
love for a billionnaire

finding love is what grey need as a young Billionnaire , he meets his new Secretary , after his old one May goes back to san fransisco Carmen is the new secretary and she impressed Grey that he falls in love , but it is hard for him to fall in love after divorcing Christina , for making up a deal with the Deluca bandit family , how will Christina fell , will Grey love Carmen and finally marry her , it's all a mystery in this novel love for a Billionnaire

DaoistkyDTqO · Urban
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7 Chs



"Christina, I can't believe you did this to me, you were the only one I trusted but you never paid attention, and now I am afraid we are no more" the billionaire said as he was at the police station, speaking to the imprisoned woman in the investigation room. The woman cried, but the billionaire was too far gone, lost in his anger to hear her cry, he was so angry and furious and showed not even a glimpse of forgiveness to the woman in front of him

. "Grey please, give me another chance, I promise I will make everything right, I regret making such a huge mistake, but I promise everything will be better if you forgive me baby", she said as she approached the billionaire.

"Stay back!" Grey shouted, "it's enough Christina, I can't bare anymore damages, I gave you my trust, but is this what you repay me, making a deal with bandits, and betraying me by giving them my wealth without my notice, what kind of lover could do that. And what were you thinking of, you know that I gave you everything whenever you want but for now it's over and you'll have to pay for it". Grey furiously said as he went outside, the woman stayed in the investigation room weeping, she looked at Grey as he walked to the exit and stood up.

"Grey!" Christina shouted out,

"What is it now, haven't you heard enough from me, look Christina open your eyes, I loved you with all of my heart but you paid less attention to it and broke my heart, I used to forgive you many times but this is unforgivable, don't ever come near me or my mother ever again understand me" said Grey, "cuff her boys and take him away" Grey said to the officers, the cuffed her up and took her back.

"Grey, it's not over, if you won't forgive me, you leave me no choice then, I swear to my name Grey, I'll be back and I won't forgive you just as you did to me, keep this in mind Grey, I will destroy every one you love, and you'll regret it" the woman stayed as they pulled her back to her cell,

"we'll see about that", Grey said as he left but he was troubled by Christina's words, his wife that he divorced a week ago, but cared less, he had a flight to catch in an hour, for an important meeting with the competing mobile service company.

CHAPTER 1: the billionaire's perfect life

Grey's pov,

A sunny day it was, the sparkling waters from his pool outside reflected to his room's ceiling. Grey woke up from his nightmare, he was panting "oh, it was just a dream, I thought she was coming back to me, curse that woman" Grey said to himself as he looked up, observing the beautiful water reflections up his ceiling. It had never been such a beautiful morning, Grey lazily turned and looked at his alarm clock, and looked at the time.

"Oh, not again, it's eight o'clock already, I'm late", he said to himself, Grey was more of a punctual person, but was late that morning he missed his normal morning jog and had to skip it over.

Grey stepped out of his bed and wore his flip flops, he walked to his luxurious bathroom, "damn it I, shouldn't have drunk a lot of coffee the past three days, all that fatigue wouldn't have happened and I could not have over slept" he talked to himself as he went to his dining table.

"Excuse me MR Grey, are you talking to someone there" his maid said as he approached the dining table,

"Absolutely not Mandy, I'm alone as always",

"Oh, my bad I just heard you talking so I suggested you'd be with someone, but never mind".

She gave him a strange look, but Grey had no idea about what she was looking at. "MR Grey, is everything alright, you normally wake up early for your morning jog",

"Yeah, about that, I don't know what's got into me but I think it's all the coffee I've been taking, it made me oversleep, but it's alright now",

"Okay MR grey, I've got to get going anyway", she said nervously.

The day turned to be bad, all the morning sunlight was covered by dark clouds and it started raining. Grey wasn't even done with his favorite morning meal, he went straight to his room and had to get dressed up. He put on his ordinary black suit and tie as a young billionaire, his golden Rolex and Italian styled shoes, it was more of his style and he loved it just the way it was. Grey went to his balcony and looked at his compound as it rained.

"Your ride is here MR Grey, his butler said from behind the door,

"Oh, Alfred, I think this pool needs a cleanup and give the flowers a better trim right".

His black limousine was waiting outside, parked aside of his gargoyle fountain, Grey entered and set off to work.

"The Grey's Plaza", Grey read to himself as he arrived, "I think this deserved no better name than that", he said as his receptionist came with an umbrella.

"Morning, MR Grey I hope this doesn't bother MR Grey, the hall way is currently under construction", said the receptionist.

