
Love Attraction And Lust

BADASSGIRL143 · Teenager
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70 Chs

The broken heart

" Oky if you say so my dear cousin.. I like to say that . In my life.. I have to spacial person with me . And I am so lucky that I have them.. first I also really told you about my wife.. and second one I want to introduce you guys... " He said.. and we all wait to continue he's speech..

" Bobby.. baby.. come to on the stage.." he said.. and like this.. it's hurt to seeing them. Like this.. than he call him baby.. and looking at her so much in love.. hazz didn't left my side.. my Happy tears suddantly come in sad one.. that how much he hurting me.. and humiliated me in public.. but I still smile for him because I really don't care about people what they said.. I just care about one person who are most important for me.. and he always will..

" Well I have to tell you guys a story.. how me and Bobby meet.. " he said.. and hold Bobby's waist and pulled her closer to him.. the way they both stand like they are so perfect to each other..

" When I newly started my father in lows company.. I get some idea to how to handle this . For me it's little bit so hard. When I handle to he's company.. I don't know how there and they work.. there are lots of works at panding.. whom I short some. And some are I am still working on them.. and that time. I meet Bobby.. " he said.. people are all interested to listen he's story.. me to.. beacuse I never asked him how they meet. He just introduce me to Bobby.. and I didn't asked because that time I little hurt an broke when I know that he love someone else not me..

" She's to badass . Smart and brilliant girl.. i visited her hometown.. when my secretary Mark told me that there is some girl are given there ass pain . " He said and laughed..  and looking at Bobby. And Bobby also laughing. Like they both are in just thinking about that time. And forget about us..

" So Mark told me that come to visit there. And handle it.. when I visit.. I meet her.. and  that time she really arrogant and very angry.. she didn't even listen to me.. what we are going here to this town.. she think I am going to snich there property and said them to fuck off this town.. I just stun when she said me this.. beacuse that's not my intention.. we have just thinking to give them new life. And some development to her hometown but she just underestimated us.. " he said..

" After that I explain her. She still not believe me.. so I just signed contract with her.. she said she want to work with me. And see me that I am not lying or anything.. working with her 2,3 month.. she finally approved it. And than like this we both are started to spend time with each other more.. and when we are falling with each other we never know that time about it.. " he said and looking at her. She's blush like all this about her.. and Grayson show us like how much he meant it want he said us. That how much he love that girl.. listing this.. my heart is broken.. I just can't handle this more.. I just want to get out from here. I don't want to see them.. it's hurting like bitch.. why are you doing there gray..

" When I know that . So I just little bit scared to lose her. So does she . When I told her that i am already married.. and I feel guilty about it that whatever I did with her it's all wrong.. I really want to do right thing.. but what I to confuse about it.. and than one day I done with that and told myself to explain everything to my princess.. and I know she understand me.. " he said.. I feel he's eye's on me.. and didn't show him that how he hurt me.. I just wipe my tears and smile at him. So did he..

" I told everything to her. Also introduce her.. and my luck.. she just accept us.. she never question us.  Or said anything to us.. and I really appreciate for that.. it's all about 2 and half years ago.. and new here are we.. we 3of us.. still are together.. like happy family.. but that's not the reason I told my story.. there is something that I want to tell you something Guy's.. and also to Bobby.. " he said.. and pulled her away.. and sat in he's knees.. ohh no... No way.. it's can't be.. no Grayson.. don't do this.. Don't do this to us.. I hold hazz tightly.. and she understand that what I am thinking. And know that what happening here.. and what are Grayson going to do now..

" I want to thank you Bobby to come my life.. and you are best thing happened in my life.. and I don't want to lose you.. so I just want to show you and show you the world that how much I love you.. " he said.. holding her hands. She smiled and blushing like school girl.. like me.. I know this feeling.. he pulled out the velvet box in he's Pocket.. and open it for her.. and show her the daimond ring.. no freaking way Grayson...

" I want to say that.. I want to spend my life with you. Will you do it.. will you marry me Bobby.. " he said to her.. and she luagh and cry I don't know she just hide her face with he's ankles.. and than pulled away.. and also sat her in knees and face him.. and kissed him front of us.. and seeing this.. I just can't look at them anymore.. I look away.. I don't want to stay here.. I want to runaway.. and like this..

I hear for my side people are talking about us.. that ' lucky bastard..' ' how he manages it'  some ladies are just not happy to see that. ' poor girl who want to share is husband with another woman.. ' ' if I was it's her place I will murder that girl. Or divorce her husband' it's Kill me to much. I can't stay here anymore.. I pulled away from hazz.

She trying to stop me.. and asked me that I am oky. I just nodded.. and left the hall.. and Walk toward exit.. when I walk side by.. I saw my mom.. how she's crying.. I want to hug her. And cry out loud. But I don't want to show her. She will be hurt more looking at me like this.. I just smile at her. And nodded my head. And she want to come to me and hold me biy I stop her. And told her not to.. I want to be alone.. and I exit the hall..

