


The alarm clock rang furiously, the metallic bells on top of the clock shaking vigrously like a balloon threatening to explode and as every second flew past, it made more noise like a wounded and hungry lion who just lost an enterprising prey causing the whole room to vibrate in harmony with the sound it made just like immature dancers dancing to the tune of a music with different styles in a circus, despite the political parade going on in the room a clink clink gentle sound of plastic slippers caressing the marble floor seemed to have added to the noise followed by a yawn and abrupt ceasing of the noise.

The electric bulb turned on revealing a slim figure in a robe like night gown walking sleepily to a corner of the bed searching for book which is revealed to be her diary, scribbled something on it and tossed it aside.

"Irene!, Irene!!!" She called frantically then impatiently "IRENE!!!!!!!!!!"

"Yes ma'am" a feminine voice answered from the other side.

"Come to my room, right this moment " she said authoratively

"A-wright" came a sleepy mumble, Irene is revealed to be Brianna's maid , is an average sized woma