
Love, Annyeong

Reese's life wasn't that easy. As an heir of a mafia clan, not only does she have to protect her family, but she also lives under pressure from her father to look for a suitable life partner. It's not that she doesn't try harder, but men disappointing her. So she sticks with her goal; hunting her ultimate target for long-term revenge. She never expects to meet love on the way. Sun, a Thai man who works as a dance instructor struck her with affection and love. The problem is, Sun doesnt know who she is in real life. Can she and Sun live happily ever after?

anya_mac69 · Urban
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39 Chs

Meet Reese

She slides off her shoes in front of the door, holding them in her hand as she walks past the aisle. The mansion is dead silent. It is already half past twelve. Everyone must be in bed by now.

It's a huge, simple mansion but feels cozy. It has a large living room, a nice chef's kitchen, and plenty of bedrooms, enough for ten people to reside in. This is where she lives with her brothers.

Little brothers.

"Noona!" A man, in his early 20s, enters the living room from the kitchen. Reese waves her hand a bit. He takes a rest next to her, with his head on the shoulder and a huge sigh coming from his pouted mouth. Reese caresses his curly hair and plays with the volume with care.

"Where's Jung In?"

"She's sleeping," says Taeyang, while yawning.

"You must be tired, Tae.."

"It's fine. Everyone is busy. Besides, Jung In is a good baby. I love taking care of her," says Taeyang.

Reese held his palm tight. She feels grateful to have such a responsible and understanding brother like him. Taking care of a baby is not an easy task. But, Taeyang has a heart like gold. He is willing to take care of Jung In, even though she's just an adopted.

Jung In is an infant that Reese adopted 8 months ago. Her late mother was a friend. When she died, no one from her relatives wanted to take care of the infant. The reason? Because her mother used to work as a stripper and had disgraced the family.

So, Reese decided to take care of Jung In. She had been through a hard time during the adoption process. But, her love for the baby is beyond that no paperwork can deny the power of motherhood inside her.

"Noona, is it over now?" asked Taeyang. Reese nodded and sighed heavily.

"That dickhead! How dare he cheat on you!" Taeyang vents out, making a fist. "I wish San Hyung could kill him!" Reese snorts and laughs.

"I hope he suffers before he dies! Burning into the fire! Taste the hell!"

"Hey, why are you being so feisty, huh?" asks Reese with a small laugh that escaped from her lips. "Calm down, okay? I'm fine. I should know this will end, soon or later," she stretches her back a bit.

"Besides, do you think he will stay after he finds out about us?" asks Reese.

Life is tough.

Even harder if you were born into a mafia family.

Worst, you are next in line.

A female heir of a mafia organization.

That's the reality that Reese can't escape.


Reese is the eldest in Kim's Clan. She is the firstborn of the first wife of Master Kim. She has two little brothers; Kim Tae-san and Kim Taeyang. Since she was young, she took a huge responsibility, taking care of not only her brothers but also her half-brother, Min Gi. His mother was Master Kim's second wife. But Reese never treats him as an outsider. Once a family stays family. No matter what.

Currently, Reese is the leader of a branch group from Kim's clan. They work as a group of contractor assassins for mafia clans. Usually, their target is the mafia too. They never take the job of killing civilians. Reese hates the idea of harming normal people. To be truth, she didn't keen so much on the mafia's business. Luckily, her brothers share the same idea. But, like they got a choice! They were born in this kind of world.

"We're home..." Taeyang quickly jumps off the sofa, running towards the front door. When he saw two men coming from the main entrance, he stopped in the middle of the aisle

"Welcome home, Hyung!" Taeyang greeted Taesan with a huge grin. However, he soon turns serious and blunt when he sees So. The man, who had freshly taken a shower before coming, gave Taeyang a sneaky glare.

"Hmm, you too!" Taeyang glares at him back. So just sneers and pokes his tongue against his right cheek.

"How is it?" they stand straight when they meet Reese who is coming from the living room.

"Everything went well. And I did manage to stop this Biggie Bunny from blowing up his head," Taesan pats the younger's shoulder.

"Why don't you just do it?! I mean, how dare he cheat on Noona! You looked nothing like Gong Yoo, more like a dead lamp! And still, you got some guts to deepen your little dicky dick in someone's cunt!" Taeyang emotionally rants out. Reese entwines her hand with Taeyang's and gives him a signal to calm down.

"Tae, no cursing in this house. Remember?" reminds Taesan. Taeyang pouts and watches his brother with a sassy look.

"Say... Any token from the attack?" asks Taeyang.

"Why, do you want his penis?" asks So with a blunt expression.

"Am I talking to you? And Hyung said no cursing in this household!" Taeyang points his index finger towards the guy.

Reese suppresses her laughter, watching these two fighting. Taeyang and So always bickering, sometimes even worse than kids. It's a normal day if they act like that.

They had known each other since they were teens. So used to work for Mr. Kim; the head of the Kim Clan. But, due to his young age, Reese persuaded her father to let So join her team instead.

To be honest, Reese worries about the boy's future. He's an orphan and needs more than just being a mafia. While the boy is working with her she sends him to school just like Taeyang and the rest of the clan. With that, he can have a good future.

But, So's loyal manner made him refuse normal life. He rather spent his life working with a person whom he called sister; noona. He is grateful for her generosity.

And, for that, he devoted his all to Reese.

Talking about the rest of the clan, she stretches her neck a bit. The house seems quite empty.

"No Jimin today?" asks Reese.

Even before Taeyang could answer her, the front door squeaks a bit. A small figure slowly steps into the house with a loud grunt.

"Ai shibal!"

"I guess he is Jim-out today..." says Taesan with a subtle voice.

I guess choosing names is a difficult task. Sometimes the name sounds good but the meaning wasnt fit the character.

anya_mac69creators' thoughts