
Love for the Loveless

A girl who is like the match maker of her school. she can always get people together but she never really had a S/o and so she goes to ask her friends for advice only to be met with challenges on finding love and the right person for her

BunnyD · Andere
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2 Chs

Chapter one

The day was going on as usual. The cheer team outside with their boyfriends. The art club painting the mural on the wall. Everyone waving and saying hey to me. Yep my life was pretty awesome, and of course there are my loving friends and their boyfriends. Almost everyone on campus knew me as the Cupid of the school because of how well I match people together. Everyone tries to get me into a relationship although I could care less about dating.

My friends always tried to give me advise on dating I always declined it though because no amount of advice would be able to help me, I can't flirt for nothing. Although it makes me think What if I was in a relationship with 'the one?' I usually just ignore it and go about my day.

It was around noon so afternoon classes. My first class what science. That was perfect since we were going to have a new student meaning I would be able to match them up. I just love, love. Me and my group of 5 friends headed up the stairs to the science room. Once we made it to our seats Ms. Wade had came in and told us about the new student.

So far we know that he is a boy meaning I would have to match him with a girl! I was so excited. Ms. Wade called on me which threw me off a bit but I asked her what she needed. " I'll need you to show around the new kid. You seem to know this place like the back of your hand so you don't mind right?" She asked me. I nodded my head, my messy bun wobbling all over the place.

It was 5 past 12 when the new kid had entered the room. He was tall, a bit slender. His eyes were a chocolate brown just like his hair and his skin was a pretty peach. He waved and said hello to everyone and we all said Hey back. Ms. Wade told him to take the seat next to me and so he did.

" Hey I'm Makayla but everyone calls me Mak or Cupid and you are?" I held my hand out so he could shake it. He took my hand and introduced himself, "I'm Liam nice to meet you. Quick question. Why do they call you cupid?" I looked over at my friends then back at him. " Well, I'm the matchmaker of the school, somewhat, and so everyone calls me Cupid. And also my obsession over love novels and movies. They are just so cute y'know?"

Liam let out a giggle which was just so cute. " I'm not much of a movie person though I get where you're coming from." He smiled and I just melted. " Well, also If you didn't already know I'll be showing you around the campus." I smiled back and he nodded.

For the continuation of science class it seemed like everything was going just fine with me and Liam. The bell had finally rung and it was time for the next class but we had a 20 minute break. I decided to show Liam all of the afternoon classes classrooms just so he knew where they were for the future.

It was finally time to head to Math. Liam and I were talking the whole way there. My friends all Joined us outside the hallway. I Introduced them all to Liam. We all got along pretty well, but oh boy, here comes trouble.

Missy is her name. Missy and her possé of plastic girls. She came by- Mainly towards Liam- and looked at me and my friends. None of us Liked her at all. " Hey Makayla, aren't you going to introduce me?" Missy said in her usual snotty tone of voice. I roll my eyes and sigh.

"Liam this is Barbie and her plastic friends. Barbie this is Liam" I say replying irritated. Everyone that was in the hallway watching all began to laugh at her. She stormed off like usual and I just went about my day. "C'mon Liam. You don't wanna be friends with people like her." He looked at me nodding his head in agreement.

We all took our seats in class and I told Mr. Stone about the new student in the class. He shook his head and went over to greet Liam. Liam smiled again and my heart started beating fast. I didn't understand why because we had just met so it made no sense. I ignored it as the day went on.

Math had went on for at least and hour and a half when we had got out. Our last class for the day was choir. We had another hour until then to go eat, hang out with friends or just to work on Homework. Me and My friends usually used this Hour to go out and get some Smoothies and a small snack.

I asked them if Liam could tag along. Of course they said yes and I told them to go ahead. They went to the little Smoothie shop and I went to go look for Liam. It took me a while to find him, luckily he was outside by the cherry blossom tree that was surprisingly still there.

" Hey, me and my friends were going to get some smoothies and a snack before the next class. You wanna come with?" I had asked coming closer, almost right next to him. " Uh, yea I'll be glad to come!" He said turning around. The sun had hit his eyes making them look like beautiful Jems. I must've blushed because he asked if I was sick. I shook my head no and we headed over to the shop.

Everyone greeted him and led him over to the table. Justina -one of my friends- had already ordered my favorite smoothie, a Blueraspberry strawbery cherry Smoothie. When I took the first sip I began dancing like usual. Everyone laughed at my goofyness. I realized I was dancing and looked at everyone laughing too.

We had left when it was 5 minutes until class, Luckily the Campus was right around the corner. We all made it just in time but I wish we didn't. I hated Choir mainly because Missy is in the class. She looked at me then at Liam winking. I knew exactly what she was trying to do.

"Hey Liam? where would you like to sit?" I asked him before dragging him to the back with me. I didn't want to seem Possessive. " I'll sit with you if you don't mind!" He replied. I nodded my head and led him to the other side of the room where I sat.

Once the teacher had walked in class started. 30 minutes passed when we finally had got out. Missy was glaring at me with Liam like I stole him from her, but I didn't care much about it.

The day was finally over. I could relax. When I got outside I took a deep breath of air. Liam had said goodbye since his dorm room was on the other side of the campus. I said bye and see ya tomorrow and we went on about the day.

I had made it to my room and changed. Alright time to get to work" I had said as I began working on essays and such.

I must say. Liam is really cute if I'm honest. I can't wait to become better friends with him. Though I'm worried about Missy and the Plastics doing something.. Welp we're just gonna have to wait and see what happens.