
Love, Annyeong

Reese's life wasn't that easy. As an heir of a mafia clan, not only does she have to protect her family, but she also lives under pressure from her father to look for a suitable life partner. It's not that she doesn't try harder, but men disappointing her. So she sticks with her goal; hunting her ultimate target for long-term revenge. She never expects to meet love on the way. Sun, a Thai man who works as a dance instructor struck her with affection and love. The problem is, Sun doesnt know who she is in real life. Can she and Sun live happily ever after?

anya_mac69 · Urban
Zu wenig Bewertungen
39 Chs


San: Minnie, any movement?

Jimin: Negative

San: So, everything's set?

So: Done.

He lurks around, grabs the throttle, and gets ready to rumble.

Jimin: Ouch! Fuck this branch keeps poking my ass!!

Gi: Interesting... I mean, who doesn't want to?

Jimin rolls his eyes up.

Gi: It's nature. What should you do then, cut down that mf tree??

Jimin: I can just hide in another place, maybe? Why this tree???

Gi: It's a good spot.

Jimim: Hah... Really?!

Gi: Besides, it's not anyone's fault that your bum looks spicy...

Jimin: Hyung!!!

Giggles can be heard from the receiver device.

"Guys, spare those flirtatious later," Taesan shakes his head in disbelief. Currently, he is at home with Taeyang, doing some setups for hacking and tracking. Both of them are more in tech and devices, while Gi, Jimin, So, and Reese are on the site team.

"I can't believe we missed him last week!" said Taeyang. He connects a device on his high-performance laptop, looking at the blinking red dot on the screen.

Gi: Blame someone who got distracted by some muscles...

So: Shut up, Kitty! I am not distracted! That man technically asked me to fight!

Yang: I wish I could join the site... So I can kill you...

So: Are you sure about that? With that fragile hand?

Yang: This fragile hand can choke you to death.

So: Hmmm.. More arousing than killing...

"Guys, enough of TMI... Jeez..." Taesan glares at Taeyang who checks on him. He is blushing all over his face.

Jimin: Eagle on the move! Eagle on the move!

They got back to work. Jimin inspects the house with his high-definition binoculars.

Jimin: He got both of his wings...

Gi waits in his car. It was parked just a few meters away from the front gate. The window is tinted in black, making it easy for him to take cover.

The car inside the mansion moves slowly to the main gate. Jimin needs to act fast and swiftly. Well, that's his expertise! He can blend up easily with his surroundings. With his ability, he can even be the shadow. That is why he was always assigned as a spy.

"Ouch!" Gi was startled when he heard Jimin's yelp.

Gi: Minnie! Where are you?

He stretches his neck, looking for Jimin. But at the same time, the gate has opened, and the car almost reaches out. Still, Gi can't see Jimin. That little guy better move fast or they will lose their target again today. Which means, their work might end up uncertain.

Just like last week.

Suddenly, a speedy black superbike passes right in front of the car. The bike failed to go slow, making it collide with the front side of the car. But the impact isn't severe.

The driver shoots out of the car. He gets close to the rider.

"Are you okay?" he asks. The man nods slowly stands up and brushes dirt from his jacket. He raises his arm as if he's fine. The man slowly approaches him when he sees that the rider struggles to lift his heavy superbike.

"What kinda bike is super heavy? Hey, help us will ya?" he yells at his friend who is sitting in the passenger seat. The man glares at their boss who occupies the back seat. He nods a little bit and permits him to help them. He slowly comes out of the car and helps them.

The rider pushes the bike and park it on the side of the road. Satisfied by the current situation, both of them left him as he checked if any damage had been done to the bike. The car slowly drifts from the gate.


After a few moments, Gi stops his car right in front of the gate.

"So, are you okay?"

"Yes, in one piece," the younger took off his helmet and sighed in relief. Suddenly, Jimin bursts out from the bush next to Gi's car. He immediately jumps into the car and closes the door.

"Thanks for buying some time for me. I manage to put the tracker in the most undetectable place," Jimin takes off his hoodie, puts on his glasses, and pushes the activation button, sending the signal to Taeyang.

