
Episode 9

Chapter 9: Official student.

After the encounter with Larisa, I ran back as fast as I could to reach the academy. There are only a few minutes left before the allotted time is fully consumed. My hands clenched around the small fist in my hands as if my life depended on it. I also can’t stop laughing while running. My heart is full of hope and I am truly ecstatic because of what happened. Who would have believed that the woman I thought was a man and that I saved from the Cerberus is actually Larisa? I made a wise choice.

I enter the large door of the hall where we are all called to gather. Several students are back and the area is filled with murmuring noises. Most of them are talking about their task and how difficult it was. I scanned the area and tried to look for Raven but not a single trace of him could be found. I continued searching but I still haven’t found him.

'Where did he go? Is he not finished with his task?’

I pouted when I realized he was not here. His face was smeared with horror earlier. Maybe his task is difficult? I just hope he is fine and well. I didn't have the chance to ask him earlier about his task because he disappeared and left me without even saying anything.

“One minute left before we close the door,” a voice announced, our Senior. In a state of nervousness, my heart started beating loudly. I am hoping Raven will make it. Just where is he?

I put my attention on the main entrance and tried to wait for Raven. Although several seconds have passed, there is still no sign of him. While I am distracted, our Senior announces that time is up so ring the bell. I frowned at what I heard. Will Raven make it on time? I do hope so. I looked back at the large door and still hoped that he would appear before they finally closed the door. The Seniors were about to close the door when I saw the image of Raven. His hair is disheveled and he looks stressed out. He rushed inside and ran in my direction. He stopped at my side and I realized he was catching his breath. He probably ran at the top of his lungs just to make it on time.

I smiled widely and raised my right hand. I slap his back because of the joy I am feeling. “Yay! I thought you wouldn’t make it, so I was overjoyed." I was thrilled that we both made it. I was starting to lose hope earlier but luckily, I stumbled upon Larisa.

He turned to stare at me and sneered. “I won’t,” he replied while still catching his breath. I guess it's a difficult task to make him look like this. He looks like he was chased by a large number of dogs. I giggled at my thought but I immediately stopped when the senior spoke.

“Alright. Since it’s time, let me see if everyone completed their task.” The Senior announced. Geez. That jerk! He is the main reason why I almost didn’t make it. Larisa said he intentionally gave me that task for me to get expelled. Hemp!

“Bring the symbol of your finished task here in front of us to see. For those who failed, you all know the drill,” he said while a wicked grin was plastered on his face. There's no doubt that he loves torturing every student. What a pain in the neck he is.

I drew my attention to Raven and turned to look at him. “Hey, did you complete your task?” I asked him. He is still panting but unlike earlier, he is a bit relaxed now. He is still gaining back his composure and energy.

My eyes were filled with sadness when he met mine. It isn’t as lively as it used to be. Wait. Don’t tell me-


My eyes widened at his answer. I blinked several times and waited for him to change his answer. I am hoping this is all a joke and not real. But unfortunately, he did not speak and I opened my mouth to ask him.

“Why? Is it that hard for you to not accomplish it?”

He just shrugged his shoulders and looked in front. “Kind of. But it’s fine," he answered. His tone is serious and not a single trace of a joke is present. “But walking in the frozen lake is just a piece of cake for me," he continued in a disdainful manner.

I made a moue. It's so amusing to watch this scoundrel. Hayyy. I wonder what his task is. What prevented him from accomplishing it? He does not look weak, so why didn't he? But whatever it is, even if he loses, I will not leave him all alone since he is my first friend.

Raven glanced back at me and said, "How about you? Did you finish it?”

I look at him and my lips curl into a huge grin. My heart is still filled with intense joy because of what happened. Perhaps the universe wants me to become an official student of the academy? Oh well, that’s great! At least I have the chance now to look for my savior! Plus, my life won’t be at risk.

“God spared me today,” I answered enthusiastically which made him laugh. I pouted at his expression. This scoundrel is really annoying at times!

The students started walking in front to show the seniors what they had accomplished. Some are happy, while others are not. I also realized that half of the student population did not make it which includes Raven. As I mentioned earlier, I am the last one to call. I darted in front and saw that our Senior was smirking at me. Geez. Why is he looking at me like that? He looks definitely weird. Perhaps what Larisa said is right? That he hates me? But why? I haven’t done anything wrong to him.

I breathed a sigh and clutched the small knife in my hands. When I reached Zhou’s location, he was still smirking and throwing me some sharp glances.

“So, tell us. Did you finish your task?" His voice sounded like he was confident that I wouldn't. It is really a great thing that luck is with me and that God blessed me today. I giggled but immediately stopped when I realized he was throwing me some daggers. There is no point in laughing in front of this man or he might punish me again for no reason.

I extended both of my arms to show him the small knife which solely belongs to Larisa. Her name is also engraved on it which proves it is her belonging. His brows furrowed when I showed him the small weapon. He looks astonished and in pain at the same time. He did not even utter a word. He just clenched his jaw so I put the knife in my bag and took my leave.

While I was on my way back to my line, I saw Raven give me a thumbs up using his left hand and wink at me. It made me giggle as I was walking back to my place. “Not bad softie,” he complimented.

We shared a few conversations about my task. After that, the Senior ordered those who failed to accomplish their task to get naked and dip themselves in the frozen lake. I pity those who did not make it. I also closed my eyes as I saw them do it. It looks painful.

“F*ck. I didn’t know it can make my body freeze like hell,” Raven muttered while covering himself with a thick blanket and snorting. He is also shivering like a drenched puppy. As he lay down on the bed, I put charcoal on the pot and lit it. I needed to make something to keep us warm.

"Aiyyaa¬, stop talking and just get warm and go to sleep," I told him right away as I walked to my bed. I lay down and feel the soft mattress. This sleepy state is the result of a strenuous task. I feel so exhausted and I just wanted to rest and sleep so badly. I heard Raven call my name but I felt so sleepy so I didn’t respond and just drifted off to sleep.