"It's alright, as long as it's done quickly" Grey said as he stepped outside and entered the Plaza, the receptionist stayed outside smiling to herself for Grey had a happy mood that day.

Grey went straight to the elevator and went to the top floor where his office was. Grey stepped out as the elevator bell chimed and walked to his office.

"Morning MR Grey, want some coffee",

"No thanks Suzie, am fine", he said as he continued to his office.

"Morning MR Grey, here's some coffee for you", his sales manager said as grey walked to his office,

"No, no, no more coffee, I'm fed up with coffee", Grey said loudly

"Sorry MR Grey, but you said you'll only be taking coffee at work",

"Well, I did but I didn't mention right now",

"Sir you said you'll be taking it first thing in the morning",

"Oh, I did, I'm sorry but I think I'm fine by now Jane", he said to his sales manager, she behaved as his personal secretary yet she wasn't "okay then MR Grey, do you want anything else",

"I think I'm fine by now but I'll let you know when I want anything, but before I go jane, I want a presentation for this evening's meeting with the managers, so get it done this afternoon" he walked straight to his office, "really", jane said to herself as Grey went.

"Morning MR Grey", her secretary knocked on the door as she came in,

"Better not be coffee again, she starred at Grey as he spoke, "actually MR Grey it was your mom on the phone she wanted to talk to you, it wasn't coffee", Grey was disappointed as his secretary spoke.

"Oh, sorry for that I guess I was wrong", "it's alright MR Grey" she said as she went out of the office, grey took the phone and answered it.

"What took you so long Grey", his mom said

"Mom, I'm kind of having a very stressful day right now",

"What it's not even midday yet",

"I know mom but you better believe me", "you know what grey I'm on my way to the plaza right now" she interrupted and ended the call. Grey breathed heavily, "what's she now up to" grey said and placed his phone down.

It had been four months since Grey last met his mom, they only talked on the phone, grey had to make the building nice and tidy to impress his mom, he called his secretary and ordered a fine flower décor and carpet in his office.

His mom was more of a style queen than an old lady, she arrived in less than an hour, her driver parked her black Porsche near Grey's limousine, and they made her way to grey's office.

"Nice décor, scarlet carpet, impressive, looks like you were busy in preparations son" she said as she entered the office, grey went closer to greet her, "and I'm used to all of these, except the parfum, it's a new scent that I don't recognize it", " I definitely got you there mom , it's a new parfum I got for the office you like it", he said as he went closer to his mom and hugged her, " anything for my son bring it in".

"So, how's it been going mom", he said, "you said you had stress earlier but you have no idea of what I've been going through these days", she said as she sipped her tea. "And what could it be then mom", "nothing much I've been firing all my maids you want to know the reason why",

"I bet it's all about style again right", said Grey, "of course it is and they really deserved it messing up with my wardrobe and other stuff", "come on mom, I know you're into style but maybe you should take it slow you know", "oh you may be right but never mind I came to talk to you sunny".

"I really want to know how you've been doing you look kind of exhausted these days what have you been going through",

"Mom you would never know, I had lots of work to do I ended up taking too much coffee and absolutely overslept this morning yet in ever did" he said,

"Oh, so that's why you answered none of my calls huh",

"My bad mom", "you know what Grey you should get rid of coffee it's really bad for you, and you could use a day off if you want because I think it would be better", she said to Grey.

"Grey I'm really proud of you there's a time when I used to look at you and saw a young boy but now, all I see is that you've become a man, just as your father was, all I could ever wish for is now at hand Grey", "yes mom, by the way I know you really miss him by now", Grey said softly,

"of course, I do grey but all I imagine is that I have my own son who resembles him, Grey after he had passed away, I took my only option to hand over his wealth to my son, and now I think all my courage paid off",

"of course, mom, it did and I will never disappoint you for sure".

"Okay sunny I think I'll have to step to the mall for some shopping", his mom said,

"Really mom more shopping again", Grey laughed softly

"Yeah, I've not even bought a single stiletto since I came from Houston well I kind of did some shopping there",

"Yeah, and it's not been a week since you came back right", "well I'll have to agree and I have to get going sunny" she said as she went back outside.

"Thanks for the visit mom I totally thank you for this", "anytime sunny, any time" she said as she went into her car and went back, "now back to business", Grey said to himself as he went back to the building.

It was even more stressful when he was in the conference with managers, he was so dragged by his thoughts and barely heard anything, jane was totally angry that Grey cancelled her presentation yet she was next to present, he walked out of the room and headed home.