
Love, Annyeong

Reese's life wasn't that easy. As an heir of a mafia clan, not only does she have to protect her family, but she also lives under pressure from her father to look for a suitable life partner. It's not that she doesn't try harder, but men disappointing her. So she sticks with her goal; hunting her ultimate target for long-term revenge. She never expects to meet love on the way. Sun, a Thai man who works as a dance instructor struck her with affection and love. The problem is, Sun doesnt know who she is in real life. Can she and Sun live happily ever after?

anya_mac69 · Urban
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39 Chs

Filler: Taeyang x So

Taeyang scoops some milk powder into the stainless steel anti-colic feeding bottle. Then, he mixes the milk with a lukewarm water that he already measured carefully before. He rolls the bottle between his palms, ticks the monitor book, and remarks done for the noon feeding time.

He strolls out from the kitchen only to find So dozing off on the sofa with Jung In sucking his chin.

"Oh, you must be hungry, baby," he smiles and lifts the baby into his embrace. He gives her the feeding bottle. Jung In sucks the nipple while mesmerize by her uncle's beautiful features.

Taeyang glares at So, who is probably half dying after the mission. That mission was undoubtedly tiresome, especially when he was the last call for the team.

The Spring Cleaning Team.

Taeyang swears to God, that he hates the team so much! Whenever they are on a mission, when they want to burn down everything, The Spring Cleaning Team will be the one who executes the matter and cleans the site, sparkingly.

Sounds like a housekeeping.

But in the mafia world, there's a different term for them.

Housekeeping means no trace. No trace means, no witness. No witness means...

No one is alive.

So and his team have killed hundreds of men, in various methods of killing, according to the circumstances and nature of their victims. For a normal person with empathy, that's brutal.

For others, So is a Grim Reaper.

However to Taeyang, So is just a kid who was programmed to be like that.

Jung In whines in his embrace. Taeyang quickly drifts his attention to the loveable baby. Ever since Reese assigned Taeyang to babysit Jung In, his world has been surrounded by diapers and bottles. But he won't complain because he knows the reason why his sister assigns him for that.

For that reason too, So is here to help him.


That night, it was a heavy storm. Taeyang casually went into the kitchen. He fetched a glass of water from the water dispenser.

When he turned around, he saw a person, standing in front of him in black attire. He almost yelped for help, but later he realized...

It was So.

The boy stood there, in a grim expression. He was drenched with blood all over his face. Taeyang was shocked to look at him in that state. He never saw this side of So before.

"Why aren't you taking a shower first?!" he almost scolded him. Slowly, Taeyang walked closer and closer to So. The boy was somehow in a daze. He didn't even notice Taeyang at all.

"So..." Taeyang patted So's shoulder a bit. He slowly turned his head to the side.

That's when So saw a streak of tears falling from his eyes.

"Am I a devil?" his question made Taeyang's heart break into pieces. He slowly pulled the man into his embrace and patted his shoulder.

"No. You're not...."

"Let me go. I might kill you too..."

"You won't. I trust you," Taeyang pulled away from the hug and stared deep into So's dark black eyes.


"Because they don't know you like I do," Taeyang wiped his tears from his eyes. "People might fear for something that they won't understand," he continues his sweet gestures towards So.

"Did you...?" So halted himself from continuing his words. He was too afraid to even ask Taeyang's opinion about himself.

"I have my judgment. Don't ask," said Taeyang. He grabs a clean towel from the kitchen cabinet and wipes clean So's face.

"Go and take a shower," he was about to leave when So grabbed him into a tight hug.

"Thanks, Tae..."

Taeyang could feel his trembling voice. He wasn't supposed to pamper this boy, as So is a bodyguard for the clan. But, would it be less humane if he dismissed the emotion of a 19-year-old young adult who just killed someone in his life?

Unknowingly, Taeyang's hand slowly crawled at So's back. He returned the hug with a calming gesture. The boy buried his face into Taeyang's crook and sobbed silently.

That's the first and the last time Taeyang saw So's cry. Things got easier for him later, especially after Reese officially appointed him to join their troop. So still has to kill people, but at least he knows his victim is evil.

But, slowly the man becomes heartless.

That's when their relationship becomes distant.


"Baby... Baby!" So almost jumps from the sofa when he realizes Jung In is not in his embrace anymore.

"She's here with me..." Taeyang calmly responds to him. So held a deep sigh after he saw Jung In fast asleep in Taeyang's embrace.

So sighs. Slowly, he rose from the sofa. His face is enlightened when he sees Jung In in Taeyang's embrace.

Reese's decision to assign So to help Taeyang babysit Jung In has its purpose for the boy's mental health. After the incident, Taeyang tried to talk to Reese about So.

He's too young to have such a vicious life as a mafia.

So, Reese decided to let the boy help Taeyang with Jung In, so he can have a balanced life. Killing people is not an option for him anymore unless Reese says so. Since then, So's getting much better compared to his early days as a member of the Kim Clan.

"I'll bring Jung In for a shower. Make some preparation," says Taeyang. So nods. He disappears into a nursery and when he comes back, he is wearing a duck bathrobe.

"Yarh, I mean for the baby, not you!"

"Jung In likes it when I wear this," he innocently replies to Taeyang. Taeyang almost smack his head on the wall.

"Fine! Whatever!" Taeyang walks past So when the man suddenly grabs his forearm. He draws Taeyang closer to him.

"I wear only boxers inside. Should I take it off too?"

That's when Taeyang's neck and ears feel hot.

"Pervert!" Taeyang yanks his hand from So and storms into the nursery like a thunderbolt.

Sheesh, why is this man always playing around with me?