Walk to the parking lot.. I am mess.. tear still can't stop in my eyes. They still are come out.. I can't stop them.. I never hurt or cry this.. my eyes also blur.. I didn't even know where I am walking.. but slowly slowly wiping my tears. I look around and see where I wass. And than I saw car that Grayson sand us to pick us up.. and I walk there. The driver also there smoke cigarette. He didn't even know that I walk to him.. he after that see that I am coming towards him.. an looking at me.. he want to asked me that I am oky or not but he didn't.. thanks to him. He throw he's cigarette in bin.. and come to the car. And open for me.. I just nodded.. and get in the car.. and stood him to drop my apartment..

He didn't asked anything after that.. and I didn't said to him anything. In all ride.. I cried.. I cried like everything is gone. I don't have what I can call it mine.. Grayson broke my heart in million pieces.. I don't know how to I will be recovered this.. how I will be again normal.

How can he do this to me.. my inner voice thumping loudly.. and can't think straight.. but still I defined Grayson..

He look happy with her. He loves her. I know she also loves her. They look happy together.. I want to happy for them..  Grayson already did so much to me... He complete my every dream my demands without saying know. Why because he care for me.. he do all this what he promised my dad.. why that I can't do this . For him I can do this right.. he really love her. And he really happy with her. She make her smile. So I don't have to be part away them. They deserve this..

Thinking about all this.. I keep looking at window and see sky. And empty rodes. And people are whom are going there home.. when my eyes land in pizza shop. And I really want to eat pizza..

" Stop.. I want to eat pizza." I said to driver.. an he didn't say anything.. and he did what I asked him..

We both are walk to the shop. And order for me chessbust pizza.. and coke and fries.. I forget my vollet so I asked driver if he has some money he nodded.. and pay for my food. I thank him . He said he will wait for me to the car. And I didn't to anything to him. Just nodded. And walk to the empty table and wait to come to my food.

I see look everywhere that there is not much people are here. But I see some couples and some pregnant women with her husband they both are in love and he's husband are feeding her. And don't know what they are talking she smile at him. Blushing like she's one girl for him. And for him she's he's everything for him.. and I they look at me and give me smile. I smile back.. and look away.. I don't want to know that I am some crappy girl who's looking at them like I never see them..

When my turn come I get up and get my food. And again sat where I sat before.. and thinking about what happened earlier.. I just still can't believe it that it's happening.. he really wants to married her.. I know I mean if I am in he's place I will do same. I will married him. Because I love him right.. but I never thought that it will be happen that to fast.. or I just didn't get it that he did what he did because he think it's right time.. Maybe I am thinking over.. I have to control it.. and try to ignore them..

" Most important than food that you are not eating and thinking that . " Someone come to me and sat my opposite side and take he's food with him. And started to eat he's food. Looking at him. I also grab my one slice and eat it..

" Sorry to join you but I see when I order my food. How lonely and lost you are so thought why not give you some company.. plus I also some here alone.. so I got some in same time.. I don't like to eat alone.. " he explain to me.. I didn't say anything to him just nodded. And eat myself.. ignoring he's remarks.

" Well I thought you will talk.. but you still don't.. don't tell me you are mute.. " he said to me and joking me to make me like little bit comfortable.. I still ignore him. I really don't have mood to talk. I just can't. My mind keep thinking about him and he's announcement..

" You know it's rude to ignore people.. who's really interested in you to talk" he said to me. Again.. I know he will not going to be stop. So I just rolled my eyes. And snapped me..

" Than why can't you just get the hell out it and leave me alone.." I said to her. And drink my Pepsi.

" My my.. I thought you are mute ." He said again. And it's started to irritate me..

" By the way I forget to introduce myself.. I am Ethan.. " he said to me.. I just ignore him..

" Don't do that baby.. " he said. And than he mad me..

" Don't call me that . You understand.. and what are you doing here. Did I know you . Did you know me.. no.. than why are you talking to me.. you always do with people.. I mean annoying people who's just don't interested in you.. I mean what the hell man.. can't you see I am not in mood to talk to you . You stupid irritating me boy.. " i yelled at him. And all people are looking at us.. I know I little bit overreacted but I really in not mood in talking to him. Why he's than keep doing it.. can't he see that I AM not interested in him or any other thing. He also see what I am seeing.. all are looking at us.. so he stop up. And turn to that people.

" Chillexx guys.. my girlfriend is little bit mad that I come late.. so don't worry. I will handle this. You guys carry on.. " he said bad turn to me and sat again and ignore me and eat he's food. I hate it when he said to them that I am he's girlfriend.. but other hand I really don't want to argue with him. And I know what I did him it's fo my punishment.. so I Just didn't say anything. And eat my food.

" You know you can share with me.. it's not that we knowing each other. So your secret is safe with me you know.. " he said to me..  5min later. And here I AM thought that he will be leave me alone.. and he's right. If I am tell him that it's not that he will tell anyone.. or anything. It's will be between me and him right..

And he's doing to me to keep my mode divert so I gave to give him chance.. right.. or maybe not