
Episode 5.1

I was busy reading the article when I saw Master white haired in the sky. He was on his way to our house. He will surely eat with us. Doesn’t he have any food at his house? He always eats our food while my Pops doesn’t care about this at all. He’s busy drinking his wine. All he did is to get drunk. The alias Drunken Master definitely suits him. I shook my head because of the thought.

“Kiddo! Where are you? Prepare some dishes for your uncle white haired!” Popsy shouted at me. Geez. Is he serious? Am I really the one to prepare?

I frowned. “Just let him take something there and let him cook!” I yelled back. It’s not that I don’t want to. It’s just that I am too lazy to cook for him. It is me who always prepares food for him!

“Kiddo, you hate me that much, huh?! Alright. I’m going. I will not let you sneak again in the portal. I’m going— I’m really going.” He declared while starting to turn his back to me.

I immediately got up on my feet and ran towards the direction of our house. In the corner of my eyes, I saw the master white haired victoriously smiled. He is sitting near the pond where my Pops is catching some fish.

My expression became sour and I walked into the kitchen to start cooking some food for him. I prepared a noodles and hot buns. While I was cooking the said dish, I saw a red chili powder on the counter and I grabbed it. I pour out some of the contents in the noodles as I let out some small laugh. I was even biting my lips and was careful to not make any noise that they might find suspicious. I also put some vinegar on the teapot and I carried it to the front yard near the pond. I started kneeling down when I put the tray on their table. I tried to look innocent. I don’t want to mess up with my plan.

“Here’s your food,” I said, giving him a wide smile. I made sure my smile looked sweet and adorable.

He just returned the smile to me. “You kiddo, when you need something from me, you almost sell your soul to me. But when you don’t need me, you don’t even treat me good anymore,” he scolded me. I can hear the bitterness in his voice. He even raised an eyebrow.

I put on a long face. “Aiyoo~ master white-haired, here just eat your food.” As I served his food, I placed the teacup in front of him and started pouring the vinegar-glazed tea I made for him. Of course, he doesn’t know about this and that’s what makes everything so much more interesting. Shh— I let out some soft giggles.

When I handed the tea to my master white-haired, I didn’t notice that they were watching each of my movements. “Enjoy your food, master white-haired.” I joyfully stated to him and handed my Pops some side dishes. I also gave him a drink. Of course, it wasn’t like that of the master. It’s just plain warm water. He will surely smack me in the head if I ever play a prank on him. He always hit me on the head whenever I told him a joke.

The Master white-haired was about to take a spoonful of the noodles when he caught me staring menacingly at him. This led him to put the noodles I cooked in front of me. “Have a taste of it first. Eat it.” He even threw a sweet smile. It’s like he’s signaling to me that he’s letting go of something important.

I harshly shook my head at him and gave him the bowl of noodles. “No, master white-haired. I cooked the noodles just for you. Please go ahead and eat it. Don’t be shy.”

“No. You eat first.” He ordered me.

“No, it’s for you. Master white hair, you eat.” I told him in an encouraging tone.

“No. You go ahead and eat first.” He replied.

“Aiyyaa~ you said you are hungry. You go on and eat.” I stated.

“I’m no longer hungry, so you eat it by yourself. Here—” we stopped in the midst of our argument when Pops grabbed the bowl of hot noodles and hungrily ate it by himself.

He spits out all the noodles he tried eating because of the intense spiciness it has. I put on an apologetic face and lowered my head. “Popsy…”

“Aiyoo~ are you okay? Here, has some water.”

“Ah—” I handed him a glass of water and he hurriedly snatched it from my hands. He gulped every ounce of it and made sure he didn't leave any drop behind. Unfortunately, the amount is too much which made Pops spit out again. This earned a good round of laughter from the Master white-haired.

A heavy whap was what I received when I tried to lower down both of my arms. I closed my eyes because of the stinging sensation on my arm. “Raise your arms properly. Don’t lower it down until I order you to.” My hands are raised in the thin air while I kneeled on the cold Bermuda grass. The two old men are also casually playing chess in front of me. This is the punishment for what I did earlier. I am now starting to regret the small prank I intended on doing.

