
Love and Magic: The Gen Zequel

will add this soon.

totallycutiee_ · Fantasie
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47 Chs

chapter 40: confession & quitting

[ i apologize if there would be any errors ( grammars, spellings and such more ). ]

[A/N: Play "Favorite crime" by Olivia Rodrigo for the following part.]


"Sure, what's up?" I asked as I frowned then he let out a deep sigh.

"I've been wanting to tell you this for a long time already but I just couldn't find the right time until the day we reveal ourselves to each other." Zane said as he looked at me then I did my confused face.

"Hold on, a-are we actually revealing ourselves to each other..today?" I nervously asked.

"Y-Yeah, that's why Travis sent us the portal notification." He replied then I slowly nodded.

"But anyway, I hope nothing will change between us both after this. I just need to let it all out before it's too late." He continued as I did my confused face then he let out another deep sigh.

"I-I like you. I really like you, Avior." He said then I frowned.

"Not as friends, not as users or as a team member, but more than friends. I-I realized that feeling back on our first day. I knew from that moment that I am falling for you. I-I am gay and I am not ashame of it."

Damn it. What should I say? How can I tell him that I am in love with the lady of my dreams? How can I tell him in a way that it won't offend him? Am I a bad person once I reject him? What does he see in me that makes him fall in love with me? Am I really that flirty or kind to others? Too many questions to ask but the problem is only I can answer those. I just don't know how especially when this is the first time someone confessed their feelings to me like that.

"Z-Zane, I.." I said as I looked down then he pulled me in for a kiss and before his lips touched mine, I pushed him back.

"I-I'm sorry, I swear. It's just—ugh, how can I say this?" I nervously asked as he looked at me with a frown.

"Look, you don't have to hide that you're straight. I understand that Avior-" He said as he sighed then I cutted him off.

"N-No, I mean—yes, I am a-actually. But, the thing is.." I nervously said as I started shaking.

"It's reveal day for the users, isn't it? And you know, I hate facing consequences." I asked as I stood up infront of him and he slowly nodded in confusion.

"I think it's best that I will reveal myself then I'll tell you my personal life, so i-it will respond to your c-confession." I continued as I sighed.

"By the power of..Magicia, I ask to transform me back as Rafael." I said then I closed my eyes as I detransformed.

Zane gasped as he saw the real me, my secret identity, the person behind Avior. I let out a deep sigh as I looked at him.

"Here I am Zane, my name is Rafael McAdams and I had no choice but to do this, I didn't want to hurt you like that because you are such an amazing person. And since I am already detransformed, I-I think it's best to tell you this right away." I said as I looked down.

"I-I am in love with someone in the real world and h-her name is Heather Vespaire. I-I am really sorry Zane, I didn't want to hurt you feelings like that, I promise." I continued.

"It's okay, I understand but you still have something else to know." He said as he stood up then I did my confused face.

As he was supposed to talk, Lauren interrupted him from behind as they walked towards us.

"Hey every—Oh my Rafael, y-you're-" Lauren said as she gasped.

"Detransformed, I-I know, Lauren." I said as I sighed and they arrived to where Zane and I are.

"Zane-" Travis said as he sighed then Zane cutted him off.

"I understand, don't worry. Can we please make this quick? I-I still have something to do back in the real world." Zane said as he sniffled and I worriedly looked at him.

"A-Actually, Travis and I have decided to let you two head back to the real world since Gemini hasn't showed up. W-We can still do the reveal anytime soon if you want." Lauren nervously said.

"Whenever that is, I won't be joining. I-I am very busy these days. Please send me a portal notification right away as I head to my mission room." Zane said as he turned at us then he slowly walked away and left.

"I-I should be heading to my mission room as well, see you soon Lauren and Travis!" I said as I waved at them then they waved back and I left to my mission room.

After entering the portal and arriving back to the real world, I looked down as I head back to my plane seat then I noticed that Heather wasn't in there and I sat down as I checked my phone. There I saw Maria's text messages through her parallel universe app. I looked around and noticed that most of the passengers are asleep so I pressed my ring.

"I'm really sorry I took a long time, I was-" I said as my surroundings turned into black then Maria cutted me off.

"I am not in the mood to hear any excuses today Mister but if you do wanna make it up for me, I suggest you press the portal notification I will be sending to you to the Devilio portal right away. My son and his wife are in here together with me, planning on our last battle with the Magicia team." Maria said as she scoffed.

