
21 Troubles

The amount that person asked for a loan was usually not high, so it was not usually a problem for the person who was asked for support. The petitioner received what he asked for, politely thanked him and left. Of course, there was no question of returning the loan. Passers-by usually passed by forever.

This colorful element was not common, it happened rather rarely and usually in certain areas. The gentlemen never asked for money from the ladies. Sometimes they could only ask a smoking lady for a fire or a cigarette.

So Rafał had no problem sharing some of the contents of his wallet with the boys and reached into his pocket ...

At this point, things got awkward. There was no wallet in his pocket, just a phone.

“Sorry, guys, but I left my wallet in the room...”

Brylski felt really stupid. He paid for dinner on the phone, but couldn't give the boys cash that way. To be sure, Rafał searched all his pockets, but he really had nothing with him.

"He's so tight," said the other boy. “He's sorry for the fiver for us. Greede!”

“I really don't have a wallet” defended Rafał. “I just went out to get some fresh air, not shopping.”

“It's just a heel, shit!” A third interrupted.

"I wonder if we search him, the wallet will suddenly be found, huh?" The other smiled malevolently.

The situation was starting to get unpleasant. If Brylski had given them some money, they would have thanked him and left. Because he refused, the boys decided he didn't respect them and was generally a tight asshole who didn't want to save people in need. And someone like that deserved a lesson in good manners.

These types of lessons were usually quite physically severe and could even end up injuring the body. And that Rafał, who was earning for living with his body, did not wanted.

“Boys, I don't really have a wallet with me. You shouldn't accuse people of lying.”

"All right," answered the first. “Then we'll check it ourselves. We'll apologize if you don't actually have any money with you, but if you have any...

From his smile, Rafał could guess what the consequences would be.


Damian's conversation on the phone lasted longer than he had expected, but he was unable to end it sooner. When there are millions at stake, you have to listen carefully and explain thoroughly.

“Damian, think about it, please, it is a great chance for you to win a new market.”

The man Radosz spoke to spoke English and was currently in New York where he was negotiating a contract for him.

"Yes, I know," Damian confirmed once again, "but I said I would not agree to these terms."

“When it comes to money, you really can't expect more. This amount...”

“The amount is good, but I don't like the style of the proposed animation. Also, I hate having my heroes manipulate and change their skin color, religion or sexual orientation.”

"Don't you think you're a little too prudish? You should be more open to diversity.”

"Jerry, if you don't like what I'm doing, how can you be my agent?"

“You know I didn't mean that. I love your cycle.”

“Then you know there's a lesbian in him. Do I really have to make my hero gay?”

“You know, political correctness...”

“Shit on political correctness. Wanda is a beautifully constructed lesbian and should please the sexual minority community. If I add Anco to her as a gay, it will not be a minority anymore, because I will also have to exchange his lovers for male lovers. Don't you think this is an exaggeration? If they want a gay story, why not take a gay IP?”

“You could make some concessions for that kind of money.”

Sure, because only money rules the world. The author does not count anymore, nor does his story matter, if he does not keep the appropriate proportions in the color of the characters' skin, in their creeds and sexuality.

"Jerry, tell me you're kidding, or I'll really start to wonder if you should represent me."

“Of course I was kidding.”

Yea, sure!

When Damian started his adventure with IP, and by this term he did not mean a computer address, but intellectual property, which was a term used to describe broadly understood e-creativity such as novels, manga, computer games... When Damian started his adventure, he knew very well if and how much he can put eroticism or violence to sell his work in different countries.

The readers and gamers were basically the same all over the world - some liked more brutal, bolder scenes, others preferred something more subtle. Theoretically, the culture in which they were brought up, including religion, imposed certain moral restrictions on them, but only theoretically. Readers and gamers really only wanted good entertainment, no matter what country they came from.

However, the difference between the countries existed in the law and in the tradition (including religious), and although readers or players did not pay attention to it, the governments of those countries and the companies located in them, with which Radosz cooperated or wanted to cooperate, pointed out. What was widely accepted in Europe was not necessarily so in Asia, and vice versa. Yet even within the continent there were differences between countries, sometimes so vast that it was hard to understand.

So Damian spent a lot of time creating something that would be acceptable in most countries. This was the only way he could sell globally. Even so, he had some unpleasant experiences in Asia and now also in the States.

Radosz knew that he would not satisfy everyone, but he did not want it at all. His IP now comprised over two thousand chapters in novels, computer games, anime, and manga. There were also talks about the series, specifically the drama.

It took Damian fifteen years, but he was exactly where many people wanted to be.

He has achieved this because he has made some concessions, but also because he has not made others.

“Jerry, I am one of the more sensitive and stubborn creators. My heroes are mine and I will not allow any director or screenwriter to use them for his political-idealistic or artistic visions. They can always create their own stories.”

“Sure, you're right, sorry.”

This conversation irritated Damian not only because of the changes that the producers of an animation studio wanted to introduce, but also because instead of talking about his IP, he preferred to be in completely different place now and talk to someone else as well. He just wanted to be with Rafał now.

During the whole conversation, Radosz felt a strange unease and, not even understanding how it had happened, he ended conversation with his agent by going to the window. He looked down and...

“Oh, shit!”

So this anxiety was fundamental after all!

Rafał was taken by some tree bullies…