

Her name is selina, Nina for short. she is the most ugliest girl in the whole school but you don't want to tell her that. she doesn't talk to people except her two best friends who can be annoying as fuck. she is sassy and rude when she wants and she hate boys. but what happen when the most handsome guy in school develop a crush on her? He is the new hottest guy in school,his name is Jason and he is a big flirt. he love women as he love his sleep. but one girl in his new school seem to catch his fancy. what happen when he discover that what he feels for her is more than want or just a simple crush? Why don't you find out what become of them in this Dearing story?.

Elena_Gold · Teenager
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7 Chs


Its been two weeks after the new boy came and they would not shut up about him, like WTF is he that handsome. guess what, even my friends fell for his looks and it seems like am the only girl who is immune to his charms or something like that

so here I am seated in my class, my pen in my hands and am trying my best not to snap it in halves, am getting irritated because they, my classmates. wouldn't keep their mouth shut about how good looking the new boy is, or how hot he is, or how.....gosh can they stop being shameless

I shut my eyes my teeth clench together in irritation and I take a deep breath in and release it. I was already getting less irritated before the son of a bitch walk in and the noise increase times ten. and that was when it happen, I snap the pen in halves and all eyes turn to me, I inhale and exhale deeply before faking a smile

"please keep your voices down" I said and everyone turn back to what they were doing and their voices kept increasing making me more irritated, have had enough. I hit my hands on the table making all eyes turn to me and I stand up glaring at all of them

"keep your voices down" I said through clench teeth

"shut up ugly" I heard someone say and I turn my head to my right side to see a tall girl,but not taller than me. with brown hair, green eyes, and a oh so beautiful face that am going to ruin, why do the principal like bringing foreigners to this school. I turn to Anita

"who is she?" I ask

"Bianca Bentley, the school bitch and a proud peacock. please give her a make over for me" Anita said and I smile walking to the girl,I sure will.

I walk to the girl's seat and slam my hand on her table making her turn to me cause she was talking to two other girls

"repeat what you said" I tell her and she stand up with a smirk on her face, then she flip her hair.

"I said, shut up ug..." she was saying before I grab her hair and hit her head hard on her table twice before pushing her Down, I sit on her stomach and punch her face

"that's for calling me names" I said and punch her again

"that's for being a proud peacock" I said and punch her again before I heard June whistle, that's my signal. I let her push me down and get on top of me, as she raise her hand to slap me

"WHAT IS GOING ON HERE?!!" the principal thundered and she quickly stand up, I stand up as tears rush down my eyes, fake tears.

"sir she started it" the girl said and the principal scoff

"she started it and you're the one on top of her huh?" he ask

"sir she..." she was saying before the principal glare at her and she shut up. pathetic. the principal turn to me

"what happened miss selina?" he ask

"I....I..she said I..." I stammer and more tears rush down my eyes, oh my am such a good actress.

"why do you people like bullying her?" he ask the class and then turn back to me

"am so sorry miss selina" he tell me before turning to the girl

"meet me in my office after lunch break" he tell her before walking away, I wipe my crocodile tears and smile at the girl

"you wouldn't say shit next time" I tell her then smirk and flip my hair before walking to my seat

"that was hot girly" Anita said and I smile and turn to June

"thanks for the signal June" I said and she nod

"your very much welcome" she said

soon it was lunch break and we gather our books before walking out of the class and walk to the cafeteria, don't be surprise the principal is a white, he came to settle in Nigeria and build this school, Royal Academy.

we took our food tray to our usual spot, the back of the cafeteria. we seat and start eating

"Nina, are you on your period?" June ask and I glare at her

"why do you ask?" I ask her

"because you have been getting unusually irritated and you gave that poor girl the beating of her life" she answer and I roll my eyes, poor my foot.

"June you know I don't like people calling me names" I said, yes am on my period and anytime am on my period you don't want to be near me cause I get easily irritated.

"see Nina if...." June was saying but stop when someone drop their tray on our table. I frown and look up to see the new boy

"can I seat with you guy?" he ask and seat, why did he even ask in the first place.

"thanks for letting me sit with you guys" he said and I roll my eyes

"no worries" Anita said

"hi" he said

"hey" he said again and June tap me making me turn to her

"he's talking to you"she tell me and I turn to him

"what do you want?" I ask and glare at him

"you" he answer

"what?" I ask

"you ask me what I want" he said

"I want you"he add and smirk and I clench my teeth in irritation

"you....." I said and stop then I glare at him

"FUCK YOU!!" I tell him before standing up and walking out of the cafeteria so that I wouldn't do something we both would regret