
Episode 8

Chapter 8: Larisa.

“Mother, where are we going?” I heard Snow White ask while we were walking somewhere as we searched for someone named Larisa. She is probably curious because I just kept on walking. I’ve been like this for several minutes already. I don’t have any idea as to where to find her. I tried asking for Raven’s help but he suddenly disappeared. That demon boy is surely a pain in the neck! He said I could lean on him but he is nowhere to be found!

I don’t have anyone to ask who Larisa is. The seniors won’t even tell me who she is or what she looks like. I might only receive a punishment similar to the one they gave me earlier. I pouted at what was happening. How am I supposed to search for someone I don’t even know?

I put my attention back on Snow White and took a deep breath before finally answering her question. “I don’t know,” I replied. Where on this Earth will I find Larisa? Only a few minutes left and I still haven’t found her. "Why is it so difficult to become an official student?” I questioned and pouted. In the open area, I kicked on scattered pebbles. My mind is preoccupied with some thoughts about the challenge. Will this end my journey here? I still haven’t found my savior and repaid him but it looks like I’ll be expelled from school. And also, the punishment. It is way too much. They will know I am a woman if I take off my clothes in front of them.

Argh! Is this the end of my life?

“Aiyaa~ mother, don’t be upset. We will surely find her.”

I ignored Snow White when someone caught my attention. Not too far away is a man wearing silver armor. He is fighting against a wild beast that is twice the size of his size. The monster caught my attention and my eyes widened when I realized who it was. Oh, my goodness! It’s the same beast who almost killed me and I think his name is Cerberus. I cannot forget how big his claws and fangs are. He is also strong and almost killed me. "What should I do?" I asked myself, wondering whether or not to assist him.

I bit my lower lip and thought of all the possibilities that might happen if I ever rescue him. First, the beast might attack me. Second, he might bite me! Yikes! I could lose my life if I came to save him! I don’t want to die!

But, the soldier looks injured. It appears that he has several wounds on his body that have caused him to lose his lower hand. If I don't help him, he might die. Oh geez!

And here I am, seeing myself running towards the beast and the soldier. I just couldn’t let someone die. It will probably disturb my conscience. I scanned Cerberus and I saw an old wound on his body. It is still not healed and will surely hurt if targeted. They did not notice me and the beast is trying to bite the male soldier. He can aim for his neck but the beast is not hurting him. Perhaps he doesn’t have any intention of killing the man. Maybe he is just triggered by the wounds on his body and is threatened by the appearance of the man. My savior probably gave him the trauma because of their encounter.

I took the opportunity to get closer to the wild beast. I opened my bag and took something. It is a small rounded container that contains medicine that can calm the nerves of the beast. It won’t heal him completely but at least it can calm his pain. He is probably suffering because of the wound.

I honestly don’t know what has gotten into me. I was definitely terrified of this beast before. I even wished I had never crossed paths with him, but look at what I am doing now. I am risking my life just to put this medicine on him to try and help both him and the soldier. I was able to get near him and I sprinkled the powder on his wound. The medicine immediately acted up and it slowly calmed him down. The beast noticed this and it spared me a glance. I put a smile on my face despite the fact that he might eat me alive.

Although I'm sure he's not as terrible as I think he is.

I can feel his hot breath against my face and I can see his sharp saber tooth-like fangs. I can definitely behead myself with one snap of it since it still looks just as deadly as before. I make a sad face.

I don't know what has gotten into me but I extended my right arm and started caressing his fur. It’s soft. I did not expect it to be that texture. “It’s fine. You don’t have to worry. You’ll be fine.” This time, I gave him a sincere smile to put him at ease and reassure him. I can feel his tensed muscles relax. He growled and nodded his head. He takes several steps back and releases the male soldier. He ran away right after. I stared at his retreating form and I exhaled when he was nowhere to be seen. I’ve been holding my breath ever since I reached both of their locations.

I put on a victorious smile and raise my hand. I almost couldn’t breathe and it almost took my breath away. My Pops once said I can communicate with any kind of beast and I can heal them. I might be a lifesaver for the demons. But I never tried it once. Only this night did I attempt this ability, putting my life at risk. But I guess it’s worth the hassle. Saving a life is really fulfilling.

But where did I even find the courage to touch and caress him? I don’t know. Weird. There’s something inside that is urging me to do it so I did.

I was distracted by the voice of the man who said, "Thank you for saving me." But it wasn't what I was expecting. My eyes widened when I realized that the soldier was a woman! I thought he is of the opposite gender but I guess I’m wrong. Wow. My eyes drifted to her wounded arm. I gasped when I saw it and I searched my bag for suitable medicine. I grab a square container and abruptly go near her.

“You are poisoned,” I grabbed her arm and got a small knife to cut her wound. I let her bleed to let out all the blood which has poison in it. After that, I put on some anti-rabies medicine and tore a piece from my clothes. I wrapped it around her wounded arm and tilted my head upwards to meet her eyes. She looked too stunned by my actions. Her cheeks are also tinted with red. She’s blushing and is staring at me in admiration. I am puzzled by her actions and I blinked several times at her.

"Eh, why does your face turn red?" I asked. "Are you sick?” I was about to touch her forehead but she distanced herself from me and answered, “I’m fine. Thank you. Er, what are you doing? She scanned me from head to toe, and I saw that her eyes were now filled with surprise. "You're from Blomore Academy?" she asked out of sheer shock.

This made me curve my lips into a smile and nod my head as a response to her question. “Yes. I am actually here to find Larisa.” I told her honestly and then I pouted. “But there is a problem. I don’t know where to find her. Do you know her?” I continued and asked her. At least there’s someone that I can ask freely now. I’ll be truly lucky if she happens to be acquainted with her.

She just sneered at me. “Yes. I know her personally.” She pursed her lips while trying to restrain herself from laughing at me. But despite this, she can’t stop herself from grinning. Maybe they are close friends? Then, I am lucky!

“Really? Can you bring me to her?” I held her elbow and put on a long face. I am desperate now to find her and I don’t care if I look stupid now. What’s more important now is my task. “I was assigned to ask her to be our trainer and if I don’t complete the task, I’m doomed. I might say goodbye to my head.” I sulked. I will not let this challenge beat me!

With me, she giggled and seemed to be entertained. “No. You won’t.” Yay! So she’ll help me find Larisa? That’s great! “It’s probably that jerk Zhou again. Her face turned sour at the name. "He must have given you this task to make sure you get kicked out of the academy." I think the two of them are not on good terms.

My eyes grew big. I was so surprised that she knew things this well! I clasped my hands together and stared at her. “How did you know?”

“He knows I will disagree with him. That’s the sign he hates you.”

I pouted and lowered my hands down. “You’ll disagree?” She was about to open her mouth to answer when a male soldier rushed toward us. The armor he wears makes him look bulky. “General.” He said while panting. His expression also looked serious. "Larisa, the King ordered that we investigate the demon's realm," he reported as he bowed his head and raised his hands in respect. This is what everyone does whenever they see a high-ranking immortal. Oh, so I guess she is of a high rank too.

“I got it. You may leave,” she responded and glanced at me. She handed me something she had on her sleeves. It is a small knife with her name engraved on it. It looks marvelous. “Here, show it to them and you won't lose your head. I gotta go. Thank you for saving my life once again." Taking her leave, she smiled a bit and followed her subordinate, leaving me too stunned to respond.