
Love and War at the Royal Academy

All the Princes and Princesses hailing from diverse kingdoms come together to the Royal Academy to learn arts and skills in all fields that cater to their coming reign as Kings and Queens. But what’s more is the loves and marriages and wars that the relationships within the Academy spark, as princes and princesses court each other, yield to dramas and lose hold of dark secrets meant to stay cloaked. ~ Eva, the young handmaid of the castle, desperately in love with Prince Syn who had made love and promises to her, is forced to assist his sister, Princess Eldora at the Royal Academy while watching him flirt and court ladies, breaking every promise he had once made to her behind closed doors. What’s more, her life is threatened to hold the dark secrets that she shares with him. Will Eva break free and escape his clutches and see through her clouded judgement to find that Prince Dan of another Kingdom fancies to love her? And if so, will the man love her still after discovering the ugly secrets of Eva’s past that she wishes to keep hidden from him? ~ Eldora decides to woo and court Prince Dan, the most powerful she could find amongst princes at the Academy. But to her greatest dismay, the man’s eyes are stolen for an unworthy lowly servant girl, Eva who was only meant to serve her. Will jealousy push her to spill all the secrets that could potentially split any budding love? ~ Prince Dan’s gentleman, Reid, finds a curious young princess, Fiore, who seems far from royalty, despite the name she portrays. Further, there is a likeness that makes her greatly familiar. Will Reid discover the truth of how he has known her, even though Fiore, for fear of her life, flees every means of his getting close? Will he find the secrets that make her grow farther from him? ~ Emma, the wife of Physician Monto does not understand why her husband has ever been distant from her. Though their marriage is arranged, she tries everything to gain his love and showers him with every shred of respect she is capable of. But one day, to her dreaded shock, she discovers that he has had a lover before the marriage. Will Monto realise what love is true and what is false? Will he realise the true value of his innocent wife before it is too late? ~ Prince Kinser has spent all his love on a wild peasant woman from the woods in secret, but soon loses her. Though his years roll with longing to find her again and pursue her, his status of royalty forces him to enroll at the Academy and find a bride of royal blood. But what happens when he sees the woman he had loved serving there at the institution? Will his heart heed to her love or will his responsibility to make alliance with a foreign kingdom through marriage precede all feelings? ~ Come to the Royal Academy and live through the scarlet threads that connect these people within the stone walls with loves and wars and dramas to begin. ~

Niki_Christianne_7108 · Geschichte
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15 Chs

Chapter 14


Pursuits of Proposals

Prince Syncher had many princess around that he tried his charm with, and faithfully enough, it worked on quite a few of them.

Time and time again, he checked on his sister Eva, to ensure that she had Prince Dan well occupied enough that no one else would win him over as easily.

Having his sister marry the man whose Kingdom was a carnivorous beast in the war field would save the future of his own crown by leaps and bounds. Further, it was evident that most women wanted Prince Dan to take their hands in marriage.

He originally assumed it was for the power, which was a great deal of the interest of most folks present there. But many intelligent women seemed to seek him for more than that.

The man was of quiet disposition, wise yet sparing with words, but all together, he did not seem to allow his introversion from ruining any of his conversations with everyone. It seemed like he was possibly quite exposed to the peasants and others in his kingdom beyond the Castle's gates, as much as he was acquainted with battle grounds and seas.

Syncher could not comprehend what women could possibly pursue so hard, besides charm in appearance, riches and power: all of which he himself possessed greatly.

Yet, it was not entirely as easy.

Princesses seemed to know exactly what they wanted and it wasn't plainly what he had perceived.

Prince Syncher himself had his eye on a few feisty women that he could see making great brides to his future Kingdom, for their beauty and dowry. In fact, if he could, he would even marry all of them.

Or perhaps he could visit queens once he was established and crowned. He knew that being in alliance with powerful nations would bring consorts to his heel.

He was grateful that his sister took most of Prince Dan's incoming attention away, by seeming like the woman that he was to be with, and that saved most for others. There were several popular princes present there, and likewise, many princesses commanding their own sweep of audience.

Prince Syncher knew that there would be a few more arriving the next day and he wasn't sure how the sessions would roll.

He needed to inform his sister to appear as intelligent as possible in all the classes, in order to gain the undivided attention of Prince Dan.

Some princesses came by with fluttering eye lashes and as much charm as they could muster and Prince Syncher liked the attention, but he could tell that they were just there for all the shallow things they could see.

The ones who were already seeking to catch his eye did not appeal to him. It was the ones that did not pay him heed that truly piqued his interests.

There was Princess Lyla, hailing from a distant land, being poised as if she was already crowned queen, even though the year had only just begun. He liked that she looked grand, and feisty, in ensuring that most men that pursued her were still trying.

Approaching the young lady of wine coloured hair, Prince Syncher cocked one of his lopesided smiles that he knew women found charming.

"Well, if it isn't the incarnation of beauty itself walking about", he chuckled, before bowing deep to the princess and asking for her hand.

Lyla seemed to make no effort to remove her glove before placing her fingers on his, doing so as if it was merely intended for duty and none more.

There was a rush of ambition in Syncher's heart that made him sure he wanted to tame her for his sake.

"What's a lovely woman like you doing in such dull company?" Prince Syncher tried again, shrugging a shoulder towards all the men that had spoken to her, but hung around to see if they had better chances.

"Don't speak so low of yourself", Princess Lyla said, fussing her burgundy curls as she spoke.

"Oh, have no fears for that. I can show you everything you would like to see", Syncher winked, running a hand through his dusty blond hair.

"That is a tall claim I do not know if you can fulfil, Sir", said she, eyeing him for the first time in their conversation.

"The answers to your doubts, you are yet to see", said Syncher, casting a gaze over to see that his sister Eldora had wooed Prince Dan away and was making their way to the cafeteria. "Or rather, I am yet to show", he smiled.

"Is that so?" Princess Lyla replied, and the prince looked over to see why she sounded distracted, only to realise that her attention had also strayed to the fact that Prince Dan had left the scene.

It was natural that she would have liked to pursue him, but she was a woman to proud to let herself go after a man, but would merely taste an invitation and the more she sensed they were interested, the longer she would let them chase her until finally yielding.

"Quite so", Prince Syncher nodded, before withdrawing. He knew that the more he inclined to conversation, the more she would not let up. But at the same time, he needed to hook her in a way where she craved for him to come by.

And the best hook he could get, he suddenly realized:

Princess Lyla would surely see him worth more if he had many princess flocking after him and he pay attention to none.

"Is that your sister?" Princess Lyla asked.

"The one with the Prince of Antaria, yes it is her. Eldora", Prince Syncher replied, surprised that there was response.

The calm had dimmed in Princess Lyla's eyes. "I see", she said, lips tight. "Introduce me to her some time", the damsel said, and finished all means of conversation with him.

"Of course, princess", Syncher bowed, before withdrawing.

He had not expected such a turn of disposition. He wondered if Lyla would befriend him for the sake of catching Prince Dan's eye.

As he cast a gaze towards the couple heading towards the cafeteria, he saw Eva's eyes looking longingly at him and glazed over, showing for all the secrets they shared that were tugging at his conscience.
