
Love, Annyeong

Reese's life wasn't that easy. As an heir of a mafia clan, not only does she have to protect her family, but she also lives under pressure from her father to look for a suitable life partner. It's not that she doesn't try harder, but men disappointing her. So she sticks with her goal; hunting her ultimate target for long-term revenge. She never expects to meet love on the way. Sun, a Thai man who works as a dance instructor struck her with affection and love. The problem is, Sun doesnt know who she is in real life. Can she and Sun live happily ever after?

anya_mac69 · Urban
Zu wenig Bewertungen
39 Chs

The Blind Date

Reese can't stay still. She's roaming around the room, feeling nervous as hell. She checks her phone over and over again.

Sun hasn't even texted her since morning. She tried to call him, only to reach the answering machine. She even texted him a few times but left with one tick.

Where are you, Sunny?

She slumps herself in bed, feeling like crying her eyes out. At this moment, she misses Jimin so much. That younger one is always good at making jokes, especially at this time.

"Noona...?" there's a knock on the door. Taeyang pokes his head in, with Jung In in his embrace. Reese stood up.

"I hate dad!"

"I know. But you have no choice," says Taehyung. Reese tries to take Jung In from him, but he refuses. "Your clothes might be ruined" Reese can only kiss the chubby cheek. The baby whines.

"He's here..." So ascendes from downstairs to inform them the guest is here.

A young man enters the house. He is a nice-looking man, still young. He got piercing, lots of it at both of his earlobes. His small sharp eyes and small lips make his look a bit fierce. But overall, he is a gentleman.

"Hello, I'm Mino. Kang Mino,"

"I'm Taesan. And this is my family members," Namjoon and Mino shake hands.

"I'm Taeyang. Sorry, no handshake..." Mino nods in tiny as an indicator of being polite towards Taeyang's refusal.

"She's here," says So.

Reese came down, wearing a black leather jacket with black slim-fit pants. She puts her hair in a bun, revealing her neck tattoo. With shoes in her hand, she walked towards Mino and the rest with heavy hearts and gloomy faces.

Mino couldn't help by fascinated by her beauty. He did see her picture once, at Master Kim's office. He knew Reese was a beauty, but he never expected her to be this ethereal. Her fit figure with a sassy and savage attitude complies with her beautiful face.

"Hi, I'm Mino. Nice to meet you..."

"Yeah... Yeah... We're late, let's cut to the chase!" she walks past him. Mino stutters, too slow to even react. He glances at her brothers.

They are watching him with an intimidating look. But he just smiled at them. Being the son of a mafia family, this is nothing on him. He is used to this kind of brutality.

"I'll take care of her, don't worry..."

"Curfew at 12. Don't be late," says Taesan, being strict towards the guy.

"I will. Thanks and goodnight," Mino replies before he takes a leave with Reese.

"I don't think they will last till that," says Taesan, his hand on Taeyang's shoulder. He nods as they watch them leaving the house.


Reese watches the Haiku garden behind the private room. It's a nice small garden, just the same size as the room. Her mind hadn't settled since they arrived. She didn't speak much. And Mino, on the other hand, is too immersed in her beauty. He didn't even realize how awkward she was.

"This is delicious, don't you think?" inquires Mino. Reese turns her head at that guy. He's has a good manner and delicate guy, though he looks manly and rough. But he doesn't even possess any mafia traits. He doesn't act rough, or wild. Reese agrees that this time her father chose the right person for her.

But still, he is a mafia. At least his family is a mafia. Not just a mafia, Kang's Clan is the infamous notorious mafia clan. They have a high reputation, and even the yakuza acknowledged their power.

"Can I ask you something?" asks Reese. Mino nods his head a little bit.

"What do you think about having an active mafia as a wife?" he smiles when he listens to the question. He stares at Reese, deep in her eyes.

"I don't mind at all. It's good actually!"

"What do you mean?"

"I believe only mafia can understand each other. It's hard for us to have a normal girl as a partner. No family in this world will accept someone with such a background. Especially for girls," he pours the tea into Reese's cup with full of grace. "The Mafia world is too harsh for them. That's why I told my father that I would choose to marry a mafia girl or someone from a mafia family. I don't wanna cause trouble in the future," Mino explains things in such a calm way.

Reese feels amazed by his interpretation.

"I thought you never involved in mafia business?" asks Reese.

"It's true. I have my firm. But that doesn't mean I'm denying the fact that I came from a mafia family," says Mino.

"Sorry if I'm asking a little private question.." it's Mino's turn to ask.

"Go ahead," Reese gives him a green light.

"What did you seek in a man?"

Reese suddenly smiles. She takes a moment to think. Such an interesting question, no doubt!

"Hmm.. what about you?" Reese throws the question back to him.

"Well, I've been looking for a sassy girl, savage but kind-hearted. Someone who loves her family more than herself. Someone who has a big heart and is willing to share the love with others. Not prejudice and protective,"

Reese didn't even realize he was looking at her when he described a woman of his dreams. Every single feature is all about Reese. He knew her a little bit much from Master Kim. And now that they meet each other, face to face, everything seems clear to him.

He's falling for her.

On the other hand, Reese can't help but think about Sun at this moment. He makes her feel special, even with a small and simple gesture. Sun makes her happy.

"I want someone with big ambition. Never give up no matter what. I don't care if he's not rich, as long as he loves me sincerely. I want a guy who can make me smile even for the smallest thing he does. Just like sunshine," says Reese.

"Reese, I know this might be too soon. But, can I know you a little bit more?" asks Mino.

"I believe you already knew me well enough from my dad," Reese quickly stern herself. She doesn't wanna give him any chance by the way.

"Is it nice if we can know each other more, like more than just friends?"

Reese admits Mino is good at words. But she understands well enough about these love things.

"We should leave, don't you think?" she cuts the conversation before it gets dragged too far.


There's a silent journey back home. Mino couldn't take his eyes away from Reese. But Reese on the other hand keeps thinking about Sun's wellbeing. She even curses at him for ignoring her all day.

I'll kill you, Sun, for making me anxious like this!

The car stops right in front of the house. It's not even midnight. Reese had enough of this date. She wasn't feeling much of it because in her mind she could only think about Sun. Even if Mino treats her well, she feels nothing special about it. He is a great guy, but not for her.

"Thanks for the dinner," says Reese. She snatches her clutch and is ready to hop out of the car when Mino suddenly grabs her hand. She looks at him with a puzzling mind.

"Can I have your phone number?" he asks her with a cute smile.

"Knowing my address will be enough for you. Good night," Reese pulls her hand and hops down from the car. She closes the door and walks away, never to look back again.

Mino stares at her from afar. He loves playing hard-to-get games. She puts a huge challenge on him.

"Should we leave now, sir?" Mino nods. The driver drove away from the house.

Never mind, I can always ask Master Kim for her number!