
Love and War at the Royal Academy

All the Princes and Princesses hailing from diverse kingdoms come together to the Royal Academy to learn arts and skills in all fields that cater to their coming reign as Kings and Queens. But what’s more is the loves and marriages and wars that the relationships within the Academy spark, as princes and princesses court each other, yield to dramas and lose hold of dark secrets meant to stay cloaked. ~ Eva, the young handmaid of the castle, desperately in love with Prince Syn who had made love and promises to her, is forced to assist his sister, Princess Eldora at the Royal Academy while watching him flirt and court ladies, breaking every promise he had once made to her behind closed doors. What’s more, her life is threatened to hold the dark secrets that she shares with him. Will Eva break free and escape his clutches and see through her clouded judgement to find that Prince Dan of another Kingdom fancies to love her? And if so, will the man love her still after discovering the ugly secrets of Eva’s past that she wishes to keep hidden from him? ~ Eldora decides to woo and court Prince Dan, the most powerful she could find amongst princes at the Academy. But to her greatest dismay, the man’s eyes are stolen for an unworthy lowly servant girl, Eva who was only meant to serve her. Will jealousy push her to spill all the secrets that could potentially split any budding love? ~ Prince Dan’s gentleman, Reid, finds a curious young princess, Fiore, who seems far from royalty, despite the name she portrays. Further, there is a likeness that makes her greatly familiar. Will Reid discover the truth of how he has known her, even though Fiore, for fear of her life, flees every means of his getting close? Will he find the secrets that make her grow farther from him? ~ Emma, the wife of Physician Monto does not understand why her husband has ever been distant from her. Though their marriage is arranged, she tries everything to gain his love and showers him with every shred of respect she is capable of. But one day, to her dreaded shock, she discovers that he has had a lover before the marriage. Will Monto realise what love is true and what is false? Will he realise the true value of his innocent wife before it is too late? ~ Prince Kinser has spent all his love on a wild peasant woman from the woods in secret, but soon loses her. Though his years roll with longing to find her again and pursue her, his status of royalty forces him to enroll at the Academy and find a bride of royal blood. But what happens when he sees the woman he had loved serving there at the institution? Will his heart heed to her love or will his responsibility to make alliance with a foreign kingdom through marriage precede all feelings? ~ Come to the Royal Academy and live through the scarlet threads that connect these people within the stone walls with loves and wars and dramas to begin. ~

Niki_Christianne_7108 · Geschichte
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15 Chs

Chapter 12


Old Friends in New Company IV

Fawn was silent for one pensive moment, before she spoke: "Of course, you know that is because of your new look. Even I could scarcely tell that it was you, save your eyes. You've gained a bit of weight, and you look far healthier, quite like a true princess. And your golden hair is now orange."

Fiore sniffed, "Yes, I know that practically, it makes no sense to feel the prick for something so immaterial. But after all the fire I'm going through, stuck in a foreign land, bearing the yoke of people I scarcely know or care for, feeling trapped, all I wanted was to see a familiar face. And I have nobody, save you and he. And for a second, when he looked at me like I was just anyone else, it felt a bit hurtful, although it shouldn't." Fiore shook her head. "Maybe I'm just feeling oddly emotional for being in this place today."

"Did you talk to him for long?" Fawn asked, rather interested with the details of the encounter.

"No no, I was rushing because I was late, and I ran into him and nearly lost footing. And he saved me from the fall", there was a hot blush on her face, and she couldn't meet her friend's eyes.

"Well!" Fawn laughed and clapped her hands together gleefully.

"Anyways, the fact that he felt foreign for a second made me feel suffocated and I pushed him away and rushed here, knowing I would find you", Fiore shrugged.

"'Maybe there was more to why something so simple offended you?" the healer tried to reason.

The damsel of now orange hair nodded. "I think, over time, I have sort of fallen in love with him in some way, and now realizing that he was a vigilante who has probably saved many such women or people in general and I probably don't personally mean anything in his life save the fact that I was part of his nightly job, that thought gives me a deep ache" Fiore said, her lips twitching, like she could cry.

"Aw, dearie, don't be that way. He probably had a special eye for you, you never know", Fawn comforted her friend, even though she could scarcely feel her own words sounding any but viable. Then, her curiosity got the better of her. "But how did you know it was him? Without mask?"

A shy smile tugged at the side of Fiore's lips as her eyes glazed, like she was taken back by memories to a warm time in her life. "He would visit very frequently. He'd sometimes stay from late night until dawn, till shortly when you would come by. And one such time, when he was sleeping, his mask had slid off. And I saw who he truly was behind the mysterious gear. At night, when he assumed I was fast asleep, he'd be there, seated on the window's sill and I'd see his face glowing from moonlight when he took his mask off. And he hasn't changed a single bit since then."

"He must have been quite upset then to find you gone. Imagine a vigilante whose business is at night, staying with a damsel to keep her safe instead of being up and about to save the rest of the Kingdom", Fawn pointed out.

"I don't know if he was there for me or as part of his watch", Fiore said. "The thing is, I was saved from a Brothel. The owner took off as soon as the vigilantes struck the place and the whole building was destroyed. Most of them fled the sight and since I was new there, I was pretty much naïve. I had only been kidnapped that very evening and taken there to the brothel. The owner had sent me threats a few days later, saying I had brought the vigilantes upon us, and he would get his revenge. I suspect the vigilante stayed by my side night after night, waiting to trap the man if he ever showed up."

Fawn nodded. It made sense to her. "Is that why you decided to start a new life in a new kingdom?"

Fiore gave her a sad smile, "Yes. I was also scared, apart from the guilt of living off the vigilante's money and kindness, that I'd be completely defenceless, should he ever leave."

"I see", Fawn nodded. "But why do you think he is here? At the Royal Academy?"

"Since he is from the Kingdom of Antaria, the only chance is as Prince Dan's escort. But that sounds far too prestigious and far fetched. Perhaps he came in company as a porter? Maybe he will leave today? I don't even know, Fawn", Fiore sighed, seeming like she had best decided not to feed herself high hopes.

"Why do you feel so low about it? Perhaps he really is the Prince's steward? Out of some odd luck! And maybe you might spark good company with him? Possibly even a romance?" Fawn gave her friend a wink.

"But come on, my dear, how could I possibly? My mission here is to find a mate for the princess I am representing. I should best try not to fall in love. I'd be so far from blessed if this vigilante finds love in me that I so deeply want. I would be rid before a wedding can even be decided. And it would hardly be mine!" Fiore said, and Fawn understood why the damsel's hopes were so battered.

"I am guessing the assassin will be paying close watch on your every move as well. So unless this vigilante is a prince with the option of coming to your new kingdom, there's no scope for his courting you?" Fawn asked.

"It is precisely so. And since only Prince Dan is the sole heir to Antaria's throne, I am certain this vigilante has no means of being a prospect to this new princess that I am", Fiore sighed.

"So what is the name you go by?" Fawn asked.

"You may need to call me Meylinn henceforth", said Fiore, giving her friend a tight smile.

"Princess Meylinn. That is her name?" the healer confirmed.
