

A continuation story of Doted by the Alpha and My Husband is a Mafia Book following Mo Tian Zi's journey to Love.

lesson101 · LGBT+
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174 Chs

Male and Female Lead in Flesh (2)

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"Hey about the last scene, isn't that too good? Ms. Kathleen, playing the antagonist, said her legs truly gave out because of the pressure. She was genuinely terrified even though she was a Beta and couldn't feel or smell pheromones," One female filming crew chatted with her friends as they cleaned the whole equipment up. Since all indoor scenes finished as scheduled, there was no need to keep the props and other equipment laying around.

"I know, right? I heard he's a dominant Alpha but even for us Betas, we could definitely feel the domineering aura he was emanating," One female friend replied in amusement. Since she's a Beta and as far as she knows, everyone in the set was a Beta in the set aside from Apollo, Fyre, and Zian; so when they saw and experience how Zian's acting earlier made them feel the pressure, they knew it was because he was a dominant Alpha.

"Damn. Isn't this too unfair? He's already too handsome and now he's actually that talented? He could definitely beat both Apollo and Duke in the best actor award no offense," another female friend commented. She had been working in the filming industry as an intern for three years before she finally managed to get a job but she had never seen acting like that among first-timers. It's possible and to be expected among veterans but newbies like Zian who had no acting experience or even undergone acting class being able to perform like that only means he's really talented because normally, newbies tend to act awkwardly and stiff in front of cameras and people but Zian didn't. It was as if he had 20 years of experience in acting. Apollo and Duke definitely fall behind him that's for sure.

"Hey, not to mention strong too. Apollo started as a stunt double before he became a model and actor so I heard he knew different kinds of martial arts but he easily grabbed Apollo and smashed his head like it was nothing. I heard the impact was so strong that both actors fainted." The first female interrupted in excitement. She saw what had happened earlier and she had never seen anything like that before.

"That's what I'm thinking too but considering how he's physically bigger, I won't be surprised if Zian McCarthy knows martial arts too. Like, look at his body!" The second female said this time which agreed upon her two friends before they started fanning themselves. They haven't seen Zian with his shirt off but they could definitely tell he had nice body proportions.

"Arg! Don't remind me! He's so handsome that I'm starting to fall in love. If not only because he's arrogant and snobbish, men and women would have surrounded him all the time. He's honestly only nice towards Fyre." The third female complained. They have been filming for more than three now but Zian had never chatted with anyone except Fyre. Many attempted to do it but he ignored everyone unless the talk would concern Fyre.

"Oh my Gosh! I noticed it too. He's only nice to Fyre that I'm starting to feel bitter about it. I mean Fyre's nice and talented, not to mention pretty and an Omega too. They're honestly perfect for each other but damn, isn't he making every handsome man fall in love with him all the time? I heard that Mo Tian Zi, the third young master of the Mo Empire, is in love with him! And now we see both Apollo and Duke fighting over him."

"Likes are too unfair for us Betas." The first female said dejectedly which was once again agreed by her two other friends. Their conversation continued from there but they weren't actually the only ones who were having the same topic. In actuality, because of the performance earlier, everyone at the filming set couldn't resist talking about it. Honestly, the only oblivious ones were both Tian Zi and Fyre who are currently in a room together with the overly excited movie director and producer.

Truthfully, Tian Zi didn't know how to act at all. He just imagined Fyre being bullied in real life like his character and everything just came naturally. The bruise on Fyre's lips earlier looked so well made that he couldn't help but think what he would actually do if Fyre was truly hurt. Not to mention, Fyre's delicate and beautiful female version face being hurt, how can he hold back? Of course, he'd get angry even if it's just make-up.

So it's safe to say that earlier was in no way just an act because that was all his true emotions. If there was anyone who did great, it would be Fyre who had no trouble shedding tears in seconds. When he was delivering his lines, he couldn't wait to hug the Omega because he looked so hurt. His heart throbbed in pain that instead of smiling and spreading his arms towards Reyna just like what Caden should've done, he pulled Fyre into his arms and hugged him tightly as if assuring him that everything was fine.

And when Fyre bawled, he even panicked not knowing what to do. If the director didn't yell CUT, he would have choked the actress playing the antagonist for hurting Fyre. But of course, he wouldn't reveal any of this to his lover.

"Zi, you were really really good~" Fyre whispered happily as he snuggled closer to the Alpha. He trusted him when he said not to worry but he never really thought his lover would be that good. Because of that, he fell in love with him all over again. He didn't even know it was possible but he really did.

Meanwhile, hearing such praises, Tian Zi arrogantly puffed his chest and lifted his chin before he smirked.

