practice (part 1)

(Jimin's POV)


Strawberry flavored cake. It was moist, but not too moist. It tasted really good, but now I'm really mad. It's all over face and my on my clothes. Poor clothes. My sister gave them to me before she left. I can not believe a girl would do this to a rich and popular guy like me. Does she still not know who I am?Honestly, there's no girl that can do that. But Luna, she's really different from all the girls here in Seoul.

I think she's the DUMBEST PERSON I've ever met. I knew it was a bad idea to say sorry to her. Now everyone is laughing and taking their phones out. I look like a disappointment. No, I am a disappointment.

All that practice last night did not work.

(Last night at 10:25 pm Jimin's POV)

We drove to the Dark&Wild or D&W house for 6 hours. And yes the house is really far, but it's important for it to be far away from towns or cities. It's mostly located in the Country side.

No one knows the way to the house except for my sister. The house cannot be seen because of forest around it. And thanks for my sister helping us pick the perfect spot. Me and the 6 members built the house eco friendly. We surprised Yoongi with the house.

Sometimes we would have meetings and sometimes the members would bring girls.

Tae and I went inside the house. We were really quiet cause we knew some members are sleeping.

"Go straight in the kitchen", Taehyung whispered in my ear. I nod and quietly walked myself to the kitchen.

When I made it to the kitchen I saw Namjoon with a girl. They were all lovey dovey to each other. The girl was a moaning mess and Namjoon is attacking her really hard.

I'm not surprised. Namjoon was a player since year 1 high school. He flirt with girls and play tricks on them. He mostly dated all popular girls from school. I think this his 7th girlfriend if I've been counting. Taehyung look confused for a second. He's probably thinking why I'm just standing there frozen. He finally makes a move and stands beside me with a annoyed face, when he saw the "Situation".

"Yah!! Get a room Namjoon!"

Tae yelled.

The two stop and looked at me and Tae surprised. Namjoon's eyes widened.

"Ah! Why are you guys here? I thought you guys are at the hospital."

The girl quickly pulled her pants up and grabbed her jacket, and went up stairs. Namjoon put his pants back on quickly. It was normal for us members to see such a thing like this except for Jungkook.

"We were until our leader turned into a psycho."

Wow I'm surprised. I thought Taehyung was the psycho of the group and now they're calling me psycho?!!

"Whatever I need to go back and do some "DADDY" stuff. So, don't interrupt me again."

Namjoon ran up stairs.

"I'll be back. I just need to call Jin." Taehyung went out to the back door. I went to the dining room and sat on one the chairs. 10 seconds later, I hear bangs up stairs. I stare at the ceiling annoyed. I looked down and jump to see Jungkook standing in front of me. He looks really tired and he's holding his stuffed animal that given to him when he was 5 years old.

"I can't sleep!" He said almost yelling for the bangs.

"I can tell," I said rolling my eyes.

"Can I sleep in your car?"

"Yeah, my keys are on the coffee table."

He walked really slow and grabbed my keys and left the house. Taehyung came back.

"Jin hyung is coming over."


"They are going crazy up there"

"Yeah, I agree." I said rolling my eyes again.


(Author Here!)

I'm not really a pervert... But some of you are... And I'm just trying eat my cake.

-MLuna 💜