"Good thought, So!" says Taeyang. He smiles, looking at the screen in front of Namjoon. So gives him a flirty glare. He knew he was monitored by them via CCTV in front of the target's mansion.

"One slightly scratch and I'll choke you for sure!" Namjoon threatened him.

So: I'll enjoy it as much as you do, hyung.

The man's gaze suddenly became dark and lusty. Taesan gulps as he looks at Taeyang.

"Are you ready for a rough night, hyung?"

"That's it! No more TMI!! Jeez!!" Taesan yells on the communication device. Everyone yelps at the same time. They can hear clearly how Gi is laughing savagely, more like smirking at him.

"Let's get down business, shall we?" says Taesan. Gi smirks and drives his car, leaving the scene with Jimin and So.


Reese is sitting on the bench, eyes looking at the apartment complex right in front of her. Specifically, on the third floor of the building. She stares at the unit with a smile forming on her face.

That gesture, that movement makes her amazed. The way those lips smile and laugh while talking on the phone made her heart luminance, feeling the warmth inside her gloomy life.

She studies the face attentively. The way that lips form a love shape when laughing is a unique add-on. She always loved it when someone had a unique smile.

Reese couldn't understand why she felt so close to him. They just met once and texted each other only once.

Something in him makes her feel homey.

Suddenly, her gaze drops. She feels a knot in her heart. The worry slowly eats her alive. She looks down as she slowly sheds some tears. She knew this beautiful feeling was nothing more than just a hunch. It's ephemeral.

He might run away if he knows the truth. But how can I lie to myself right now? He is the one that I want!

The image of her father suddenly pops up in her mind. Conversation between them was still attached in her mind.


"If you can't listen to me right now, what will you do when you take over this chair?!" Master Kim looked at Reese who silently sitting in front of him with an unsatisfied look.

"All I want is you to date someone within our circle, that's all! Is that too much to ask?"

"Dad, you know I will never choose some mafia to be my husband. I don't believe in that idea! Why do you keep pushing me for something that I hate?! I know how to take care of myself. I don't need another mafia in my life! I just wanna feel normal, only this once!" said Reese, looking at her old man full of anger.

"Don't be selfish, Reese! Just because you wanna feel normal, you endanger your family's safety! You should realize who you are before having some kind of fluffy dream in your brain! You are not some 30-year-old normal lady! You are an heir of a mafia family!" Master Kim emphasized the last word, so Reese could snap from her dream.

"You don't know how much I worry about you. Ever since they knew you were next in line, I feel my world just filled with threats. I can't even trust my alliance anymore. You are my weakness right now. I feel like they will somehow use you to get to me. You need a strong mafia to protect you," Master Kim added.

"I don't need protection, Dad..."

"I know you can take care of yourself so damn well, my daughter. But think of the bright side. if you marry some mafia, there will be a connection between the two groups. We can expand territory and enlarge the group!" Reese sighed when she looked at him, spreading his hand-like wings.

"That will be much easier if it's a guy who sits on that chair, Dad! We are talking about me, a lady as a leader! You put your ass at risk! My ass is at risk! Somehow, there will be a coup. And we gonna lose all of this!" said Reese. Master Kim stunted a bit.

"I don't even care about this hella mafia group. But I do care about my family," her eyes began tearily. But she quickly wiped those tears.

"I know you will fight no matter what..."

"We're not talking about my capability right now. I know I'm capable of fighting. But, it seems so easy to say than done. This position is risky. You know it too well for me to remind you, Dad! I will never put my family at risk. It's my job to protect them!" Reese grabbed her bag and almost left the room before she turned around and looked at him.

"You know what, I made up my mind. I will never get married. And if you, once again put your nose into my personal life, prepare to say goodbye to me forever. Let Gi take over the group. He is the one who fits to lead, I don't even care about all this shit!" Reese storms out from Master Kim's office.


She still gazing at the unit when her phone rings.


"Noona, wear your earpiece. We got our target and he is within your radius right now," Gi's voice brings her back to reality.

"Send me the coordinate," said Reese. She flicks her earpiece and wears it before donning her helmet and twisting the throttle, leaving the apartment at once.