"Of course, didn't I tell you not to worry," Tian Zi said, wrapping his hand around Fyre. He couldn't help feeling proud being praised but at the same time embarrassed because he wasn't really acting. On the other hand and in the same room as Fyre and Tian Zi, although the Alpha was acting like this, Julie Walker, Russel Coleman, and Phillip Phillips could tell that if Tian Zi had a tail, it would be wagging vigorously after hearing his lover's praises. If they didn't already know this was how he acted towards the Omega, they wouldn't believe it even if someone told them since the Alpha is just too different when it comes to other people.

"Ehemm... A-Anyway, I called you here to discuss something," Russel Coleman suddenly interrupted, unable to hold back after seeing the two being too affectionate with each other. Even though no one aside from them knew Zian McCarthy's true identity, the two are still too careless. On the other hand, being interrupted Tian Zi glared at the older men making Russel flinch. Now he knows for sure Mo Tian Zi is no way different from his older brothers. He had met both Mo Laotian and Mo Hanlu before so knew how eccentric those two were when it comes to their mates. And it seems that this youngest brother is the combination of those two older brothers.

"What is it? Filming has already ended, right? What more do you want to talk about?" Tian Zi asked in annoyance. He had not forgotten how the man in front of him scolded Fyre earlier just because he could not perform well. The only reason he's letting it go was because Fyre wouldn't want him to make trouble at work.

"Well, this is just a proposal but how do you feel about shooting a bed scene between Caden and Rey... Now I know Fyre didn't agree to such scenes but-" Russel started but he wasn't able to finish his words when Tian Zi interrupted not liking this topic. Yes, originally the script did include multiple kissing scenes and bed scenes between the two main characters since the novel Moonlight was originally an erotica but because Fyre didn't want such scenes, the script was revised so Tian Zi didn't know why the director and producer were bringing it up. Even Julie Walker who knew that he would never agree to such a thing didn't seem to see this as a problem.

"Then why are you still bringing it up? This was not included in the contract," Tian Zi said in displeasure.

"Mr. Coleman, I'm a bonded Omega so even if it's just an act, I don't want another man touching me. Holding hands and hugging is fine but kissing and caressing is not okay," Fyre expressed as well. He was absolutely not confident that he won't kick the other actor on his balls if that happens. He's doing his best to act nice, he didn't want to ruin all his hard work.

"Yes yes, I know. That's why I was thinking, why not Mr. Mo here continue posing as the male lead? We can't be too graphic anyway so this short scene will be filmed in a dark room, there will also be no close-ups. Mostly just back views and shadows. 15-30 seconds is all we need," Russel continued to explain. Meanwhile, listening to him, Fyre and Tian Zi looked at each other then to Russel. Well if it's Tian Zi, Fyre really didn't mind. Just that it'll be a bit embarrassing since he'll still have to expose at least his upper body. He's not used to that. No one had ever seen his bare body except Tian Zi.

"I don't really like other people seeing my wife's naked body," Tian Zi expressed, immediately bringing a deep shade of red on Fyre's cheeks. In actuality, Tian Zi liked the idea of doing a bed scene with Fyre but at the same time, he might gauge out everyone's eyes if they so try to stare at his beloved's body. Furthermore, things could go wrong so they should still decline.

"Also, I'm not confident that I would be able to stay calm if we were to do something like that. It's too dangerous since we're Alphas and Omegas. I know everyone in the set are Betas but an accident might still happen, it's too much of a risk to take," Tian Zi added in a serious manner. When Russel heard him, he quickly understood and did not push the idea any further. Since he got to work with a lot of Alphas and Omegas among actors, he knew that this thing was a serious matter.

"I understand. I didn't think of it that far and your argument is reasonable so I won't push it through. I just thought that with the chemistry you both had, it would have been so wonderful to film a movie about you two." Russel explained as he sighed.

"It's okay and don't get me wrong I actually like the idea but we just think this isn't the time to do so," Tian Zi said while Fyre nodded. They still have a possible enemy lurking around so they're in the rush to finish the movie as much as everyone.

"Thank you." Russel said. After the brief conversation, Fyre and Tian Zi were finally on their way home since they still needed to prepare and then leave tonight for tomorrow's filming location.

"Thank you, Zi. I never even thought of the risk of such a scene either when Mr. Coleman suggested it. I was only thinking of being able to act with you," Fyre suddenly mentioned as they slowly drove through the crazy mob of paparazzi who were all hoping they'd get just one decent photo of Fyre and his assistant. Alas, it was too difficult. They've been trying to get a hold of Fyre Long's location for the last two weeks and they all failed to do so.

"It's okay. I should be able to deduce something like that since that's my role as your future husband. Besides, even though I like the idea, the fact that people are going to watch your body did not sit well with me," Tian Zi conveyed softly as one of his hands let go of the steering wheel and later held Fyre's to kiss it, making the Omega blush as always. However, with this simple gesture, they never thought that someone would actually be able to capture it and would once again cause everyone a lot of questions because there was no way a simple assistant would do such a thing.

Whatever they would do after that would shock everyone, especially one specific Alpha who has been obsessing over Fyre for the last decade.

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To be Continued...