
Love and Lies / chapter one

My whole life seemed sorted out for me. Sorted out by my mom. And I've never minded my mom being strict, or having a bunch of rules I'd have to follow, because that's what I grew up with. But when the tall boy with tattoos, piercings and diamond blue eyes moved in next to me, my whole life changed. And I don't know how, or why, but somehow I managed to fall in love with him

I take one last glance of my outfit in the mirror, before heading downstairs. I'm wearing my short brown-ish skirt, and a white tank top. My hair is in a messy bun, which isn't perfect despite how much effort I put into it, but I like my hair this way, and as I'm going down the stairs I put on my favorite necklace.

"Hey mom," I say when I reach the kitchen, where my mom is standing by the counter with a cup of coffee in her hand. "I'm going out with Brook and Tristan. Is that okay?" I say, hoping for a yes, but expecting a no. But she seems happy right now, so maybe this was just the right time for asking.

"Of course sweetheart. Go have some fun." she says to my surprise. I exit the kitchen, grab my denim jacket and phone and am about to leave, when I hear my mom calling my name.

"Elena! Will you please come in here?" Oh gosh. I knew she had something to say. And I just told her that I was gonna go out with Brook and Tristan, the only friends of mine I actually like to hang out with, so it's going to be her typical questions like; "Is there gonna be anyone else?", "Are you going to drink?" or "Please do me a favor, and remember to use protection." And she's gonna get my typical answers; "No", "No" and "Seriously, mom? I'm not that stupid." But when I enter the kitchen again, my mom seems even happier than before, maybe even excited. "I have some good news."

"Okay…? Tell me the good news then."

"We're getting new neighbors." She says in a really high pitched voice. Of course she's excited about that. She gets excited every time someone new moves in. The last five families who lived in that house, have either been an old couple, a family with way too many kids, or a couple who actually couldn't afford to live there. So it wouldn't surprise me if the new ones were one of those three things.

"Okay," my reaction is the same as all the other times she said those words. I don't care. "Can I go out now?" I ask, and take a few steps closer to the front door.

"Elena wait, I'm not done yet."

"Mom, I don't care about getting new neighbors. It's the same type of people every single time, and I just want to go out with my friends. So please just-" I'm talking way too fast, and I'm not sure if my mom even hears everything that I'm saying, but before I get to finish my sentence, I'm interrupted by her.

"I heard there's a boy." She says, and I stop talking. A boy? He has to be around my age, otherwise she wouldn't say it. I stand completely still for a few seconds.

Unsure what to do, I give her a quick 'okay', and she looks a little shocked about my answer. I may look like I don't care on the outside, but really, my heart is beating so fast, that you would think I just ran a marathon. A boy. Finally. This is the day I've been waiting for since I was thirteen. But I refuse to show my excitement. At least to my mom.