
The introduction


The sound of my ringing phone woke me up from my slumber I rolled to the right side of the bed and stretched my hand to where I kept it I picked the call without knowing the caller.

"Hello"my voice came out in a gruff manner

"Lari come quickly Brandon had an accident"

I jerked off from the bed and removed my eye cover

"Which hospital Jackson "I ran to my bathroom and picked my toothbrush quickly.

"Just come over fast he is in a lot of pain" I didn't bother to change my pajamas I wore my fluffy white slippers and ran downstairs to my car.


As I had breakfast my mind was on the two guys I met on Friday when I went for modelling and audition both of them seem to have almost the same features looks like they are brothers and they are very handsome. What will it feel like to have both of them inside me. I licked my lip slowly at the imagination I need to go for a shoot from there I can start my plan for the two of them. I picked my sunglasses and my keys and walked out of my house.


I walked out of my personal gym I was covered in sweat since I saw no one to hit I decided to use the gym at least it won't ask me money for hospital bills.

My phone rang and I picked it up.

"Dani where are you can you come quickly Jackson was in an accident he is asking for you"

"If this is another prank Brandon you won't like what I will do to you and that bush rat called Jackson"

"Am not joking wait let me take you to where he is "

I heard agonizing pain from Jackson and that made my heart hurt. I ran to my room and had a change of clothes picked up my keys and drove to their house.


Immediately I ended the call with Daniela I and Jackson burst into laughter. We stopped and stared at each other then I imitated Daniela's voice "if this is another prank Brandon you won't like what I will do to you and that bush rat called Jackson"We burst into another round of laughter. I went to take a position on the couch for when Larissa arrives. I heard the gate open and I knew she was here and I began to moan In pain while Jackson went to open the gate for her.

"Oh my goodness is it serious? I could hear her asking

"Where is he"she made her way inside hurriedly.

"Ow my head hurts... om ouch my legs ahh my belly"She knelt before me

"Where are you feeling pains don" she called me by my nickname.

"My head,my chest,my hands,my bum,my tongue everywhere hurts rissa"

She put her hand on her chin and stared at me in shock

"Did you just say your tongue"

I didn't know what to do next do I shouted "My neck ouch!! I held my neck while looking at her with my side eyes before I knew what was happening she began pressing my neck.

"Die you son of a bi**h " she pressed my neck so hard that I almost saw heaven if not that Jackson pulled her off me.

"Leave me Jackson let me kill this half man"she struggled out of Jackson and came for me I jumped over the couch and she followed.

"Brother hold her please if she kills me you won't have someone to play prank with! She got to me and started pulling my hair.

"Ow rissa play leave my hair "Jackson came in between us and pulled her off me.

"You should have let me remove his manhood"I looked down at my pants and covered my manhood with my hands

"So it's a prank"we heard a voice at the door and turned.

"Oh shit "Jackson muttered he quickly released Larissa and took off for the stairs.

"Brandon save meeeee!!! Dan was going for him already so I stretched my arms and blocked her path she glared at me before I knew it she kicked me where the sun doesn't shine. I couldn't cry or shout I just gave her way to pass before going down defeated.

"Jack.....son your brother is..." the remaining words got stuck in my throat.


I stifled my laughter when Jackson ran upstairs screaming like a kid I couldn't hold it hold it anymore when Dan kicked Brandon where the sun doesn't shine. He went down like a dead generator. I could hear the screams coming from Jackson upstairs I walked towards the kitchen and brought out a drink from the fridge I turned it into 2 tumblers. I walked out from the kitchen carrying the drink.

"Ow ow ouch not my ear momma" I looked towards the stairs and saw Dan dragging him by the ear.

"Now start your squats both of you"she kicked Brandon up and he quickly joined his brothers. She came towards me and we were both caught in an eye lock.

"Oh come here sweetheart"She pulled me into her arms.

"Now let's sit and watch them do their squats"We clicked our drinks together.

"Cheers to being Partners in crime"