“Popsy, I already said I’m sorry and one more, it’s not for you it’s—” I shut my mouth to stop myself from speaking when I saw the Master white-haired throw me a stare of a dagger.

I stayed like that for almost an hour and both of my arms are aching. My stomach is even rumbling because of hunger. I frowned as I lowered my head. Right after that moment, I didn’t notice that I had fallen asleep. If Master white-haired didn’t wake me up, I’ll probably end up sleeping up until the rise of the dazzling moon.

“Stand up,” he offered his hand to me which I immediately accepted. He helped me stand up. I traveled my gaze around the area and saw my Pops fully away in dreamland while snoring. He’s probably drunk again. Nothing new. It is a scenario I am used to seeing ever since I was a little kid.

“Your Popsy never changes. Anyway, I’m hungry. Let’s grab some food in the human world. I don’t trust your cooking and those meals you make. That may cause my early death.” I pouted because of what I heard. To be honest, I don't really know how to prepare a meal. It is my Pops who always cook for us. The two old men actually know about it. It’s just that they wanted to make fun of me! Hmp!

We rode a cloud. He made it using his magic and used to it as a way of transportation towards to the realm of humans. I enjoyed riding it. I was amazed by the nice view it offered while we were on it.

I went back to reality when Pops handed me over a bottle of his liquor. I blinked several times and fixed my sitting position. I throw him a questioning look while one of my brows is raised. This is unusual.

” Have a drink. This is the only time I’ll let you have a taste of alcohol. Drink with me.”

I nodded at him and got the bottle he was offering. I chugged on its contents and tasted the tang of the sweet liquor on my tongue. A moment of silence embraced the surroundings as I just stared at my Pops who just kept on fishing. “Kiddo,” I heard him speak. I turned towards his direction and saw him looking blankly at the pond. My cheeks are red because of the alcohol’s effect on me. My sight is even getting blurry. It is probably because I’m getting drunk. I am not used to drinking and I have a low tolerance when it comes to liquor.

I went back to resting my head on his thigh and I felt his hand is gently caressing my hair. It is giving me comfort and I am slowly drifting to sleep because of it. I sweetly smiled because of how the way my Pops comforted my entire being. My eyes closed and I savor the serenity offered by this moment.

“Everything happens for a reason. People come and go. You just need to choose the person you want to spend the rest of your life with. Choose those who can understand you well enough. The time will come when I’ll be gone too, I can’t protect you forever. You need to be brave in order to face your struggles and every battle. But also, don’t forget to rest if you have to. If it’s breaking you, take a break and fight again but never surrender. Kiddo, in this lifetime, it is only you who will accompany you. Never become too dependent on someone. Be brave and strong enough to let go. Don’t forget that.” I heard Popsy’s words before I fell asleep. Because of the too much alcohol in my system, it put me to sleep. But despite that, I can still hear every word he said and it somehow made my heart ache.

I woke up and my head pounded. It is aching and I am even dizzy. I looked around and searched for Snow White. I didn’t see her. She’s nowhere to be found. There’s also a meal prepared on the table not too far away. When I took a peek at the window, I saw my Pops playing with the little tiger. It warmed my heart and my lips slowly curved into a smile. I stood on my feet and started preparing for school. I needed to attend classes even if the Foxes loathe me. My Pops will surely scold me if I skip school again.

I went to the bathroom and started cleaning myself. I even washed my face and right after that, I changed into my uniform. I grabbed the bag placed on top of my bed and started leaving the house. As I walked outside, I greeted my Pops. “Hello, Popsy! Good morning!” I grin at him, my teeth showing because of the wide smile I have on my face.

Both him and Snow-White turn to look at me. I can see how the little tiger’s eyes sparkled. She’s probably joyful to see me awake. “Mother!” I heard her exclaim and immediately run in my direction. She leaped at me and I opened my arms wide to catch her.

“Are you going to school?” Popsy asked me and I nodded as a response. “Alright. Take care and bring your daughter with you so she can accompany you,” he told me and walked somewhere. I pouted. I looked at Snow White. “Mother!” I just hugged her and hid her in my bag. Popsy wants me to take this little tiger with me so that he’ll not be disturbed when he starts drinking again. I gently shook my head at the thought and started leaving.

