
Love and Life in War

It's about a girl who went to study abroad to chase her dream, finds her love, her hopes to live, finds her new life, her responsibilities. What happens when she falls in love, in situations where she has to face war, face fight, holding a little hope of being alive , when there’s no hopes of getting out alive , will she choose her love or life? Will they be together forever? Will their love be forever? ———————————————————————————————————————————————————————— Hana falls in love with Ivan. They are from different countries, having different cultures and language. The war brings them closer, they come to know about each others true self . They fall for each other deeply. They know nobody can replace the other person in their heart. But their destiny has something else waiting for them. ———————————————————————————————————————————————————————— A young lady around late 20's, standing still , holding a bouquet of flowers , wearing a beautiful dress about knee length long which reminds of early spring . Her dress is as yellow as marigold flower while she is standing in large area filled with greenery with little bushes, small floral plants ,and grass spread like velvet bed sheet on heaven, making the scene look like princess waiting for prince on heaven gate. She turns back as she hears some noise, the person gives her the wooden box and says “Some people who are loved always live forever”. She remembers him…her past…everything…her life…her love…the war…separation…death…

Erica02 · Teenager
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6 Chs

Chapter 1: New Beginning

Hana gets down of bus along with her friends, leaving a deep breath. It's been a long and tired journey of flight and then longer journey in bus. Hana is standing in-front of a tall building, along with her some friends. It's chilly winter morning, yet very beautiful. Even though it's early winter temperature has been dropped gradually being around 9°c to 10°c. Everyone feels very cold due to sitting long hours in bus containing heaters. Sudden change in temperature has brought shivers and chills down in their body. But there's lots of warmth in their heart. It's a warmth of happiness. Happiness and excitement of going to new college, new place, new people, new environment and mainly new country.

Hana sees everything around her like new world, her eyes are filled with bright ness of excitement, light of joy, sparkle of happiness. She says "finally we have reached our destination after long journey".

There comes Anne after taking down her luggage from bus and arranging her luggage along with others luggage standing in front of the building beside Hana exaggerating "oh my god, it's so cold here, how am I going to survive in such a cold place, I can't believe I have chosen such a wonderful place for studying, it's so beautiful I am gonna tell my parents how good this place is".

She blurted out everything at once, she couldn't control her excitement of coming to another country.

" Ya, I know it's very cold in early winter, I can't even imagine how cold will it be deep winter, I hope we can survive our first winter here, I have heard that most of the times temperature even drops below -20°C, but still I'm very excited for my first snowfall of my life" Hana says while shivering down.

Her skin is filled with goosebumps but she doesn't know it its due to the cold or her excitement. It's her first time facing such a cold weather as she is from south of country which is almost in topographical region, which has always warm & hot climate.

Even though Hana and Anne are from same country but Anne lives in northern part of country as its somewhat in temperate region she is used to cold climate, it also snows sometimes maybe once a year or once per two years.

For Hana everything seems to be new she is like a kid who is seeing world for first time with eyes filled with excitement and glitter of hope.

But this excitement was being dragged down by cold weather and chilly winds making them unable to stand longer outside the building. Now they can't wait to go in the building.

As the time passes while waiting the registration process for the hostel begins.

"Hana when the hell are we going to go inside, I can't wait any longer here" Anne asks being irritated by long wait.

"I don't know" Hana replies seeing the queue ahed of them "I hope we both can get same room, we can be roommates".

"Oh my god I didn't even think about it yet, what happens if we don't get the same room, I can't imagine living with unknown person , I pray to god that we can be roommates". Anne starts blabbering being panicked .

She rotates her head and sees around if she can get any good roommate, to her disappointment every one were standing forming groups so they can be roommates together. This has become such a troublesome issue for Anne to find a new roommate of her interest.

Her eyes returned to Hana when she laughed hysterically.

"Anne, what do you mean by that , do you really not want to stay with me, even I was unknown to you before some hours ago" .

"Oh, you were unknown to me before some hours but now you are my such a good friend, how can you laugh on me, I just want someone good to be our roommate, our roommate do you understand? OUR -I mean, us- both together will stay in one room, do you understand?" Anne makes sulking face while saying this.

" C'mon Anne don't sulk, ok? We all will be good friends in future obviously we are going to get great roommate". Hana replies while calming her down.

Now its turn for them to register. After the registration they get to know their hostel no. And room no. They get hostel no.1 . They get 4th floor on dormitory.

"Can we get another room at lower floors? This is really not fair, even though we stood earlier in queue" both Hana and Anne asked together hoping they would get lower floors. Who doesn't want lower floors in their hostels?

The lady who had been sitting there for the purpose of registration gave them a look of unbelievable expression says "This is better as we have 12 floors in the dorm, compared to the building, this floor is like almost lower floor". Seeing disappointed face of young girls she asks "Do you really not want it? Ok then, you can wait till you get 12th floor".

"Humph…arrogant old lady, what does she thinks of herself ha…wants to send us to the 12th floor" Anne growled irritated by the lady's reply.

Finally they were happy to have their room key, moving from registration room to hostel building, now they were waiting on the ground floor for the lift to arrive imagining how their room will be, there were lot of things waiting for them ahed this was just their beginning.