"A-About that, I was thinking of not joining on whatever you discussed with your family since I am heading to New York City for a bit and I want some human being time, not as a villain just for now." I said.

"So, you're bailing on me because of your stupid trip you are heading to? Don't you forget that you need money for it." She said in an evil tone.

"Let's say I want to take a break with this whole villain stuff after everything I did for you for the past month, Maria." I said as I glared.

"Rafael McAdams, this will be the last time I will tell you this, okay? Whenever you do what I asked you to, obey me or else you will face your nightmares." She said in anger then I growled.

"You know what, Maria? Maybe Juliet was right all this time and it's a good thing that I finally come to my senses that I will end everything we are dealing with. I joined and helped you through the plans and battle because I thought it would be a good thing for my financial problems but I was wrong. I don't want to be pure evil, I don't want to be a betrayal to the Magicia team, I wanna be good and I wanna live my life to the fullest together with my family and Heather. Oh, and if you dare contacting to me ever again, it won't happen because I will destroy your precious Devilio ring and all the evil you have will be over." I said in anger as she gasped.

"You'll regret everything you said, Rafael McAdams. I'll assure you that one day you will beg to me to be back in the Devilio team because you have no more money to provide your needs and once you do, Heather and your family will began to question you all about it." Maria said in an evil tone then she did an evil laugh.

"I can take care of my financial problems all by myself Maria, you'll see. It was not-so-great to work with you. Goodluck in achieving your stupid plan that won't even work." I said as I evilly smirked then I removed my fingers from the ring.

I immediately stood up as I bumped into Heather who is looking down.

"Oh my, I'm really sorry Heather." I apologized as we looked at each other.

She looked different, it looks like she was crying. My poor Heather, who hurted your genuine heart?

"D-Do you wanna talk about it?" I asked.

"What do you mean?" Heather asked as she frowned.

"You know what I mean." I replied then she looked down.

"Good day passengers, please be reminded take a seat and keep your seatbelts on. Thank you very much." The flight attendant said as Heather and I walked back to our seats and sat down.

Great, now when its my only chance to destroy the ring, we are said to be seated on our seats but I couldn't bare and look at Heather. I really want to ask her what is going on, but it felt like she didn't want to talk to me about it. But, I cannot just sit right next to her and leave her all sad like that.

"You know, whenever I feel sad, I watch my childhood movie called '13 Going On 30'. Once I am in the middle of watching it, I forget all of my problems and situations I am dealing with then I feel better." I said as I looked at her, frowning and facing to the window.

"Since we still have enough time before we arrive to New York, why don't we watch it.. together?" I asked as I continued then she slowly looked back at me.

"We can do that." She replied as she smiled.

"Alright, sure. Let me just grab my phone and let's start watching, okay?" I nervously said then she nodded.


While Rafael was on the Magicia portal with Zane/Jonathan

I slowly opened my eyes then I noticed Rafael wasn't next to me. Suddenly, I remembered to get in contact with Juliet. So, I stood up and head to the ladies' restroom then I pressed my earrings.

"Juliet? Are you still in there? Please answer me." I said as I closed the restroom door.

Suddenly, my phone rang as I removed my fingers from my earrings then I answered the call.

"Hello?" I said as I frowned.

"Heather, it's me Juliet. Look, I know you are still mad at me after what happened yesterday which is why I'm truly sorry and I am glad that I finally got to communicate with you because you and I have some serious stuff to talk about." Juliet said.

"N-No, actually, I should be the one who must apologize. I-I just figured out that you and I were supposed to be twins back in your time, but didn't happen at all then I was given a second chance to live which is why you chose me to handle your second life and here we are right now." I said as I sighed.

"So, your parents told you then?" She asked.

"Yes and I am really sorry for everything, Juliet." I replied.

"No worries Heather, besides like I said, we have other things to discuss with which is really important." She said.

"I'm listening." I said.

"Remember when I told you before that you will lose your memories in the next 24 hours right after the users' reveal?" She asked.

"Please don't tell me the reveal happened while I was asleep. Because if it did, I swear I had no idea about it." I panickedly said then she cutted me off.

"So, that's why your time changed into 12 hours instead of 23 hours before you lose your memories." She said then I gasped.

~ mj <3