

Mary was getting ready as she was going for lunch with Sam.

Glow was sitting on a chair and eating toast still wearing a shirt and shorts

Sam entered their house and first thing he saw was a messy Glow.

"What happened to you?" He sat next to her.

"Good morning." She smiled while put a fried shrimp in her mouth.

"It's lunch time." He laughed.

"Today is Sunday and sister just woke up." Mary put a plate of salad in front of her.

"You made them." Sam asked Mary and she nodded.

"They look yummy." He picked a shrimp.

"Wow. You really a good cook." Sam smiled at Mary.

"If you want, I can prepare lunch for you." Mary smiled shyly.

"Okay." Sam pulled the plate from Glow and start eating her food.

Mary ran inside kitchen.

"You are so cheap. Instead of buying lunch for her, you made her to make lunch for you." She clicked her tongue.

"But I want to eat with you." He cleaned her lower lip with his thumb and then licked it.

Glow gave him a nervous look.

"Because you are my family." He smiled.

"Of course, little brother."

She ruffled his hairs.


Sam was waiting outside the school as it was raining heavily and Glow's car was not working.

He saw her running towards his car while holding a file over her head.

"I am so sorry. My phone was out of battery and I don't know why my car isn't working."

She apologized as she sat down.

"It's okay. It's good I was visiting school today." He smiled.

"Oh no, I forgot my phone." She looked at him and then again opened the door and ran towards the school.

"It's a relief she is wearing snickers." Sam looked at the door.

When Glow came back again she was soaked with rain water.

"I am so sorry." She looked sorry.

"Don't be sorry." Sam was looking in front of him.

The ride was silent.

He stopped his car in front of house.

"Take this." He removed his coat and put it in her lap.


"I can see your bra." He gave her a wide smile.

Glow looked down and her black bra was clearly visible under her white wet shirt.

"Why you didn't say this earlier?"

She covered herself with coat.

"Why would I? It was a nice sight." He said with a smirk.


Mr Goldberg held a part at their private beach for the proper introduction of Sam with their business partners.

Sam spend the whole night with his father and met with everyone.

It was after mid night when he was returning to his room when he received a text on his phone.

He read it and walked towards the private bar they have.

His eyes were scanning the bar when his eyes meet his bodyguard Zayn. He pointed towards a corner where Mary and Glow were in pretty drunk state.

He walked towards them.


Glow opened her eyes feeling something on her neck.

"Saamm." She tried to open her eyes.

She felt she was dreaming, everything was colourful around her.

"Saamm." She gave a confused look.

"Why are you dreaming about me?" He kissed her.

"Dreaamm." She blinked.

"Yes." He smirked and removed his shirt.

She was trapped under him.

"Did it hurt?" He bite her lip but she didn't felt anything.

"Why I ...hik...... dreaming about ....."

Sam kissed her hard. He then moved towards her neck placing soft kisses on her neck to her coller bone

Glow moaned as his hand entered her shirt.

"You are looking so tasty right now." He looked at her.

"I want to eat you in a bite." He attacked her lips. Glow was feeling weak and wasn't protesting at all.

"Ah." She opened her mouth as he bite her lower lip. Next second she felt his tongue exploring her mouth.

She tried to look at him but her mind went dark.
