
Love, Annyeong

Reese's life wasn't that easy. As an heir of a mafia clan, not only does she have to protect her family, but she also lives under pressure from her father to look for a suitable life partner. It's not that she doesn't try harder, but men disappointing her. So she sticks with her goal; hunting her ultimate target for long-term revenge. She never expects to meet love on the way. Sun, a Thai man who works as a dance instructor struck her with affection and love. The problem is, Sun doesnt know who she is in real life. Can she and Sun live happily ever after?

anya_mac69 · Urban
Zu wenig Bewertungen
39 Chs

A Home That I Wanna Come Back To

"Why don't you eat? Is it taste bad?" asks Sun.

"No, it looks good. But I'm not feeling like eating right now," says Reese. She is playing with the fork. That Pad Thai looks delicious, but she's too upset to eat.

"You need to take care of yourself so you can take care of your brother," Sun tries to console her. He slowly pats her arm and smiles at her.

That smile lifts her spirit a bit.

Finally, Reese decided to eat. She tries to hold the fork but she struggles a bit. Her hand is shaking so badly. Sun thought maybe Reese was still in trauma, as she did mention that her brother was having an accident this morning.

"Let me," Sun grabs the fork from her hand, picks some food, and tries to feed her.

"Open your mouth..."


"Say ah..." Sun coaxes her with his tiny cute voice. She can't help but smile open her mouth and eat the food. She chews it slowly while looking at Sun. The man actively watches her eating. He even left his food untouched.

"You should eat too..."

"I'll let you eat first," he picks up the food again and brings it up to her mouth.

"I'm not feeling like eating..." Reese whines.

"Just this one... Please..." looking at him, acting so cute and squishy makes Reese surrender. She opens her mouth again.

"Great job!" said Sun. Reese smiles, fascinated by his act.

"One more, okay?"

"Ah... You said that earlier! I had enough already!" Reese pouts.

"Just one more, last one. I promise. Say ah..." Reese had no choice but to submit. Sun's cuteness overloaded makes her heart melt. She chews the food while looking at the man.

He is so attentive and sensitive!

Sun, what are you doing to me? Why do you make me feel loved, so much? I'm supposed to hate you and ignore you. But you pull me down and deeper, closer to you...

She studies his cute small eyes and his lips that always form a little heart whenever he smiles. His smooth cheeks make her feel like wanna pinched it.

Or, maybe a kiss will do. From the cheek, down to that lips...

You pervert, Reese!

She chokes her food, coughing aloud. Sun quickly passes her some water. She sips it slowly, eyes teary and blinking.

"Slow down. Chew the food, don't just swallow it like a python," Sun pats her back slowly.

His attentiveness touches her. Reminds Reese about her mother, and stepmother. It's been a long time since she held this kind of love. It's not that her brothers didn't love her, but it's different when someone cares so much. It fills with genuine love, compassion, and trust.

Makes her feel like she wanna give the world to him.

But, she knew she couldn't do that.

If only Sun knew the truth about her.

Tears run down her cheek. She can't help but feel sad, thinking about that. Somehow she feels heavy to think about a relationship that is still in progress. But she already feels the pain of losing the love even before it happens.

She had an epiphany when a finger so slowly wiped from her cheek. Sun looks at her, deep into her eyes. The park seems silent all of a sudden. No birds chirping, no cars, not even a sound of human chattering. It feels like there's only him and her alone with the wind that blows slowly, making her hair dance.

Sun feels like he wanna protect her. He wanna be a shield just for her. He wants to paint a smile on that pretty face. He wants to make her laugh every day. He wants to make her happy and safe.

He wants her in his life. So bad.

"Reese..." Sun stutters a bit. He is battling inside, whether he wants to confess or not.


He pauses a bit.

I should think about it first. Maybe it's too early for us. And is she's gonna love me back? I am nothing. The only thing that I got is my love. Is it enough for her?

He looks at her watch. It might cost thousands of dollars. It is custom-made because it fits her wrist like it has been molded only for her to wear it. He needs to work at least a year to afford that.

"Sunny..." he jumps out of his thoughts when he hears her voice. He smiles and puts down his hand. Reese seems a little bit upset by that.

Is he... Hates me?

"Let's eat again, okay?" he picks the food again. Reese shakes her head.

"I'm full," Reese replies.

"You just ate a few. There's a lot more,"

"I'm already full, with your love..."

She bats her eyelashes, making him flutter and panic at the same time.

"You tease!" they laugh together. Reese wipes her lips and sips some water.

Well, you're not the only one who can act cute, Sun!

"Sunny, are you free tonight?" Reese suddenly asks him.

"Yes, why?"

"I heard there's a night market near your house. I never went to any night market before. Would you like to join me?" she's putting sentences carefully. She doesn't want to sound like she is asking him for a date, cause it will be awkward if he rejects her.

"Sure! I always go there for shopping,"

"Really? Then, how bout we meet in front of your apartment complex at seven?" says Reese.

"Fine with me!"

"Okay, so the date is set..."


Reese gulps. She realized that she missed the words.

"Yeah! A date. I mean, friends can date too, right? Or am I using the wrong word?" she plays coy, trying to conceal her shyness.

"No... It's... If you wanna... Call it... A date..." Sun suddenly gets blushed. His cheek is crimson red.

"Are you okay, Sunny? You look red!" Sun quickly diverts his sight.

"I'm fine! It's hot, right?" he fanning himself, acting like it's hot in this windy, gloomy noon. But he did sweat a bit because he was panicking.

"I know you look sexy when you sweat, but it must feel uncomfortable," Reese grabs some tissue and dabs his forehead. Now it's time for her to show some affection. Sun smiles sheepishly.

"Now, let me feed you... Say ah..." Sun laughs aloud, looking at her mocking him. He opens his mouth and eats.

And the sun shining back, brightening the gloomy noon, full of love.