As soon as I arrived in class, I noticed the noisy room. Most of them are conversing loudly with their friends and I can see they’re enjoying what they are doing. I pouted when they suddenly glared at me and stopped chatting when I walked passed them to go in my seat. They abruptly go back to what they’re doing when I settled on my chair. They hate me that much. Most of them are busy with the chit chats while I am just here, sitting all alone. I breathed a sigh and looked outside and just watched how the apple fell on the ground. Ever since I almost fell from that cliff, I never tried to make any friends anymore. The scar on my hand always reminded me of that incident and how I’ll not belong to any of them. Pops also told me to stop forcing things that are not meant to be. If they don’t like me, I shouldn’t try to fit in.

“Hayy~” I exhaled and the professor entered the room. I focused my attention on him and tried not to look bored.

He started teaching and the discussion is all about the heavenly realm. Even if I already read about that before, I still listen. Every time I will lay down on the bermuda grass at home, I will always read an article about the three dimensions which are the demon realm, human world, and last but not the least, the heavenly realm. Lots of creatures admire the heavenly realm. I guess they are really astounding. It is also one of those realms that I haven’t got the chance to explore. I will also not try to sneak into that world because the last time I tried, I almost passed out because of the intense anger Pops gave out to me. You need to use magic in order to go there. Even if I don’t know how to, I still tried.

The professor stopped his discussion when several soldiers wearing a silver armor arrived at the place. They look like they are almost ready to fight in a war. They are also with a man who wears a hat and golden fabric in his hands. I eyed them curiously. What is going on?

The professor walked towards the said man who brought tons of soldiers with him.

“The King of heaven has a decree!”

I saw how each of my classmates got on their knees as well as the soldiers and even the professor. This led me to follow them and also kneel down. I did this to avoid any commotion, even though I really have no idea of what is going on. I scratch the back of my head because of curiosity.

” We are inviting all men who are capable of joining to become a student of the Heavenly Realm. Everyone can join or enter the academy and if we see that you have the potential to become a discipline of the school, you will be given the opportunity to get a higher rank along with your family. Only the best can win the competition and he will get the spot to become the very first apprentice of the Emperor of Heaven himself. Reminder, only those of the male gender can enter the said competition. Anyone who will try to defy my rule will be sentenced to death.” The man read the contents of the golden scroll in his hands. After reading it, he rolled it and handed it over to our professor. “Please,” he added.

“Thank you, your majesty!” Everyone said in chorus and started rising.

As they are getting back to their seats, I am having different thoughts circling around my head. The word heavenly realm repeatedly rings in both of my ears. I can now freely enter the realm my Pops has forbidden me in going. I never got the chance to enter it before and now, a new door is opening up for me. My Pops always scolded me whenever he caught me traveling towards it. And also, it is the only place I still haven’t searched in finding my savior. Ah! Why have I never thought about this before? Waahh~ He definitely looks like a god and I am certain that the kind of beauty he has only existed in that realm.

I bit my lower lip to prevent myself from smiling. I also want to meet the Emperor of Heaven. He seems like a great and powerful person based on what I always read. He is known as the strongest god living in the human realm. I wanted to know more about him and I definitely admire him. It will be a huge pleasure to meet him personally. Oh my goodness! What shall I do? I can’t help but get excited with the turn of events.

But there’s a problem. Only men are allowed to enter the academy. If someone is caught breaking the decree, death is awaiting. It is truly a heavy punishment. My face became sour. After several hours, the professor held an early dismissal. Most of my male schoolmates are ecstatic about the said decree. They wanted to participate in the competition while some of the girls fantasized about seeing the heavenly realm.

I headed toward home while lost in the train of my thoughts. I walked like a living dead kicking the grass on the pathway while I’m on my way home. I am thinking of a way on how I can participate without them noticing that I am a woman. Another problem is my Popsy.

He will probably beat me to death if he knows my plan about it. Upon arriving at home, I searched for my Pops but I couldn't see any trace of him. He is probably drunk again and is sleeping somewhere else. I let out a deep sigh and took Snow White out of my bag.